Monday, August 31, 2009

Silent Prayers

Following pictures show me praying silently, while in my papa's arms......You know papa love these pictures .......He was saying his morning prayers when mom clicked these pictures...... You must look at my eyes and folded hands....

You know saying my silent prayers is an integral part of my daily morning rituals! Way to go back to source and draw from HIM!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Have No Fear!

........ is my mantra; but not sure for how long? This element of doubt has crept in after seeing the fate of my fellow human beings...... Each one of them was initially engineered to be a fearless creature; until events/happenings/diktats of "later" days/months/years did them in.....allowing fear to creep into their psyche and take them over completely.......Result is there to see- a huge congregation of "fearful" human beings, also suffering from a strange disease called- "analysis-paralysis".

Thanks to Good Lord, I have not caught up with that disease yet, happily living a fearless life....My following videos are great examples of that fearless existence......They were shot yesterday night. In the first video, you will see me climb all the stairs. While I do that, my papa is scared....very scared! But, I have no fear!

Following video shot within 15 minutes of shooting staircase video is another great example of "Have no fear" attitude with which we arrive on this earth.........

You might be smiling / laughing? But, don't these videos make you wonder about life- how it would have been had this "have no fear" attitude stayed with you forever!

Alas! I know my parents will do everything to ensure that I also join your club; a club comprising of "fearful human beings"...... Until that happens, I am enjoying whatever little is left of those "fearless moments".....

Friday, August 28, 2009

Me & My Busy Papa

Being politically correct is the name of the modern game; hence this post coming right after this one on my mom. You know, I can't afford to antagonise either of my parents, and that explains my need to maintain a fine balance between them......

This post is my attempt to make my papa realise the importance of spending some quality time with me...... I know he is a busy man trying to focus his energies on building a credible future for me and our whole family. But, in that rush of madness; he is fast forgetting my need to spend and cherish precious moments with him......Still, nothing in my mind can lead me into believing that he is unaware of what his daughter demands from him........ Actually, he sees me demand this many times every day; and he never disappoints me........ Here are some instances:

~ My papa is preparing himself to tuck his shirt inside his pants; as soon as he starts, I know that soon will be his time to leave for work...... So, with an expression of love in my eyes, I extend my hands towards my papa. Lifting me up in his arms, he gives a peck on my cheeks followed by a big bear hug..........

~ Seated inside his car, my papa switches on his car ignition. As soon as car starts, my right hand goes up in the air; mom, who is holding me, tells me to say “bye” ..........and I wave back at him........obviously with a broad dimpled smile on my face......

~ Standing at the main door, he presses the door bell. First person to reach out to the main door is someone who is the youngest member of the house...Yes! I am talking about me. You should see me crawl at that time............. Holding the door firmly with my hand, I stand up on my feet and wait for Santoshi didi to open the door.......In enters papa and I demand to be lifted by him......He can’t refuse.......And, whenever he does, I know how to have him make up for his mistake in double quick time.

~ He is having his dinner; standing near his plate, I demand my share...... he hands me a small piece of chapatti and we both get busy with our dinner....

But, papa you must understand that this list is very small.....I don't like this situation; I want to expand on this list. I hope you know that only you can help me expand it........You need to spare more time for me from you busy schedule.......... And, I am not pleading before you; rather I am demanding something that is my right......... Note that no one can lay his/her claim on my time......... And, you don’t have any choice but to accept it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


When confronted with familiar situations, I tend to react on expected lines. However, I am beginning to realise that this element of certainty gives an undue edge to my CRUEL MOM vis-a-vis me; as she can always improvise and beat me into doing things that I wouldn't in the first instance! But, before I introduce that element of surprise into my acts, let me compile those incidents/situations and events which elicit expected reactions from me and my CRUEL MOM; here they come:

~ Mom has just picked up the bottle of iron supplement. Knowing what is coming, I move my face other way; tightly closing on my lips, I try my best to dismiss her presence........But, she manages some unkind support in my papa; who, while pointing his finger towards fan is making strange faces...that draws me into laughter..... The woman, who resembles more with a "tigress with eyes set on her prey" than "my mom" gulps the entire spoon into my mouth.....CRUEL MOM is what my eyes screams!

~ Lazy mom is eating Maggi noodles for her lunch while trying her best to hide them from me.......Knowing, what can hit her if I were to see her eat Maggi, she sends me into the other room with Santoshi didi....... "Something is amiss"- is what my head keeps telling me. So, at the first available opportunity, I find my way back into her room.....To my horror, I found my CRUEL MOM enjoying Maggi....... And, I begin to cry with full force, leaving her with no option but put one Maggi string into my mouth....... HOTTTTTTT!.....She knows that she has a task cut out now, and papa isn't going to spare her either for giving me Maggi!

~ I have already scaled up-to the 4th step of stairs; completely unnoticed. Standing on my feet while tightly holding the side-rails, I invite her attention....... And, CRUEL MOM run towards me to bring me down ........ I am left thinking- how foolish, I was to expect accolades from her! She didn't even care once for all the sweat that had gone into my scaling effort.......

You know there is no dearth of such events, but there is severe time problem as papa have to rush to his office; so you will have to wait to read more in the second part of this series....

Did I say that I love my CRUEL MOM?...........No.....Didn't I? Oh my bad! I love you my "NOT" so "CRUEL MOM"............I LOVE YOU! but you better wait for my improvisations!


Monday, August 24, 2009

I Love Dogs!

Yes, your read it right; I love dogs. Since my mom knows it, she always makes my papa stop his car moment she sees a group of street dogs on the road. One such moment occured an hour back while we were out on the road for after-meal drive. We saw a group of three dogs sitting on the road-side. She lowered side windows; and then I took over from her. Standing tall on my feet on mom's lap, I started making noises as if I was trying to show some sort of solidarity with them. But, poor dogs chose to run other way, ignoring all my calls from behind......Seeing this, my papa couldn't stop his laughter and commented- "you scared them away"....... How cruel of him to say that even after knowing that I love dogs..... Well, I don't blame him as he is no dog lover and can't understand this affinity.

I am ending this post with a couple of videos to make you laugh. First video shows how impatient I can become when eating; while second video captures my lough-out-loud (LOL) act......

1st Video

2nd Video

Note: Past couple of days didn't see any posts as my papa had gone to Dehradun over the weekend. Like most of his earlier trips, this too wasn't planned, or should I say was an ill-planned trip. As he was travelling alone this time, mom didn't let him drive. So, he reluctantly agreed to take a bus. But while on his way to the bus-stand, he dumped his bus plan mid-way and took a train instead. You know travelling without reservtion in a night train is no great idea by any stretch of imagination, but a good negotiator that he is, managed to buy one seat by paying some penalty...... You know he repeated this very next day while on his way back to Delhi.......I can't help but wonder as to why a net savvy person like him doesn't book his tickets online; strange! Say what?

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Three New Activities

~ I have learnt both, getting on and off my bed, all in a day’s time. As nothing comes free so wasn't this new learning; I fell down couple of times...... Now, I can tell you from my experience that it is much easier to get on the bed than getting down from it........... May be that is why it scares the hell out of my mom every time she sees me make an effort towards that.........Chill out mom, I know what I am doing...........Hey do you want to know how I do that- “I turn back, transferring all my weight on to my hands I lower my legs till they stop feeling the air in between my feet and floor........Once I do that, I know the process of getting down is over."

~ You have seen me put phone inside my mouth, but not anymore; as I have come to know yesterday that one should use it by placing it near your ear and mouth........My parents couldn’t believe their eyes; and poor papa couldn’t find his camera on time and missed his moment................Papa, you know this phoney action is your fault as I see you mostly on phone!

~ I now imitate Santoshi didi’s actions whenever she recites that famous Hindi rhyme- “machlee jal kee raanee hai” (fish is queen of water) out this space for video soon!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Newly Found Bonhomie

My indoor activities continued unabated second day with one big difference- newly established bonhomie between me and my Rudra bhai......... For a change we didn’t fight over bikes; not even once.And, for a change my Rudra bhai actual helped me ride it.........And, when I got bored from motorbike, he pushed the tricycle for me. He would wipe the bike-seat with his handkerchief to clear it off dust; and would later use the same hankie to clean my running nose........He would follow me to the staircase every time I tried scaling it, standing behind me he was trying to be my protective shield. Seeing him do that, my mom couldn’t stop praising him for the love he was showering on her little sister!

Here are two pictures showing my new prized possessions:
1. My Walker-
2. My own picture, I just love it!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

An Electrifying Tuesday how my mom described my day to papa upon his return from work. This would not surprise him at all as he had already witnessed one small trailer in the morning prior to leaving for work. He captured the after-effects of my act very well; here is a picture. Have you figured it out? If not, then let me tell you those are telling tale signs of what I did this morning when my mom tried to stop me from getting down from my bed. I was already irritated after my early morning measles vaccination and didn’t like her putting restrictions; so I bit her right hand...... Surprisingly, my mom was happy to see me use my teeth!

From there on, I kept my mom and Santoshi didi busy throughout the day. In fact, Santoshi didi feels that she must have walked at least 3-4 kilometres running after me during the course of 4 hours. At every given opportunity, I would run upto the stairs and start scaling them only to be interrupted by didi. Though, I didn’t count it but my mom says that I must have done it at least 25-30 times. When my mom stopped me, this is what I did........ I didn't stop at that and would surprise my mom after she saw me sitting inside her dressing table cabinet.... I also picked up fight with my Rudra bhai over his bike, look at my eyes in the following picture. Don’t they tell you something about my resolve while fighting with my Rudra bhai?

My mom feels that she has a task cut out for her. Going by today’s events; I feel she is right! Did I tell you that I ended my day with another bite; and this time it was on her feet.

PS: I mentioned about my fights with Rudra bhai over his bike. These two videos capture those moments. In the first video; I am trying to get on to my Rudra bhai’s motorbike...........he can be seen resisting my moves.....

While the second one shows what happened after I was successful in my efforts; he had to settle with his tricycle (seen in the background). Do notice how I disregard his presence when he came rushing for my bike; I knew my mom is negotiating on my behalf. Oh yes! it didn't take me long to set my eyes back on that tricycle. Sibbling rivalry at its best!

Did you notice that my mom had to change my clothes thrice?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Independence Day Weekend Trip

My father loves long weekends as it allows him to make a quick dash to Dehradun; and this Independence Day weekend was no exception. We left for Dehradun on Friday morning with Sandeep (Golu) chacha and Golee chachee after my papa prevailed upon my mom to accompany him.

As usual, my papa was sitting on the wheel cautiously negotiating his way through very heavy traffic on a rainy morning. The number of vehicles leaving Delhi outnumbered those entering in by a huge margin; but not enough to empty a city of 20 million residents.

We reached Dehradun at around 11.30 am to a traditional welcome by my dadee, dada and Renu bua. My Ridhima didi was visibly happy; you know she calls me “baby”.........

Dehradun weather was cooler as compared to Delhi. Apparently that sudden change in weather resulted in me contracting some throat infection; nothing serious though.....

While everyone else was enjoying their holidays in Dehradun, I was busy exploring new things- be it walking up the stairs or enjoying the swing or crawling inside a big house-almost 5,000 square feet of space. I love staying in Dehradun as it let me enjoy what I love most-“being a centre of attraction” with me enjoying the majority of attention of my dada, dadee, bua and Ridhima didi.........I love it!

As Sunday approached, creases were back on the faces of my papa and Sandeep chacha........ Seeing them that way reminds me of what my papa normally tells everyone- “You can take a man out of Dehradun but can’t take Dehradun out of a man”.

We left for Delhi on Sunday afternoon. Defying everyone’s advice, my papa took “Gang Nehar” route during night time. That route is considered unsafe for driving during night time as it passes through crime infested region and has seen many incidents of mugging and kidnappings in the past. We managed to cross that stretch in 90 minutes without any incident. Everyone thanked God and heaved a great sigh of relief after hitting back the highway again. In the hindsight, my papa realises that he had committed a blunder by taking that route........

We reached Delhi-Gurgaon at around 1.30 am in the night, tired and exhausted.....really tired!

Before I end this post, here is a picture of my Ridhima didi and myself wearing our Ghagra-Cholee on the occasion of Bhagwan SriKrishna Janmashtami.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dancing To My Mom’s Tune

I have started dancing to my mom’s tune; well she is no “Pied Piper of Hamelin” but then it never ceases to amaze me that all it takes for her to make me move is her command. Consider this:

1. Mom- Mit-thee (means sugary and that’s how mom calls me), dance-dance........
Me- moments after she finishes saying “dance”, my both hands goes up with a broadest possible smile on my face.........

2. Mom- Mit-thee, say “bye”....
Me- Lifts my hands and starts to wave it......with a smile on my face

3. Mom- Mit-thee, show me your teeth....
Me- my small fingers goes inside my mouth to touch my teeth.....holding them as if it is my prized catch....

4. Mom- Mit-thee, say hello.....
Me- I extend my hand to the other person........Once done, it is his/her duty to hold it.....

5. Mom- Mit-thee, give me “Five”
Me- I do give it as if I am a volleyball player who has just won a point........

Trust me it is fun doing all this, and it gives me some sense of achievement.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Me In Dehradun Vide Pictures

I used to be a silent spectator or not so boisterous contributor during my previous Dehradun trips.....but not anymore......This time I tried lot of new things and enjoyed it to the fullest.......I thought it best not to write but let the pictures and videos do all the talking..........So here it is-
It began on a usual note in the shadow of Ridhima didi
Until this happened
And this
Then, I took it over; didi started following me
My mom gave me this corn and I liked the taste

Some videos:
1. I insisted on eating corn chapati directly from the plate.......and believe me it was spicy...prepared with green chillies

2. And I love to practise "clapping"...see this

3. I couldn't stop laughing even after coming back! Dehradun fun followed me...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My First Rakhshabandhan

As mentioned in my previous post, we reached our Dehradun home at around 10.15 am; my dadee was waiting at the gate to receive us or should I say me! She took me inside while my dada took care of Rudra bhai.......My Renu bua gave me a bear hug; waiting next in line were my visiting Shivvi mamaji (papa’s maternal uncle) and my great grandmother (my dadee’s mother). Mamaji had come to visit my dadee for Rakshabandhan and also take my great grandmother along with him. They were supposed to leave early but decided to wait for us to arrive home; and left right afterwards.

After half an hour wait, my Renu bua directed her brothers to get ready for tying Rakhi on their wrists. And then came our turn......My Ridhima didi was visibly excited and so was my Rudra bhai while I was trying to make some sense of all the excitement. As soon as I figured it out, I too joined them........My papa managed to capture those moments in the following video......

I, being the youngest sister got the mandate to tie Rakhi on his wrist followed by my Ridhima didi.
Rudra bhai gave us a gold pendent each as our Rakhi gift, incidentally with same alphabet “R” inscribed in the middle. In order to maintain the parity, my Ashu chacha got one for him as well; and his too has “R” in the middle........By now you must have figured out the reasons for so many “R”s- Actually; our respective names begin with this alphabet only - Ridhima, Rudra and Reveda.

And that’s how I celebrated my first Rakhi festival with my family. Technically speaking, this was my second Rakhi festival; first one was mentioned here .......

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Road Trip To Dehradun

How would you react upon hearing this song at 3.45am in the morning? Well, mine wasn’t on the expected lines as I woke up with a big smile on my face; second one to get up after my papa............ Then, I did a role reversal on my mom to wake her up; she wanted to sleep for another five minutes but I didn’t relent nor did my papa as he waited for her to get up to put the phone alarm back on the snooze mode..........

“You have 45 minutes to get ready” order was passed; we managed to save 5 minutes as we would hit the road at 4.25am with my papa on wheels. I was seated next to him on my mom’s lap with my Ashu chacha, Shikha chachee, Rudra bhai and Santoshi didi on the rear seats. Soon, everyone was off to sleep barring my papa and FM radio.

As NH24 highway is notorious for frequent traffic jams, my papa took an alternate route which runs along “Gang Nehar “ canal and passes through villages and green fields. We stopped at one dhaba (road-side eatery) for our morning tea. While all majors were enjoying their teas, we minors found our own ways to keep ourselves busy- my eyes were busy watching birds,
while, Rudra bhai was spotted sipping mango juice.......
I also managed to ride a bullock-cart, thanks to a village folk.......
As our destination was our Dehradun home and not the dhaba, we were back on the road in 30 minutes to reach our destination at 10.15am........

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quick Update

Here is a quick update:

~ We are leaving for Dehradun early morning to celebrate Rakshabandhan. . It would be my first Rakhi festival after my birth.

~ My this post has featured on blogadda.. Needless to mention that I am happy about it.

My next post will now be from Dehradun. Until then take good care of yourself and keep reading.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Three Quarters Of A Year- That's Me

It seems that car-door incident wasn’t enough; else how would you explain the occurrence of another incident involving me this evening. And, this time tea-cup was the culprit or reason so to say.........

My father was checking his official emails when Santoshi didi gave him his evening tea. He told her to put it on the floor next to where he was seated. ...... Unaware of my movements resulting from my interest in his tea cup, he continued working on his laptop........ My painful cries quickly followed the breaking sound of a tea-mug......... Hot tea was lying all over me and on the floor........Papa ran me towards the bathroom for cold water treatment towards the refrigerator for some ice cubes...........I am wondering what would happen if there is no ice in the house! Soon, I stopped crying. Mom called up my doctor who suggested application of some coconut oil after cold water treatment.......... I feel much better now....... Thank God, I escaped another major injury.........

This incident spoilt my papa’s mood as he was planning to celebrate my 9thmonthly birthday in a different way........ And, I had to again settle with same old chocolate cake in the end, which my Rudra bhai helped cut.Well, it’s another matter that I wanted to cut it myself! The above picture proves it beyond doubt.

You know today’s incident has shocked my parents to a large extent; they are debating as to why these incidents are happening at such regular intervals. Well, it is natural for them to ask questions. But, I would request them not to question their ways of raising me. The smile on my face (pic. taken right after today's incident) is an indication of my acceptance and faith in their ability to raise me well. So chill out guys, you only need to be extra vigilant as you have a dynamite personality to look after!

Accident, Movie & Big Brother

No posts for past two days mean that I will have to pack my past three days in this single post; something that I don’t enjoy as I believe in continuity. It seems my papa is taking advantage of the fact that I am dependent on him for his words........ Whatever be the case, he can’t escape from his responsibility to write for me!

A busy weekend that began on Friday night was preceded by a freak accident involving me and my father. As mentioned in the past, I always see off my father before he leaves for work and Friday morning wasn’t any different. My mom made me sit on the car bonnet so that I could complete my daily ritual of windscreen tapping with my papa seated inside. I have been doing this for over a month now, but then luck had something different in store for me that day. With a smile on my face, I was busy tapping the windscreen; but soon that smile was replaced by a look of crying face........... My papa hurriedly opened the car door to found me crying in pain; my shell-shocked mom was holding my left hand.........It took no time for him to understand the reason; index finger of my left hand had got stuck in between the car body and the door......... He rushed mom inside to get some ice and started sucking my finger followed by some ice-pack treatment. Crying incessantly, I was looking at my parent’s face in hope; a hope that they will be able to reduce my pain ...............On the other hand, my apologetic parents were trying everything they could to make me feel better............ Soon, we managed to found a reason for me to feel better- a bird perched on the tree just outside my home. As my eyes followed my mom’s fingers towards that bird, my painful cries began to subside and would give way to a smile.......... My parents heaved a great sigh of relief; papa checked my finger and found it to be much better than what it was 15 minutes back........... They continued treating it with ice for another 15 minutes and it was back to normal again....... My act of holding papa’s phone with my injured finger helped corroborate what he saw with his naked eye....... He left for work soon afterwards to come back in time for mom’s departure to work for her Friday evening conference call.

An emotionally tiring day, however ended on a lighter note as we (my parents, myself, Sandeep chacha and Golee chachee) went to watch late night show of new Hindi movie Love Aaj Kal. I had planned to write a review of this movie but I can’t as I didn’t see it completely after falling prey to sleep sometime near intermission. Well, everyone felt that movie was good so I will second their opinion.

Saturday began on a leisurely note at around 10 am as we came back home at around 2 am on Friday night/Saturday morning. We stayed home whole day to venture out only towards the evening to DT Mega Mall for buying me food and other baby stuff from “Dezine Kids”. I was the most vocal and boisterous baby in that shop, thanks to Pigeon baby poster again! Did you notice that hairstyle change; my papa did that and my mom didn't like it. What's your take?

Sunday too was spent playing with my mom, papa, Santoshi didi and Rudra bhai. Following video shows that playing with Rudra bhai’s tricycle wasn’t a great idea.........

As the days are passing by, it is becoming quite clear that I and Rudra bhai will give our respective parents many sleepless nights, and our sibling rivalry won't help them either! You know we are rivals and best of friends at the same time........But, more than anything he seems to be developing into a big time protective brother; he doesn't like it when anyone from our neighbourhood picks me up......always starts to cry! Well, for now his habit comes to my rescue whenever he takes an aggressive stance against me on toys; just a comment that "we will give your behan to Ila didi" turns him into a giving brother! In all likelihood, these are signs of me having a "Big Brother" in my Rudra bhai- always watching over me!



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