Gaa-dee Hatt (गाडी हट)!
These days, गाडी हट (me telling a vehicle in front to give way to our car) is my favourite "phrase" when seated inside our moving car.....I say it whenever a vehicle in front obstructs my view of outside thus prompting me to ask for a right of way.....
This recent trend started on the day we were coming back from Dehradun after I noticed a big truck on the Delhi border. As I love trucks, I exclaimed "Truckkkkk" as soon as I saw a big one......with a smile on my face and fingers pointing in it's direction. However, my papa corrected me that it's not a truck but a concrete mixer..... Mixer?????- to which he replied Yess-mixer! And, my eyes started following it soon thereafter.....However, crazy Delhi monday morning traffic started obstructing my view of that mixer. I wasn't enjoying that obstruction and soon my patience caved in; I shouted "गाडी हट"- telling the vehicle in front to leave my view. Although my shouting wasn't of much help in improving my view but it has become a car riding ritual ever since!