Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fever, Rudra Bhai & Me!

Rains, humidity, heat and air-conditioned room temperature is a heady-mix of potent ingredients for concocting a love potion for all sorts of infections..........well, we did manage to concoct one too........ and Fever/Throat/Cough hasn't left our home since past 3 days- first it was my dadee followed by me, Rudra hai, Santoshi didi and Shikha chachee in that order.........However, unlike our seniors, we both go back to our usual running and jumping around routine as soon as Crocin begins to act.........

Even 102F fever cannot stop my Rudra bhai from asking for a peck on his cheek......"behan ek kiss-see karo bhaiya ko" (meaning sister- give a kiss to your brother)..........He proposed and I disposed........but he was quick to retort........"aawaaz nahin aayee" (meaning there was no matching sound).......knowing what he meant, I again kissed my brother's cheeks and this time with enough muuuuuuuuuuuwaaaaaah sound...........Trust me, my brother is extremely loving and I am no less either........Consider this, I woke up at 12 in the night and started walking towards my Jeenu bhai's room.......papa asked me- "where are you going" which I replied- "Jeenu paaaas" (meaning I am going to meet Jeenu-Rudra bhai's nick).......And, I was in the room much before their hands could reach me..........My mummy-papa and dada-dadee (busy chit-chatting) couldn't stop laughing as they saw me come out nto utter in complaining voice-"sab so gaye" .......Yes, you guessed it right- Rudra bhai, chachaa and chachee were fast asleep........

Even a petty fever can't keep us separate- perhaps, reason why we both have it!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

No Blogging But A Nice Surprise!

Despite all his promises, my papa hasn't been able to update my blog for long now; owing to his pre-occupation with his new found passion-his outdoors startup- which keeps him busy in hills with no internet connectivity........He came back to Gurgaon Saturday morning after spending close to 10 days in hills......In between, he did manage to squeeze in a 5 hour quick-fire trip to Gurgaon just to meet me on 19th after he couldn't cope up with the long break from me......So, he took a flight to Delhi and reached our Gurgaon home at 4 pm to leave for Dehradun, 5 hours later by a night train .....I was fast asleep when he arrived; so my dadee told my papa to be careful not to wake me up from my sleep.......But, I had completely different plans and as soon as I heard his voice, I started smiling with closed eyes-that was more than enough for my papa not to heed to my dadee's instructions......he took "smiling" me into his lap- an act to which I reciprocated with a nice warm hug.....Soon, my Rudra bhai joined me in my father's arms- a missed photo-op but a great surprise....

With my papa back in Gurgaon, I hope that blogging will be back on track....My dada and dadee are also with us after completing their trip to Shirdi for the darshan of Bhagwan Sri Sai Baba. You know I can recognise Baba......My papa says that I am also a devotee of Baba as I always bow my head before Him whenever I see His picture or a statue.........Infact, my Rudra bhai and Ridhima didi do that as well.

I am ending this post with a video that was shot inside a pub- after I gatecrashed it - from a neighbouring restaurant we went dining for.........You can see my shadow dancing to the loud music.....And, no it isn't a video from our past gatecrashings..........So, here it comes....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I am Back!

After a brief hiatus, I am back into the blogging world.......Well, reasons for my recent break were beyond my control- I was busy doing whatever I am good at- its just that my voice- my papa- was busy wrapping up his last days in the corporate world.......Well as you know he was planning to quit the corporate world and he did exactly that on 7th July after he quit his job of a Finance Controller at NIIT Limited........Retirement????? Are you kidding???? For what?????? Well, he is trying to follow his passion or heart- tourism, adventure and training- with a development focus........Now, don't ask me about development focus- all I know is that he, along with couple of his friends is trying to promote off-beat tourist destinations amongst families, corporates and students such that the place itself comes up on the tourist map.......All along this, they plan to work towards the development of that region as well by focussing on livelihood training, environment, water conservation and organic cultivation. Big dreams, big ideas, big ambitions and a giant step that incidentally is nothing but a very small start...........I call it a giant step as he turned down a lucrative job offer few days before he was due to quit and also chose to forgo the luxury of seeing a fat pay cheque month after month.........At the same time, it is a very small step as he has a long way to go.......I can only wish him good luck and can support him in whatever way I can.........Infact, I do that already as I don't complaint to him about his lack of time- he will be touring extensively between Gaja- his chosen place of work-, Dehradun and Gurgaon.......I shall be writing more about that later......

Coming back to my blog, I know I am running behind on few of my promises- foremost one to post my pictures and videos of my bald/ganja look......Actually, my papa had to return his office laptop; besides his camera too is not working........And, if that was not enough, his phone chip, that had the recordings/images of our mundan ceremony and recent Dehradun trips is not traceable after he gave it for repairs-remember that act of mine when I threw his phone into the bucket full of water. My papa has already lambasted the shop owner for his negligence and has served him an ultimatum to return his chip by Sunday evening........I don't know why that guy did this???

Anyways, my papa has some pictures and will be posting them as soon as his camera starts working again! Let's hope, it does!

You know during past few days, I have made some giant strides in the field of my knowledge of English alphabets and colour identification........I can distinguish between various colours and can also identify the blocks for English alphabets......Not only that, I can also relate a particular English word to a matching letter of English alphabet- A for Aaapul, B for Ball, C for Caat, D for doggie, E for Phant (meaning Elephant).........

I have started going for early morning weekend walks with my mom and dadee- my dadee is visiting us as my mom had to rejoin her office, albeit for half a day during the latter half of the day- a time that I spends with my dadee, Rudra bhai and Chachee..........

Another crucial development is my new found ability to speak long sentences and also use words that are nothing but eye-paupers.......Consider this:

~ My Rudra bhai to me- "Behan meri car kahan hai" (meaning sister where is my car)- to which my reply is nothing but a terse- Maloom nahin (meaning I don't know)

~ My Rudra bhai to me (after he fails to remove his cycle stuck between sofas and a wall)- "Behan meri cycle nikaal do" (meaning, sister please help me take out my cycle).......My reply???? A bossy- "Aata hoon" (meaning I am coming)........followed by a confident walk towards the cycle....few tries and cycle is out.....I hand over the possession to my Rudra bhai and leave from the scene......( Will post this video soon)

~ I am standing tall on the bed- all set to jump but not before I say this-"Main jump maar doon" (meaning can I jump)

~ My papa is ready to leave in the morning (that was before 7th) and with a smile on my face, I ask- "Alok kahan jaa raha hai" meaning Alok, where are you going?

~ Me ordering my Rudra bhai-"Jeenu, idhar aao"- meaning Jeenu come here......Jeenu to me- "Behan aa raha hoon" (meaning sister, I am coming)

Well, you know my Rudra bhai never calls my name- he always calls me "Behan" -; on the other hand, I never call him bhai (or, brother in English) instead I call him by his name- "Jeenu'

Friday, July 2, 2010

It's Been Long time.......

...........since I posted here on my blog. Reason???? Well my papa hasn't been able to load pictures of our mundan ceremony.......But, why not????? Oh! our camera battery charger is not working; besides his phone (it had some pictures and videos as well) had to be sent for repairs after I threw it into a bucket full of water......No wonder, my Renu bua called up from Uganda to check the reasons for non-postings after she didn't find any new post on her latest blog-visit....

Coming back to life after mundan, well I didn't notice much change with few exceptions- everytime I take out my hair-clip box, I find it of no use; and tend to keep it back safely inside the dressing table......Also, I have now started using deodorant- my own alcohol free- everytime I go out......... I will keep it short for I plan to write a detailed post later.



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