Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cute Conversations!

Our home has become a playground for me and my Rudra you have three-tyred cars/trucks/station wagons lying here and there.....all those toys don't last more than a day and you cannot blame my Rudra bhai for that......but then this post isn't about broken cars and is about cute conversations.......and, here are some:

Scene 1- Rudra bhai is stepping out of my bedroom and going towards the drawing room.......since I don't want him to leave; a conversation follows:

Me: With my eyes widely lit up and head held high, I call for Rudra bhai.........Jeeeee-nuuuuuuuu (that's his another nick-name)

Rudra bhai: Behan main Jeenu nahin hoon, main bhaiya hoon; mujhe bhaiya bolo ( Sister, I am not Jeenu, I am your me bhai meaning brother in English).

Scene 2- I am sitting on my high chair, mom is making me eat my food while her laptop is playing out nursery rhymes- Mine and Rudra bhai's eyes are glued to the screen.

Me- Pushing my Rudra bhai off my chair, I shout at him as soon as he touches it.
Rudra bhai- Taa-yeeji (meaning Aunty for my mom), behan mujhe maar rahee hai, mujhe behan se dar lag raha hai ( Sister is beating me, I am scared of her).

Scene 3- I have accidentally fallen down on the Rudra bhai; sitting on his knees starts to hit the floor with his fist and shouts- meri behan ko kyon maara (why did you hit my sister) and I also joined him......we repeat this ritual everytime either of us fell down or hit a chair or sofa.......

Scene 4- My Rudra bhai is playing with one car and I pick the other soon as he sees me another car in my hand, he leaves his and pounced on mine.......a tussle follows and eventually no one comes out as a winner! We repeat this act with piano, footballs, pichkari (water splasher)....

Scene 5- Both of us are sitting on the bed when I decides to improvise- looking at the roof; I started shouting something (a word that only me and my Rudra bhai are aware of) in a very high pitched voice...... my Rudra bhai too joins in and both of us start to shout in chorus with eyes glued to the one else has a clue of what we are shouting.......And you know we repeat this act many times during the course of a day..... In fact, once we did same in a shopping mall- you can imagine what might have happened afterwards!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Papa or Daddy Is Out......

....... and, Aaaa-loke is in! Well, that's how I call my papa. And, he is certainly enjoying his name change from Alok to Aaaa-loke.....

The other day, I was playing with my mom in the bedroom when door bell rang. I ran towards the door and found my papa standing outside........I instantly broke into a laughter (I always greet him that way as soon as he returns home from work) and tried to open the door; but it was locked from inside. So, I ran back towards the bedroom and standing right at the bedroom entrance, called for my mom's attention-"aaaaaaye"......."Aaaa-loke" while gesturing towards my waiting papa using my fingers......Mom understood that papa is standing at the door......and papa was left smiling at the door; completely refreshened!

As soon he entered in, he threw his laptop aside and embraced me.......I bet, that he couldn't have asked for any better welcome than that!

And, he managed to find a motivation to log posts again!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Stubborn- My New Tag

I have a new tag now- stubbornnnnnnn. Well I don't know what it means but then I do know that I got this while we were out shopping yesterday night. And the acts which invited this tag are as follows:

~ I spotted one empty shopping trolley lying unattended in the corridor and insisted that I push it. My parents tried their best to dissuade me from doing that.......but I was in no mood to listen to them. Soon, I was pushing it throught the corridor with my papa walking by me; generating enough curiosity amongst passers-by. Later, I insisted that I be put onto the trolley........You bet that I was successful as I know how to make them heed to my request..............Scene 2- My papa is pushing that cart and I am sitting inside it; my ear to ear smile intact and growing! I heard my embarrassed mom telling my papa to carry my pram from next time onwards........Silly woman doesn't know that it is not about pram but about a shopping trolley- the fun part is completely different!

~ Back at pushing that trolley, I walked into a grocery shop........That shop is quite familiar and so are all the shopping attendants......Soon I started my job of picking up stuff to fill the trolley......The shopping attendant did mention about a vacant position to man the cabinet I was picking stuff from.....Well, I politely declined the offer and continued filling the trolley with a particular brand of cosmetics- Emami Talcum powder, Dove shower cream and a face wash.........Later, I turned my attention to the spices corner......And that was it! My papa's patience got over and he pulled me into his lap; much to my opposition........

~ We are walking back to the parking area when mom stopped at a corn shop to buy a steamed corn full cup.......Uttering "aapu-aapu" (meaning I want to eat on my own) and extending my hand towards the cup, I asked for the cup......The denial resulted in me taking a walk towards the car, angrily so........Left with no option my papa caved in........

Papa, it is no more your solo turf anymore; the competetion has arrived!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Past 4 Days

I will have to pack my past 4 days in this much delayed post; culprit again is my dad…not blaming him though!

Friday, 12th was the day of Mahashivratri festival; so my mom had an off from work. Both my parents kept their fasts for the day; and in the evening we visited a nearby temple to offer our prayers to the Lord Shiva. I and my Rudra bhai too offered our prayers in our unique way. We had our early dinner before heading off straight to SRS Cinemas for our evening date with My Name is Khan. Pallavi Chachee had booked us tickets for the evening show of My Name is Khan. As expected, we were delayed by 15 minutes. It was a completely new experience for me as all my prior movie viewing experiences have been “after 10pm” shows. I took my own sweet time to adjust to the bouts of extreme light followed by pitch darkness…….But, soon I found my excitement in the stairs facing that giant white screen- kept myself busy there; walking up and down. My mom and papa took their turns to sit alongside me on those stairs……..Good thing was that it didn’t affect other viewers as my playing area fell between rows of chairs on either side. Seeing me play, couple of other kids joined in as well….……

Saturday, 13th was mostly spent at home as my father was not in town- he had gone to Dehradun. My mom took me out for my evening walk to the nearby market. While coming back, she called my papa to tell him that she is missing him……..I am sure that comment must have send him flying but her reasoning was good enough to bring him down – “had you been here, we could have avoided walking back from the market”………..What could I say?????? Poor chap!

Sunday, 14th – I had a lazy start to an otherwise exciting day- Valentine’s Day……… My mom, who always looks for a reason to celebrate, must have been missing my father….I was the first one to get ready wearing a combo of denim jacket and jeans……….Later, my mom took me to the nearby market to buy my papa his Valentine cards and gifts- couple of tee-shirts. Sometimes, I wonder why men can’t be that thoughtful!

In the evening we went to the Sector 29 market. Both, I and my Rudra bhai had lot of fun……..we took a horse-ride, chased bubbles and also drove toy cars………see……

Friday, February 12, 2010


......that I can speak with considerable ease:

~ "Bye....take care...see you" in a singing tune.
~ Dadee, Dada, Jeenu-Rudra bhai's nick name, Shikha, Chacha, Didi.
~ "Naanee" instead of "paanee" or water.
~ Shoes & socks
~ "Aappu- aappu"- that I will do it myself.
~ "Clips"- for my hair clips.
~ "Daan-taa" in a cmplaining tone meaning he scolded me..
~ Cream
~ "Nahayee-nahayee"- That I want to take bath...
~ Hi-eeeeee
~ "Theek Hai" over phone meaning "are you all right".
~ God bless you.
~ Ru-dd-ru for my bhai...
~ "Chai" for tea
~ "Mu-nee Mu-nee" -that I want to go walking
~ "Sheep" meaning play that "ba-ba-black sheep" rhyme.
~ One, Two, Four, Five, Six, Ten, Ek, Do, Paanch, Dus.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Strange Watch!

As the night progresses further, my sleeping positions too keep changing.....mostly in anti-clockwise direction.......So, when mom wake up at around 2 am, she found me sleeping in a formation that would read 10.20 on a wall clock.....well my current position denotes 08.10 on the clock.............see.......

Other time formations that have been recorded are 9.15, 6.30 & 3.50.......

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rudra Bhai & Behan!

My Rudra bhai was playing with his new game when that competetive kid in me decided to take on the younger sister inside me. Although that battle didn't last more than few micro-seconds but was good enough to fuel another one......this time with Rudra......yes you got it right, with Rudra and no Rudra bhai.....that brotherly-sisterly feeling seemed to have got lost somewhere.......few unsuccessful snatching attempts ended up with a bruise on my eye..... well, the picture says it all....

And now the good part! We were back to our brotherly-sisterly thing quicker than we had lost it........ We were Rudra bhai and behan, soon thereafter!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pictures Talking

Age old saying-"Camera never lies" has been proven right yet again........My self professed love for computers, the bonding with my brother, my "touch me not" nature that makes me complain everytime someone raises his/her voice, my broadest possible ear to ear smile, the ease with which I can adjust with elders and my readiness to venture into unknown to uncover the fun element.........

Do they need any further explaining?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monthly B'day Cake Is Back!

My monthly birthday cake cutting ceremony was back after a brief hiatus of two months......I guess that neighbourhood baker forgot to bake my cake during those two months or perhaps my lazy parents forgot to pick it up............. Anyways, the exciting routine was re-established yesterday with me celebrating my 15th monthly birthday. And, this time I was the most vocal one with "happy birthday to you".......I think they should have taught me "happy birthday to me" instead of "happy birthday to you".......

My papa managed to record the entire event on his camera and that 5 minute video is up here for your eyes......Trust me you will enjoy hearing me sing "happy birthday to you"......Well, times change so quickly; don't they? Few months ago, I used to be just a spectator through my birthday ceremonies, but not anymore! Here is a sample......

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One Lump A Day

........ has been the order of the day for sometime now. And, I am not at all responsible for that. Rather, that risk taker in me is the real culprit and I have no one but my genes to blame for my risk taking habits.

So, if I have my failed trial jump from my bed to blame for monday's lump on my head; yesterday's was caused as a result of my "jumpin walk" walking style......Oh! I was trying to imitate a monkey at that time; you know! Have you ever tried to walk backwards? Well, I did and one such attempt too resulted in one one lump a day keeps you growing.....I guess that's why my papa says- "bachey gir gir kar hee badey hotey hain"...

And, I have grown to be a 15 month old today!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My New Found Love

I woke up to find my papa sitting on my mom's computer and that was it- he had no option but to keep it aside.....but not before he called me a "ziddi bachha meaning stubborn child". Poor man couldn't understand what I wanted. Mom, siting nearby intervened and said- "she wants to watch the video"......and this time it wasn't going to be a "humty dumpty" song but a brand new but old video from my parent's era.........A character, that I can relate to more than anything for my love of animals.

That I love animals is no secret- be it cows, ants, dogs, crows, peacocks, monkeys etc (yes we do have peacocks and monkeys in our locality); so much so that my parents no longer use "animal's names" to stop me from doing/indulging in something that they don't approve...........

Coming back to my new found love; well his name is Mowgli and mine is a case of "love at first sight".......I love him for the way he plays with all those Sherkhans and Bagheras of his Jungle World.........And, I don't envy him as I know I am the "Lady Mowgli" of this world.......Would you also like to meet him????

Here he comes, so ladies and gentlemen please welcome Mr Mowgli- my new found love!

By the way, I am still trying to locate that, that had blossomed after Mowgli wore his famous chaddi (shorts in english). .......May be he was wearing a diaper! Let me know if you manage to find it........

Monday, February 1, 2010

Forced Privacy Policy

My parents are bit irritable these days at my habit of not letting them use each other's laptop or mobile phones. But who cares......all I am interested in is that they must not use each other's gazettes- forced privacy policy!

Another recent development is that I have now started calling Rudra bhai by his he is no "aaaaayyyye" these days......he has become "rrudddru".......I like calling him that way so every instruction to call him "bhaiya" (brother in Hindi) usually falls flat on my ears- even that of my Rudra bhai urging me "behan bhaiya bolo (sister, call me bhaiya)"

I should also tell you about my latest fascination- "humpty dumpty" rhyme.....You know I like one particular "humty dumpty" rhyme of many more similar rhymes available on Youtube- actually, I like vibrancy of the background music.... other's sound so dull.....So here comes my favourite for your eyes:



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