Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Know How To Open A Door

See; and don't miss my mom's words....

Did you manage to hear my mom's voice in the background?

Yes! that's how she addresses me these days- "Big Boss"......... Reason? The way I walk....

Did I Scare That Dog Away?

Every time I see dogs, I run towards them to touch and play with them. My parents have hard time controlling me not to touch those street dogs. But, who cares as for me they are dogs- something that I love.......

Here is a video shot couple of days back in the nearby market.......You can see me trying to befriend that dog.....It's another thing that he wasn't interested.

And this one- I scared the hell out of that black dog......Look at his face- looks so frightened.......May be it was my tom-boyish look with jeans, half boots and my full sleeves t-shirt!

Did I scare him away?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Handshakes And Shopping Jaunts

With my papa out every weekend, that shopping tigress inside my mom is out on prowl every Saturday/Sunday. Partnering her is none else than yours truly herself......I love it and why not; after, all I am the biggest beneficiary of those shopping jaunts.

My other reason for loving these trips is the prospect of sighting fellow kids sitting quietly/obediently inside their prams-something I had left many months ago......... Everytime I see one, I make it a point to walk up to him/her and extend my hand for a warm handshake...........My this act surprises many parents after they come to know of my age- you won’t find many ten/eleven month olds walking upto other kids on own........ For me it is nothing unsual but a crucial part of my growth stage- an ability to forge bonds ....... Here are pictures of me greeting a fellow kid I met inside Reliance SuperStore..........

Erratic Postings- Explanations

My blog-posting has been erratic for some time now; and my papa is to be blamed for that. For past 3 months, he has been travelling to Dehradun every weekend. Ostensible aim of all these trips is to drive/walk through the dense jungles and rivers in the wilderness around Dehradun............. But, I am sure that he is upto something with Sandeep and Rakesh chacha- his other two partners in this effort. Let’s see what do they come up with.......I hope and pray that their hard work pays off...... soon! I will keep you posted of the same. For now, my contribution in their venture is limited to seeing him off every Saturday morning with a smile......... He says that I am doing a great job with that!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Diwali In Dehradun

As posted earlier, we celebrated Diwali at our home in Dehradun. Here are pictures and videos from my Diwali trip........

1. Sitting with my dada after we reached Dehradun- at 2 am in the morning

2. Both of us doing an inspection 2.10 am

3. Eating my Ashu chacha's birthday cake

4. Taking a round of scooter with my dada and dadee

5. Looking myself in the scooter rear view mirror

6. Dadee- I don't want to go back to Gurgaon

7. But, then I have to......

And, now few videos.....

1. Our home on Diwali night

2. My mom making imprints of Goddess Laxmi's feet on floor- a tradition to welcome Goddess Laxmi- Goddess of wealth

3. Dancing on the floor

4. I love walking......

5. 20th Oct- Happy Birthday Dada- They didn't let me share their drinks, so I had cake.....

6. I don't want to go to Gurgaon....hear me cry....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Back In Gurgaon

I am back in Gurgaon after starting from Dehradun at 4 in the morning. Decision to leave early prove to be a good one as we managed to beat morning rush hour traffic to reach Gurgaon at 9 am- record of sorts for my papa as he did 280 km in flat 5 hours..... I have lot to write but will do that tomorrow as my papa is not feeling well. His blood pressure for past 7 days is in a higher zone and he needs rest! I will be back tomorrow with lot of pictures, videos and a detailed post.......Until then, please take care of yourself..........

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Diwali Update

After late night festivities and celebrations, I am still in bed but my papa is up early to write this quick update.

Since it was my first Diwali, I wasn't aware of what is in store through the day. But as the day progressed, things began to get clear and I could feel the festivities and excitement in the air. Every one was busy decorating the house with flowers, lights and candles while my dada and dadee cooked delicious sweets and snacks.

After Diwali puja in the night, it was time to burst crackers. I was a picture of varied emotions through the entire duration of that time- excited, happy, joyful, lost, frightened ......... But, it was fun. As we readied ourselves to end the day at 12 in the midnight, it was time for my Ashu chacha to cut his birthday cake..... Happy Birthday Ashu chacha!

A detailed post will follow this once we are back in Gurgaon.....

Before I end this post, let me wish you and yours a year full of happiness, prosperity, good health and success!

Friday, October 16, 2009

I am Stubborn!

....yes, that's how "powers that be" have labeled me as! Reasons cited, here they come:

~ That I resist every move to stop me from climbing stairs.

~ That I drag them out of house for a walk at odd hours; at 12 midnight yesterday!

~ That I don't want to get inside, once out.

~ That I like to eat with my own hands.....

~ That I don't like to eat lentil soup despite them trying hard at it; but love pickles at the same time; much against their wish....

~ That I fight with my Rudra bhai for everything; be it his cycle, mo-bike, toys etc.

~ That I don't want to go to bed even when they are ready for it.....

~ That I want to try everything with my own hands rather than them doing it for me....

~ That I put everything in my mouth despite their innumerable sermons...

Well, I can go on and on as there are many other that they have complained about.......It is time for them to understand that I am just a kid; a kid out to explore my own way and at a place of my choice.......

They better change their statement!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lights Everywhere!

Every time I go out, I see lights of different colours and shapes illuminating shops, households and markets.... It seems as if everyone is competing for a "best decorated" award in their respective category.

Markets are swarmed with people from all walks of life, shops are packed to capacity and shoppers are determined to empty them ....... One can feel the excitement in the air!

I am being told this is normal for Deepawali time.......Deepawali- festival of lights is round the corner; on 17th and will be my first after my birth...... Needless to say I am excited; excited seeing the excitement and festivities!

May God bless everyone this Diwali!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bye-Bye Crawling!

After having tasted the pleasure of walking on my own feet, I have already bid adieu to crawling.

Amusing, it may sound; but my parents are already missing the sight of me crawling on my both legs and hands, head held high......stopping, every now and then to raise my one hand with body resting on my legs and the other hand..........that fluttering sound my clothes used to produce while colliding with the floor........or pure bliss of hearing the symphonic tapping of my hands and feet ...... or that look of accomplishment and success on my face after crawling from one corner of the room to other.......that sight of me seated in one of those four corners trying to catch my breath........

They are missing all this and more but then they also know that their daughter has to grow.......You know this growth is a strange dilemma; an act of balancing as you lose and gain something at the same time........just as I have lost interest in crawling but then at the same time I am really excited about the fun of walking.........

When I walk, so many eyes pop out in excitement; so many hands reach out to me as soon as I fell down........even when I don’t fall. When I walk, I am the one who decides my course and everyone else follows me........ When I walk, I walk regardless of time and hour of the day- my parents can vouch for that as I made them walk besides me at 11.30 in the where? ........Nearby market only.......Of course, I know the way as I was the one who was guiding them........with some support from my Rudra bhai......

For us, all roads out of our home goes to market only!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quick Update

This quick update is long overdue now. I couldn't write earlier as my papa was away in Dehradun. He had gone there for doing recce of some places of interest around Dehradun. While he was away, I suffered three freak injuries on my face in separate incidents in Gurgaon. He would come to know about them only after he reached Gurgaon......and, now you guys also know about this!

However, what you don't know yet is the news of spotting of a leopard by my papa and Sandeep chacha in Dehradun wild...... I too came to know of it on Monday morning.....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kissa Kursi Ka- Tale Of A Chair

After mo-bike and a tricycle, I now have a new reason to fight my Rudra bhai with- A chair......My chachee bought him a pair of chair & table on their recent Dehradun trip. He likes to so much that he doesn't even let me touch it. Stubborn me- that I am, not only has to touch it but sit on it as well. So, frequent "interventions and mediation" have become an order of the day to cool down the raging tempers. Un-announced ceasefire don't last much as regular skirmishes keep breaking out at frequent intervals; just like one on Indo-Pak border.......However, good news is that we are also learning to share; albeit slowly and steadily! See......

Best is that we go back to our usual self, moments after they fold that chair to hide it somewhere........They can't help but wonder at what a kursi (a chair) can do to relationships!

"Kissa Kursi Ka"- an eternal play keeps resurrecting in its different avatars and forms on moment to moments basis. At the core of the plot is always a "chair" and all the characters revolve around it...... My papa feels that our fight for that lone chair is nothing but that game of chair played out in full.....He says that I am playing a lead role with my Rudra bhai filling the other spot......He isn't amused but we are loving it!

Thus sown are the seeds of greed!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where Is Your Mehndi?

Karwa Chauth was celebrated yesterday across North India with much devotion and enthusiasm. I too was dressed up for the the occasion in my traditional Indian Salwar-Kameez:
Unlike last year, my mom didn't go to market for doing mehndi on her hands (for obvious reasons)......she did it at home only. Seeing my curiosity over mehndi, she applied some on my hand as well......and this is how it looks
You know I am liking it so much that I don't take much time to answer "where is your mehndi?" question; albeit through actions- Raising my mehndi hand, I proudly point my other hand towards my palm sporting those five henna dots......while, my eyes balls oscillates between those dots and your face! You got to see it to believe it!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Post From A Father

Writing this blog comes so easy to me that all I have to do is to sit back and write; my daughter does the rest- she gives me so much to write. I have already logged 233 posts before this- posts that track the growth of my daughter; posts that celebrate parenthood; posts that are about different beings- being of a daughter, father, mother, grand-mother, grand-father, uncle, brother, sister; all known by different names but closely entangled with one another like precious pearls stringed together into a beautiful necklace!

All along these 11 months, just a thought of writing for my daughter used to fill me with much energy and vigor emanating out of the love, affection and emotions that I carry in my heart. Everything written on this blog looked very special to me.....I began to feel as if my daughter is a special daughter and me a special father....

My feelings of being special stands corrected....Corrected after coming to know of the death of a father- a 29 year old dad to a beautiful 18 month old daughter....... a father who loved his daughter as much as any other dad would......a father whose life used to revolve around his daughter.......A young talented engineer who was a devoted son of his parents.....a brother .....and a loving husband of a 24 year old woman.

In the death of Kshitij, Suman (my wife's cousin) lost her beloved husband, Charu lost her father, proud parents lost their son and brother lost his comrade in arms....while so many others lost so many forms and names they used to associate themselves to Kshitij with........He died at the hands of killer swine-flu and careless doctors- who continued treating him for -God knows what, when everything else was pointing at swine-flu.

My heart cries for everyone's in Kshitij's family....and it cries more for Charu....for whom it will be a case of delayed grief as she doesn't know the real meaning of this tragedy.....her eyes will always be waiting for her loving father, her ears will wait endlessly to listen to her father's experience his touch.......While she waits endlessly for her father; her father will be watching him from the heavens....watching at his creation....... asking her a question that he always used to ask-" Who is his papa's daughter?"........but Charu will never be able to point at her as she used to and Kshitij will never see her do that......for both have lost that physical closeness to be able to talk to each other to answer that ...... to a cruel fate....

Of all 6 billion pearls and a equally big number of necklaces that those pearls have been stringed into; sadly one string of pearls is lying on the floor...broken after one pearl is gone forever.......God alone can guide the family and show them the way.......Our love and sympathies are with Kshitij's family in this hour of grief.....May his young soul Rest In Peace.......

Everything, that looked so special to me about my daughter until yesterday looks very general to me.......

Everything is special yet nothing is special!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hey! I am Eleven Now; 11 Months I mean

My life measurement unit will change from next month onwards- as I will complete one year then. But for now "month" remains the unit measure....and I have completed 11 months today; on 3rd October 09...

My mom decided to celebrate the penultimate month of first year of my life in a different way; so there was no cake and no candles either. Instead, we decided to go to a nearby mall for dinner......This is what my papa's camera captured:

Picture 1- Me entering inside holding my papa's hand- gives me confidence to walk
Picture 2- Papa encouraged me to walk and I walked; happily so!
Picture 3- Inside Surreal Store- didn't I tell you that I love mirrors...see!
Picture 4- I am back on the corridor...walking? no running!
Picture 5- The toy bike owner said- I am too small to ride it; but I proved him wrong......notice my tight grip on the handle...
Picture 6- Outside the restaurant door- Open it, today is my monthly birthday
Picture 7- Eating my dinner- What a joke on me: It's my birthday and what do I get to eat- my good old baby food and them- a lavish gourmet meal...
Picture 8- Walking out at I look tired?..Naah

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Momentous Event-My First Steps!

"Walk baby walk"- something I had gotten used to hearing quite often for past 2 months. Every time, my reaction used to be same- to seek a hand..... to help me in these pictures (clicked from phone over past two days)

I forgot to ask for a hand yesterday night; and result is there to see!
My First Steps

And, then the second one

Learnt mid course correction too

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dehradun Trip For Navratri

We reached Dehradun on Saturday afternoon after driving down from Gurgaon to celebrate Dusshera weekend at our Dehradun home.

Navratri holds special significance in every Hindu household. You can read more about this festival here and here .

This year, my dadee fasted on all the 9 days of Navratri and sowed jau seeds. She broke her 9 day fast on the penultimate (ninth) day of 10 day festival after cutting hariyali (sacred grass grown over 9 days from barley seeds) and performing Kanya Puja followed by distribution of prasad. It seems that three of us were waiting for it...see..... In this picture you can see me and my sister wearing hariyali... Later in the evening, we all went to attend Mini bua's marriage (you have already seen us dancing here ). Now, here is a picture of me, my Rudra bhai and Honey didi clicked prior to leaving for the marriage venue- dressed up for the occasion...see



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