My 4th Monthly Birthday
As I had mentioned earlier, I crossed 4 months today. But, I didn't cut any cake today unlike previous 3 occasions.
Actually, my dadee was under severe back ache since yesterday; so my papa took her to doctor in the morning. But seeing no improvement in her condition, he took her to an Orthopeadician late at around 9 pm along with my chachee and Rudra bhai. The doctor gave her an injection and recommended MRI Scan of her spine....So papa took my dadee to hospital for her scans....By God's grace, everything is fine....nothing serious; some disc rupture which as per doctor usually happens because of some accidental fall or ageing. "Thank You My God, I love you for all your blessings and care upon us".
By the time my dadee, papa, chachee and Rudra bhai came back, it was already 11 pm and I was asleep......My tensed mom didn't feel like ordering cake while everyone was at the hospital; I feel she did the right thing.....
Moments after everyone started their dinner, I would wake up to go back to sleep again in next five minutes; but only after I smile at every one's fact just because of my frequent smiles, my mom has started calling me "Happy Singh".....Isn't this a nice name? But only my mom can call me that way...For others, I remain what I am -Reveda, Prisha or Umankshi......