Ear Infection
My mother observed that nothing used to be sufficient to stop me from crying during evening/night and this was fast becoming a pattern. Initially, she took this as a normal feature of my development process. However, one morning she found foul smelling discharge emanating from my left ear and this was enough to leave her worried. She, along with my dadee rushed me to Sethi auntie; who upon inspection found that my left ear has developed some fungal infection. Though it was not alarming, but still it needed cure and so she administered me some medicines. She told my mother to come again; which she did on 31st with my dadee and father giving us company. This time, auntie found lot of improvement and told her to continue with my medicines for one more week. Present condition is that the infection is gone and nights are again peaceful. Being a kid is always an enjoyable experience barring cases where you have pain; lack of voice ensures that you just cannot express it!