Sunday Is A Fun Day
As the title suggests, Sunday is truly a fun day- to get up late is my idea of fun. I would wake up only when my father's friend-Naresh uncle comes to meet me. And with his visit would my money kitty go up by another Rs 100. Time for the daily massage and bath- I am beginning to enjoy my massage and bath now especially because I get to enjoy the winter sun right afterwards.. Smart Kid! Huuhh. I would wear my light green top jacket and head to the waiting sun as soon as I am done- obviously helped by my father; I know how to make him move his butt off that bed. I would then sleep for at least 3 hours at stretch. In the evening my father would go to market and bring me few balloons and a swing. If I look back and analyse- I would say that Sunday was all about resting. Here are some pictures taken today...
Right after my bath-
Another one-
My father got me balloons-
One More-
And a swing as well-