Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where Did My Hair Go?

"Mere baal kahan gaye?" (meaning where did my hairs go) was the first question I put before my mom after I saw my image in the car's rear view mirror......... But before that, I created so much ruckus that the barber uncle took more than 90 minutes to finish his task as against 4 minutes in case of my Rudra bhai......

Our hair cutting ceremony was performed in a mass ritual at Shanti Kunj, Haridwar with many other kids. Monday was an auspiscious day for conducting of religious ceremonies; no wonder we met Bela aunty(my mom's friend) and Sharad uncle (my papa's friend), both of whose families had come from Delhi and Dehradun respectively to perform similar ceremonies for their sons ......So, it all started with mass chanting of hymns followed by hair cutting ceremony in the open courtyard........As barber uncle was shaving my Rudra bhai's head, I remain seated on the stairs with a curious smile on my face.......An obedient child, that my Rudra bhai is, followed everyone's advice to the "T" and he had a bald look in no time......As soon as my turn came, I started crying and would do so for next ninety minutes......Everyone tried their bit but I was in no mood to give them any space whatsoever.....Incessant crying for ninety minutes made me sleepy; so my mom helped me sleep in the car......thus giving barber uncle an opportunity to finish his task........But in that process, not only did I sprain my neck but also got one cut on my head- not deep though......

We left for Dehradun soon afterwards; stopping midway for our lunch followed by airport visit to drop off my Ashu chacha.......

I shall be uploading few videos and pictures in the will love our bald look!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Going To Haridwar

Very shortly, we will be leaving Dehradun for Haridwar to perform our Mundan ceremony......Unlike other communities, girls too have this activity performed on them in ours.....So, I too shall have my ceremony performed alongwith my Rudra bhai.....My mom can't wait to see my clean shaven head....And, she has bought some traditional dresses for the ocassion.....From today onwards, other fellow kids will not mistake my Rudra bhai as a girl as he too will sport a clean shaven head look.............My dada and dadee have already made arrangement at the Shanti Kunj Haridwar; where the ceremony is being performed....... This would be our first visit to Haridwar and needless to say that we are excited....

Earlier, we escaped Gurgaon heat to reach Dehradun on Saturday afternoon.......Weather Gods seemed to have welcomed our Dehradun visit as they opened the gates, it rained yesterday; and we enjoyed it a lot..........I walked in the rain for first time; kind of unheard in Delhi/Gurgaon with all the dust and heat.......

You know, Dehradun seems to do a lot in us as our activity levels here goes up several notches than that of Gurgaon......I didn't sleep for a minute throughout yesterday after waking up at 7 am.......My mom had a real hard time making me go to bed and could manage it only after 11.30pm........

We are getting late so I will sign off now.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shaureeeeee- A Ritual

As soon as my papa came back home from work, my Rudra bhai complained to him that I had hit him on his head......When papa asked me if what bhaiya is saying is correct, I replied in affirmative.....and went a step ahead to show him as to how and where did I hit him ........ Expressing his displeasure, papa told me to say sorry to bhaiya.......Holding both my earlobes with my tender fingers while focussing my eyes on my Rudra bhai's face, I murmured a quick "shaureeeeee"..........Actually speaking saying sorry has now become a ritual after every hit or bite.......and mostly my mom, Rudra bhai and Ciya didi (Shreya- our landlord's 4 year old) get to be at the listening end of it.....

All our fights start on stuff like books, toys, doctor's instruments, bicycles etc etc.....And, if the division is not to my liking or if my Rudra bhai tries to bully me by not sharing his books or toys, I give my best to ensure that he gets his due everytime......... You might want to say that I am a short tempered girl but trust me it is just not that....It's just that I like to share my stuff with him but always lose my cool when he fails to return the gesture......And, whenever he does that, he always tries to run towards his room.......thus provoking me to resort to violent means.......Boy, you should see me that moment- a picture of extreme grit and determination on a mission- lower lip tightly pressed under upper one, right fist raised high with a resolve in eyes and running at full speed- with a solo purpose of catching hold of him......When successful, my Rudra knows what is in store for him next....... No wonder, his one liner hasn't changed in past few months- Mujhe behan se dar lagta hai meaning i am scared to my sister

Make no mistake, its not that my Rudra bhai doesn't know how to give it back ......and whenever he does that, he gives it in full.......... Besides, he has found an able ally in Ciya didi.......Both of them collude with each other to deny me my playing time/pleasure.......resulting in me resorting to my violent means to take on both..........Believe it or not, I do that with ease......

Last but not the least, I get lot of flak for being violent but until they change, there is no point in telling me to give up my, fights are continuing on a daily basis.....

But, one good thing is that we always kiss and make up after every duel!

Monday, June 14, 2010

We Love To Dance!

My mom loves to dance and it seems that those dance stimulating genes of her have been transported into me in equal, if not more quantity.......with the result that if and when I hear music, I have to compulsorily tap my Rudra bhai too is no different's a pity that they dont care to back us........

But, despite our parent's disdain for our skills, we always make it a point to test and hone our dance skills, as & when we get an opportunity...... One such opportunity came our way yesterday night, when we went out for a dinner......Both of us knew that there is a pub next door, so our feet were naturally didnt take long for my papa to understand it; so he escorted us out of the restaurant........we knew where to run to, once out............ And, next moment, we were pushing the door of the pub.......Surprisingly, dance floor was empty- rain was to be blamed!.....ut who cares, if its empty or full.....all we need was music floor came back to life again, albeit for couple of minutes.......Just in case if you want to see us are few videos shot in night vision mode........

As I was not ready to come out, I sped away as soon as I came out of the pub....see

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Garbage Khana....

Garbage khana (I want to eat garbage)??????????????

What!!!!!!!!! Is that how you reacted to this statement of mine? So, you are no different than my parents as their reaction too was similar......Let me tell you what led to this statement....

I have a strange habit of eating anything that is lying on the floor....something, that my mom has failed to understand the reason for....My papa is also clueless as to how do I spot small pieces/crumbs from a distance especially when both my parents wear spects of -4 and above.......Anyways, as soon as they spot me picking and eating something off the floor, their first reaction is always same-"No Garbage hai" ........So, that repeated listening of "garbage" word for dirty things lying on the floor has made a quiet entry into my language repertoire........resulting in mine uttering that statement yesterday morning when my mom was trying to make me eat and papa couldnt stop laughing!!!

Well just a bit of explanation.....I can differentiate what is garbage and what is if and when I find my papa sitting on floor; I never treat him as garbage.....for that matter not even my far as I am concerned anything that is worthy of being thrown in the dust-bin is called "GARBAGE"...... And, I know I am right with that!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jeenu Is Back....

Jeenu- my Rudra bhai is back in Gurgaon after spending close to 15 days in Dehradun.....He came back sunday afternoon and as soon as he entered, we both embraced each other, as if we were meeting after many many years........Shouting each other's name, we both got busy soon thereafter.......and, shades of our Gurgaon home started to change again........from playground to battleground to running track to cycling track and much much more....

It didn't take us long to re-discover our fighting spirits; an area where I have an advantage over my Rudra bhai- thanks to my age and my nasty bites.......he has few scars on his hand as a proof!

However, one thing that scores over everything else is our conversations......the topic ranges from shoes to clothes to bikes to our's another matter that one has to listen patiently to decipher the true meaning of our talks........My papa is planning to record some of them......well lets see when he does that!

For now, he is a busy man trying to set up his business and plan his days/weeks and months post 30th June......Well, he is retiring on that day from the corporate world to pursue his passion- I wish him good luck1

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Quiet Monthly Birthday

I had a quiet monthly birthday as I completed 19 months yesterday. Unlike previous ocassions, I didn't get to cut a cake nor I lit any candles........For a change, my papa, who is serving his last month in the corporate world came back early......His ostensible reason was to take me on a drive to my favourite mall; but real reason was to replenish the depleting stock of groceries and buy me some dresses.......It's another matter that I also ended up buying shoes for myself.......Yes, you read it rightly so- I did bought a pair of my own choice.....My papa paid for two pairs- one was of my choice and other one was that of my mom's......Upon reaching home, I didnt wear the pair that my mom had chosen-reason???????? "it is tight" ......The one that I had chosen fits well; for obvious reasons!

I forgot to tell you about my birthday present; despite all the stonewalling by my papa. I wanted to buy a cricket bat at Reliance stores......but my papa wasn't ready as he had already settled the bill and the waiting queue was long- way too long to buy a 13 rupees bat......Later, my mom managed and I came out dragging my bat on the ground; smilingly so!

On more thing I forgot to write was that I now have a potty seat of my own- my birthday present by my thoughtful!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Don't Like To Eat!

Yes, you heard it right- I don't like to eat anything......And as it happens, my dislike for food is the biggest source of worry for my mom as far as I am concerned. She is clueless as to how do I manage to maintain my energy levels without eating proper food........ Her earlier ploy of playing rhymes on youtube is not working much these days, so she had to manufacture few more tricks- like making me eat while looking at passers-by from our balcony or by showing me ducks inside a nearby school's premises but what scores on top is her recent act of making me eat at a bus-stop while on our way back home....... They had stopped midway for a quick-bite at Karnataka Bhawan-an authentic south Indian eatery at Africa Avenue-ring road intersection. My mom was concerned as I had not eaten anything for at least 12 hours....And, when she failed this time as well, she took me to the bus-stop......and started counting number of buses and trucks passing by us-she knows that buses and trucks always fascinates me.....Soon, I joined her too in my own way- two-nine & three nine.........While I got busy counting the buses and pick-up trucks, she pushed few spoons of mashed banana, pomegranate juice and witabix into my mouth- and heaved a big sigh of relief!

My papa's contrarion view is that my mom did more damage than good; he feels that few spoons of mashed bananas was nothing in front of that huge dose of Delhi's vehicular fumes that I might have inhaled.......

But, my mom don't care as long as I am eating!



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