I am Stubborn!
....yes, that's how "powers that be" have labeled me as! Reasons cited, here they come:
~ That I resist every move to stop me from climbing stairs.
~ That I drag them out of house for a walk at odd hours; at 12 midnight yesterday!
~ That I don't want to get inside, once out.
~ That I like to eat with my own hands.....
~ That I don't like to eat lentil soup despite them trying hard at it; but love pickles at the same time; much against their wish....
~ That I fight with my Rudra bhai for everything; be it his cycle, mo-bike, toys etc.
~ That I don't want to go to bed even when they are ready for it.....
~ That I want to try everything with my own hands rather than them doing it for me....
~ That I put everything in my mouth despite their innumerable sermons...
Well, I can go on and on as there are many other that they have complained about.......It is time for them to understand that I am just a kid; a kid out to explore everything.......in my own way and at a place of my choice.......
They better change their statement!