Monday, August 30, 2010

My Favourite Phrases

With a plastic fan in my left hand and moving it from left to right and back, I ask Jeenu- "जीनू हवा आ रही है " (meaning can you feel the wind blowing into your face")......Well, who cares how far he is from the reach/area of influence of that hand fan- it's the intent that matters!

A daily night circus is at full display- Jeenu not eating his dinner and my Shikha chachee is running after him- when I came up with an instant solution. I pick up my papa's phone and start to dial a number......Even before my papa could open his mouth to enquire, I was ready with my explanation- "मैं मोंस्टर को डायल कर रहा हूँ" (meaning I am calling monster).......and the conversation starts- "हेल्लो मोंस्टर, जल्दी आओ जीनू खाना नहीं खा रहा है" (Monster come quickly, Jeenu is not eating his dinner)......Guess what...timid jeenu gulps everything in a tizzy!

Opening our bedroom door in a fit of rage, I thunder- "जीनू रूम में नहीं जाऊंगा" (I will never go inside Jeenu's room)......Reason????? Well, a fight had broken between me and my Rudra bhai after I felt shortchanged, so I banged his bedroom's door at him and came out........Well, this gets repeated few times in the day but then I don't like to keep this pledge .........One reaction that always puzzles me is that of my parents- they laugh everytime they hear me utter that thunderous comment- I don't think there is anything to laugh about it......and, I don't forget to make my displeasure known to them........

Well, not all our fights result in that thunderous pledge- some moderate ones elicit a matching reaction- "जीनू आपके फ्रेंड नहीं बनूँगा" (Jeenu, I will not be your friend anymore)........

And, then there are some fights when I just lose me cool....left with no choice Jeenu runs for cover.......trying his best to avoid that ferocious little sister called "behan"- running after him, eyes wide open, fist in the air , teeth already sharpened for maximum effect........Jeenu knows what is in store for him....his back bears a testimony to one such fight and so does his one arm!

"आलोक ठंडा पानी पीना है" (Alok, I want to drink chilled water)

"आलोक में कैसा लग रहा हूँ" (Alok, how am I looking)- right after I changed into a new dress!

My mom has just refused me something; what do I do?? Well, I say "मम्मा गंदी है" is bad!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rakhi Festivities

Our Raksha-bandhan celebrations started with an earlier than usual shower followed by a visit to Ruchi bua's home. We spent close to an hour at bua's place, playing with their dog- chinki- and also with Sooraj-Chintu bhaiya's son- as everyone else got busy with the festivities.

Later at home, I tied the rakhi on my Rudra bhai's hand not forgetting to do it for my Honey didi as well. My Renu bua had sent rakhi for everyone (my parents and Rudra bhai's parents) while my Honey didi sent it for me and Rudra bhai. Renu bua had also sent a letter- written to her brothers- while Honey didi wrote one for us........It was a moving letter indeed- and also a nice way to go back to the good old days of an unwired world! Well, another one from my Veda bua is on its way......

Shreya didi- our landlord's daughter- who was waiting for us to come back, too came up and did the ritual with my Rudra bhai.

In the evening it was the turn of Liz bua followed by Rinki bua, Archu bua and Mumpy bua......needless to say that my papa's wrists are looking very colourful. Pihu didi (Rinki bua's daughter) got one for us too.......You know Rinki bua's visit always translates into lot of clothes.......She, being a textile designer has a penchant for nice designer clothes and me and my Rudra bhai loves her visits........

In between all those festivities, we talked to my dada and dadee several times over phone......and also saw my Renu bua, Rakesh mama and Honey didi over Google video chat........To see my Renu bua's happy face after she saw both of us on video, was the best moment of the day- not that others were not; her relentless pursuit of software and webcam did work in the end!

I will be posting pictures later as camera is under repairs-courtesy me!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Brother-Sister At Their Best!

That we eat food watching youtube videos is already known and documented on this platform. As we are growing, our viewing preferences too are changing-from rhymes to songs or informative videos.........One of our personal favourite is the song-"phoolon ka taaron ka sab ka kehna" from movie "Hare Rama Hare Krishna".........My papa recently got an opportunity to shot me and my Rudra bhai together with this song being played in the background.......Do give attention to the lyrics while watching our videos- especially my Rudra bhai's demand for "sound valee kissee" or his act of becoming my horse.......-unforgettable and very very special moments!

Another incident that must be documented for our future reading is something that ocurred night before last.........I was sitting next to my mom when my Rudra bhai bid good night to me; after Shikha chachee instructed him to go to bed.......Seeing my reluctant Rudra bhai enter his room, I called him- "Jeenu idhar aao" meaning Jeenu come here...........and, he ran towards me in no time as if he was waiting for that.........As soon as he came near me, I extended my right cheek towards him and said-"Jeenu idhar kissee karo" (meaning give me a peck here)- he obliged, lovingly so........and then followed my request for a kissee on left cheek as well.......As soon as he finished doing it.....I said- Jeenu good night.......subah milengey (meaning will meet in the morning)........My Rudra bhai had forgotten to give me my "good night kiss" that night!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hum Kahan Jaa Rahey Hain!

"Hum kahan jaa rahey hain" meaning (where are we going?) is a question that I used to ask every evening moments after stepping inside our car. Earlier, I used to get an instant answer but not anymore- the ploy just doesn't work- my question, is my vehicle to raise a demand to be taken to the Mega Mall.....You must be wondering as to how is this possible? Well, it's simple.....I used to keep repeating the question until I hear "Mega Mall"- hearing which always broadens my smile.........

As they changed, so did I. Now I don't ask that question straightaway.......Instead I focus on creating a platform to be able to ask this question from the position of strength- or you may call authority. So, I start identifying buildings starting with Salwan Public School- mumma, dekho school followed by mumma dekho Galakshee mall (see Galaxy mall).........with Alok, dekho Star mall aa gaya (Alok, see Star Mall has come) coming next.......and, then a loud finger pointing statement- mumma, dekho phewl istation (fuel station).......And, by then we reach a red light intersection with road on your right going to Sector 29 while left taking you to Sector 14. Since, I love to be on the other side (more posh and cosmopoliton side), I becomes the navigator ordering- Alok idhar chalo (Alok, go there- take left pointing with my hand- yes I can identify directions with my hand)............Once on that road, I ask my question- Mummua hum kahan jaa rahe hain?.......and without waiting for their answer, I follow it up with my own answer- Mumma hum Mega Mall jaa rahe hain- in no inquisitive tone! At times, their reply comes before my answer and usually it is likely to remain the same- hum market jaa rahe hain(meaning we are going to the market)........And, I give that answer a deserving rejoinder- "nahinnnnnnnnnnnnn" meaning a big no........Hum Mega Mall jaa rahey hain (we are going to the Mega Mall only)........Another intersection comes and I wear my navigator hat again pointing towards my left- Idhar jao (go that side).......and Mega Mall is in sight- mumma dekho......Alok dekho....wo raha Mega Mall (see, there it is)............mission complete!

My papa, already tired of taking that same route to Mega mall, took another route on Monday. He wanted a change so he decided to take us to our apartment-currently under construction for last 3 and 1/2 years.......As the route was completely unfamiliar, so I switched from my talking mode to observing mode.........Must I be trying to figure out the way that leads to Mega Mall!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Independence Day- Full Masti

In our country's 64th birthday, my parents saw an opportunity to open me to a wide range of activities to make it memorable for me. It didn't take me much to seize the opportunity and make the best of it.......and what a busy day it turned out to be-ended at 1 am next morning!

It all started with a kite flying session in the morning with Amardeep bhaiya (our maid's son). My mom had requested him through his mom the previous day; how kind of him to accept that request! First, he took all of us to the roof top but find it inconvenient for lack of open space. So, we came down, after he decided to do it on the road...........We were following his foot-steps as he was the only kite-flying expert amongst all of us.......
As soon as the kite flying session got over, I ran away towards the school boundary adjoining the road.
And, climbed that wall to see the ducks- the school has some birds and ducks in its compound.
My Rudra bhai joined me soon thereafter. In the video, you will again notice the difference between my Rudra bhai's fearful and my fearless nature- my Rudra bhai asked for Shikha chachee's help while I did it myself-however, he made amends seeing me climb it on my own.

In the evening, my parents decided to take me to the Ambeince Mall- pity that Gurgaon has nothing other than malls for recreation purpose- and everything in mall comes for a price. We are thankful to God that we can pay for some of the things at display in those malls; but what about others- not so priviledged ones from the society?????- well, Amardeep bhaiya had an answer....didn't he????

As soon as we entered the mall, I saw kids doing bungy jumping. I told my papa-"Alok mujhe bhi jump karna hai" (meaning Alok, I want to do the jumping)......He went to the organiser who refused as soon as he heard my age. Citing his refusal, my papa took me towards the elevator but I was in no mood to relent and started crying.......But my mood changed as soon as we reached at the entrance of the Fun City..........My papa bought some credit and with that started a series of rides and games beginning with the Samba Balloon......All the pictures and videos will tell you the story.....

Samba Balloon Ride-

Horse Ride-

Motor Rides

Soon our credit got over and we came out of the Fun City........My papa bought me an ice-cream and as soon as we started walking towards to the basement car parking, I again saw kids doing the bungy jumping.....and started crying. My papa again took me to the organiser and this time, he agreed as my papa told him to do it at less than usual speed.......So, he took the money and gave me my ticket- rolling it on my wrist..... I was finding it difficult to wait and would climb the stairs everytime that pulley slowed down for taking in the new jumber......But, I had to wait as they had to arrange for a harness of my size.....
And when my turn came, I was visibly excited about the unknown- here is the video of that entire jump......

Bungy jumping over, time to go home........As it was getting late, we thought it best to eat on our way back home......The restaurant had closed by then but my papa managed to get some chicken wings for me- I love them- see it for yourself

Chicken wings were very hot, good that Santoshi didi carried my water bottle.....All these pictures were taken in the moving car.
As we reached home, my chacha, chachee and Rudra bhai were busy watching the ending part of movie "Love Aajkal".......As the movie was about to end, they chose to retire for the day. But, me and my mom had different plans.......As the movie ends with one of my favourite dance numbers, we both started dancing to the music of that song- you know I had seen this movie in the hall, when I was small. Here is the video of me follow my mom's dance steps.......

15th August ended with the ending of our dancing session. However, I was still in no mood to sleep; so, I started painting on the floor and this is what I painted.....
As the clock was ticking away towards 1 am, my mom forced me to go to sleep.As we are compiling this post, it seems to me as if we had packed few days of stuff in a single day. Happy Independence Day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mumma School Jaana Hai

My Rudra bhai has already started going to school- Mother's Pride- since, his school starts early, I don't get to see him during most of the mornings barring weekends. However, that doesn't stop me from asking about Jeenu as soon as I wake up.......... followed by an every day statement in a complaining tone (which sometimes changes and ends with a question mark)-"mumma school jaana hai" meaning mumma I want to go to school as well..........

With my Rudra bhai starting his school, my normal day has been divided into two parts- frst part starts with the time when I wake up and ends as soon as I spot my Rudra bhai climbing up the stairs........while second part starts as soon as he gets in........15 minutes prior to his scheduled time of arrival, my activity level goes up considerably- with me running several times between the gallery and back to my mom working in front of her computer- my one liners, however remains same "mumma Jeenu aaney waala hai" meaning mumma Jeenu is about to reach home........And, as soon as I spot him, it changes to "Mumma Jeenu aa gaya" meaning mumma, Jeenu has come at the top of my voice.........We, then make him sit around the table with me and my chachee quizzing him about the happenings in the school.........My father was home to record one such "after school" quizzing session........As my Jeenu bhai had complained about his mam (perhaps cab attendant) eating his biscuits the previous day, so first thing I was did was to check his tiffin box and you must see and hear my reaction- again at the top of my voice and in a complaining tone........

All these quizzing sessions and other school related objects and incidents are good enough to keep fueling my desire to go to school- a desire that gets manifested in many cute moments........One such incident was captured beautifully one evening in a picture when a thought came to my mind from nowhere- "mitthi ko school jaana hai" meaning mitthi wants to go to school. Left with no option, my mom strapped my Rudra bhai's old school bag on my back.........And, my Rudra bhai couldnt stop himself from following my line........ Well today is our country's Independence day and I need to end this post as I have to go to rooftop for a kite flying session with one bhaiya- our maid's son- who agreed to visit our house for this- so kind of him.....Thank you bhaiya and Happy Independence Day!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who Says Sofas .................

................can only be used for "seating" purpose; we use it for a completely different purpose- as an obstacle course....... See

By now, you might have noticed the change that age brings- my Rudra bhai is bit "careful" while trying to climb that sofa; as against his, my approach is "fearless"........Actually speaking, that's what advancing age does to everyone- makes you more fearful.....On another note, I think it's foolish to blame age for that transformation......It is rather an ever increasing list of do's & dont's that is to be blamed for this change from a born fearless species to fearful creatures..........For now, I am fearless and I am enjoying it to the fullest as you might have noticed and will further see in my other video that is going to be uploaded after this!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ghuguti Basuti, Love and Affection

Everyone in our household was busy watching a "for kids reality show" when I & my Rudra bhai started playing/singing ghughuti basuti (a song, that kids hear during their childhood across the length and breadth of Uttarakhand- for more information or to understand the meaning/background of this song, please read comments and the post itself on the link given above).......In the video shown below, you will notice that our mutual love and affection is at full display-incidentally the song that we are singing is about the love of a brother and a sister........Enjoy!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Laddu Khana Hai!

"Laddu khana hai" meaning I want to eat Laddu has been my favourite phrase as we used to drive past temple on our way to Mega Mall- happened twice in as many days- My parents related that comment to my past visits to that temple along with my Rudra bhai and thought that all I am asking for is to be taken to the temple to eat the prasad (offerings).........It took them a drive past Gulab- a sweet shop of MG Road to understand their folly..........Yesterday night, as we drove past that shop- my first- I began asking for Laddu, repeating my "Laddu khana hai" statement many times.......And, this time I was on a mission.......leaving them with no option but to take me inside that shop.....

Once inside, I went straight to the display counter and pointing my fingers at the "Laddu" said- "Yeh khana hai" meaning I want to eat this........My papa told the attendant to pack one kg and bagan taking out money.........But, I was in a mood to shop more........and pointed my finger @ Ras bhari petha followed by those big atta laddoo (wheat flour).........The attendant couldn't stop smiling and handing me a piece of Kaju barfi and petha said- "yeh sabse chotee umar kee shopper hai" meaning she is the youngest of my shoppers............

Needless to say that my parents are happy at my ability to start using my sense of taste!

Monday, August 9, 2010

My New Friend "Babloo"

While my father was away in the hills, I managed to develop a new friendship with someone called "Babloo"........And, I meet "Babloo" several times a day- just after I wake up, during the day and also before I go to sleep......I like to play with it......I love it because it never hits back when I throw is very obedient and follows my instructions to the "T"......"Babloo" has a peculiar habit of not moving till I ask it to do so- it never comes out of his home till I pull him out...........Do you wanna meet my friend "Babloo"????? So here he comes......
You know "babloo" has got an inverted twin brother called "Emm"....They are so similar to each other that I get confused between the two- latest being yesterday as we drove past "McDonald's"........As soon as I saw it, I couldn't help saying- "bye Babloo hum shaam ko milengey"- (meaning- Bye Babloo, we will meet in the evening) ......It wasn't much before I realised my mistake and corrected myself........So, do you want to meet the twin brother of "Babloo"......Here he comes:
Although, I have 24 other friends but they are not as cute and beautiful as "Babloo" and "Emm".....Thus, my every date with my alphabet board starts with "Babloo" and "Emm".......

Thank you mama-papa for buying me that "Alphabet board"......they bought that from a handicraft showroom called "Anokhee" inside Galaxy Mall....



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