Sunday, September 19, 2010

Helping Hands

Unusually wet weather in Delhi has left lot of people with stuffy and running noses; I and my Rudra bhai included therein. Although there is no dearth of helping hands but cutest of all is one of my Rudra bhai.......As he saw my running nose, he looked for my hankie and asked- "Behan nosie saaf karoon" (meaning sister-shall I clean your nose).......To which my affirmative response was best coveyed by a slight movement of my face in his direction such that his hands are able to reach my nose. And, his hands did with ease. As I felt that he wasn't fully successful in his cleaning attempt, I instructed-"Jeenu, idhar bhi saaf karo"- pointing at the spot on my nose that I felt was left uncleaned.

Well, this helping hand traffic runs both ways. Like, if I am watching rhymes on youtube, I ensure my parents don't start till Jeenu enters my room. And, our home keeps resonating with that familiar sentence-"Jeenu tauji room main aao, rhymes dekhney" (meaning Jeenu come to tauji's room, we will see rhymes)....or an act of pushing a piece of biscuit inside his mouth with that much familiar two letter sentence-"Jeenu khao" (meaning Jeenu eat this). Actually sepeaking, there are so many incidents like that.....However, none of that gets posted .......Perhaps, they have gotten used to seeing this on regular basis and don't really understand its value! Or, may be it's my papa who always misses out on this as he wants to record our conversations instead of writing about it......Recording never happens and so most of the incident remains unposted!

Well, that reminds me of another incident; we have a photo album which we see every now and then. We can identify most of the faces in that album and one such face is of Gautam chacha- my Ashu chacha's friend. For me his existence was limited to that photo album only until I saw him entering inside our home few days back.......I couldn't believe my eyes and expressions on my face kept asking a question- "how could someone come out of a photo album"........And, as soon as he extended his hands in my direction, I burst into tears....scared; very scared!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Airtel Says That.....

.......we are not living up to the norms of their fair usage policy. Guess who the cuplrit is????? These videos, played on my repeated requests several times a also check them out.....I cant upload my favourite one, though- Nanhey munney bachey teri - from movie- Boot Polish....You can copy and paste the link......

Other ones are as follows:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

School Jaana Hai.....

These days, my morning starts with seeing off my two best "school going" pals and that has led me to start demanding that I too be sent to the school. My papa feels that it is too early for me to demand that....While jury is still not out on that demand, here are some videos that he feels, bolsters his case for not sending me to the playschool. While first two are more about my developing feminine side with latter ones showing my fearless side....

Monday, September 6, 2010

22nd Monthly Birthday

I have completed 22 months on 3rd September and my mom decided to celebrate it with the usual cake cutting ceremony. My papa was present this time after missing it on two previous ocassions because of his visit to hills. However, work kept him busy till 9 pm, and we could not leave before to buy my birthday cake. By the time we did, all the bakeries were already shut; but not that of Hotel Galaxy.....So, we went in and bought a very good looking rectangular shape Swiss Cream Chocolate Honey cake.....My Rudra bhai and I was giving company to my mom while papa waited outside in his car......His wait kept getting longer and longer as I & my Rudra bhai decided to do some running inside the hotel lobby; which was later cut short by my mom who played a spoilsport by forcing us out, much against our wishes........We took no time to found another attraction- this time a wedding reception band playing music....... "mumma dancie karna hai" (mumma, I want to dance) was my next demand- I proposed and mumma disposed.....but my plan was washed away by heavy rains leaving us to no option but get inside the waiting car......Papa heaved a sigh of relief as his unending wait finally ended.......At home, I took my Rudra bhai's help to cut the cake and announce to everyone that I am a 22 month old kid now! Pictures from my 22nd monthly birthday cake cutting ceremony will have to wait as my Ashu chacha has to download them on to his computer....

Next day i.e. Saturday was spent at the school exhibition at Epicentre in Gurgaon........I visited many prospective schools, bullied some kids at some of the stalls, got a tattoo printed on my arms and also made attendants gift me some skethch pens.....Later, we went to Sandeep uncle's house for a dinner with Rajan uncle and his family........

Sunday was spent at home as my papa was away at the school exhibition......needless to say that it was very dull for me.......



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