Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mumma Is Unwell!

Fever virus is largely responsible for this long break in posting. First it was me, closely followed by my papa and now my mumma- all down with fever in quick succession- but mumma's is somewhat different than ours as she had developed some rashes yesterday. We rushed her to doctor and are now waiting for her dengue test results. I hope it comes fine as mumma has already put me off her feed- I was made to do away with it last night-forcibly by them and reluctantly by me.

Amidst all this, one crucial development was my ability to recite all the letters of English alphabet- from A to Z, thanks to youtube. And yes, I have also befriended "big green monster and scary witch". More on this later!

Monday, October 4, 2010

23rd Monthly Birthday

A day after Gandhiji's birthday, came my turn to celebrate my 23rd monthly birthday and with that I am now a month away from turning 3- bye bye toddler stage moment. As usual, we went out for family dinner at I-Kay's. I and Rudra bhai made best use of our opportunity to run around freely and un-supervised- trust me latter one is more important than anything else in our development. I-Kay's, for us is synonymous with foot tapping music-albeit originating from nearby discotheque; "Staying Alive"- and we never forget to extract our due share. Unlike previous ocassions, the discotheque was unusually silent,- no music- as everyone was busy watching CW games opening ceremony. Our four attempts at Staying Alive elicited same "we are waiting for the ceremony to get over" response. In the end, we decided to give it a miss and head home after dinner.

This post also gives me an opportunity to do some catching up as I have not posted in a while. Well, you know we visited Dehradun to celebrate my father's birthday on 23rd September. It was fun as he let me cut his b'day cake-baked at home by my dadee. We then went out for our family dinner at Black Pepper restaurant. Apart from the food and the ambience, we also loved their live band. Infact they sang one song for my papa too as soon as they came to know of his birthday courtesy my mom. Next morning, we went to Gaja to check on my papa's camp. I enjoyed it the most as my mom let me be on my own. I walked barefeet on the gravel stones (happiness was clearly visible on my face), did lot of running and also played with mud in mud. I was in no mood to come back but then we had to as my mom was supposed to visit her mom- my nanee. My nana-nanee have a pet dog- Happy- and first thing I did upon entering my nanee's home was to ask for Happy. I spent (and enjoyed) one night at my nana-nanee's, and came back home next afternoon to catch our evening train to Delhi. More updates to follow.



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