Saturday, February 28, 2009

"If I Could Enter Inside My Mind"

"IF I COULD ENTER INSIDE MY MIND" is what I heard my father saying to my mom......makes me wonder what made him say so. Who best can answer this then the man himself, so over to him......

It is almost a week since my daughter is in Gurgaon with me....Before that, I used to see her through the words communicated to me over telephone by my papa, mummy or my wife. Weekend trips used to get over even before they could start....and I could never experience the real joy of seeing my daughter grow, her expressions being added up. However, things have changed since they are back....I see her smile, cry, act indifferently, lost in thoughts, her creases on her forehead.....Her expressions changes at a speed faster than the light. In no time, a broad smile can turn into a shriller cry; state of complete attention into one of no attention or vice versa. And, all you can do is to watch helplessly.....she will not even give you a single clue....All I do at that moment is to marvel at the God's creation....I am sure social scientists and psychologists can give you numerous theories explaining a child's behaviour; but trust me no one for sure knows anything about it and no one will ever. This helplessness made me say that........Two quotable incidents from today are-

1. She was playing with her thumb and knuckles while making all sorts of noises; the moment I switched on my camera to record it, her all expressions came to a literal standstill...and for next one minute she would not take her eyes off camera lenses...I lost my moment to record the event or rather she denied me that opportunity...

2. While in my wife's arms, she was looking at me with a broadest possible smile on her face.....I smiled back.....but, then decided to do a prank on her by shouting my wife out.....even before I could finish, she started crying. As soon as I changed gears and started laughing....laughter was back on her face again in no time....

Thank you Reveda for letting me explain my comment......Know that I love you lots...

Thanks Papa, I love you too.....

My Updates

Here are the pending updates-

24th Feb, Tuesday- Since my Ashu chacha has plans of visiting my Renu bua in Uganda after he finishes off his marketing trip to Mauritius and Kenya; everyone thought it best to go and buy something for her. However, Tuesdays is not the best of the day to do shopping in Gurgaon; as most of the shops remains closed. Thankfully, Reliance stores are an exception.......So, we (my dadee, mummy, papa, chachee and Rudra bhai) went there late and picked up stuff for my Bua, Honey didi and Rakesh mama....

We couldn't buy Fabmart cotton lowers-my Renu bua's favourites for obvious reasons. However, my mom would ensure that we buy it next day. So she took me and my dadee to Fabmart the next a cycle rickshaw- my first rickshaw ride......My Ashu chacha left for his trip in the night.....he will be back around 10th March...

Before I complete this post, here is a beautiful picture of my dada holding me and my Rudra bhai prior to his departure for Dehradun on 23rd February- Monday....
Only, Rudra bhai has teeth to flash but he too wouldn't fully; my dada doesn't like to put his dentures!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sunday Outing

It's been almost 3 days since I wrote my last post; so here I am back with the latest updates...First one is on the shopping trips I undertook 22nd February onwards.

Sunday- My papa's initial plan to take the entire family (my dada, dadee, Ashu chacha, Shikha chachee, Rudra bhai, mummy, papa and Tinku chacha) to Zoo didn't materialise; so he began working on Plan No. 2- Family Outing. It took us a while to depart as the furniture that we had ordered the other day arrived in late. By the time we left our home, smaller seconds of our clock had reached 4; while the bigger one was at 12.

First, we went to Sohna Road to see our under-construction apartment at "JMD Gardens". We toured the site and also checked on the sample flat; I was comfortably held by my dadee in her lap. While everyone was busy with the dekko of the flat, my Rudra bhai and I thought it best to check on the comfort of the sofa. My father clicked this picture of us together...
After spending close to half an hour at the site, we left for a nearby Honda car dealership- "Pearl Honda". Actually, my Ashu chacha is buying a Honda New City car and he wanted to show us his preferred colour. He has already booked one; however jury is still out as to which colour should he go for....I don't have any preference per se; however I would go with the majority and Black colour seems to be the choice of the majority......I will keep you posted of the same.

From Pearl, we looked around couple of White-goods dealerships to buy a washing machine- our current one is causing lot of problems. After checking on the various models, we bought one 6.5 KG front-end loading make from LG.

My mummy is a real KFC freak; so she took us to a nearby KFC restaurant as soon as she saw one. Once in, everyone with the exception of my dadee, papa and myself ate from the bucketful of chicken-wings. My papa went for a veggie burger; while my dadee decided to took me out in the open away from the smell of roasted chickens....

We all came back home at around 10 pm after a hectic but enjoyable outing....Everyone was tired; but not me........And, I would torture my tired papa for another couple of hours....

Monday, February 23, 2009

My First Day in Gurgaon

Saturday, 21st February was my first day in Gurgaon after almost 3 months and it began as usual. I would wake up much earlier than did my parents; and began playing on my own. As soon as my father woke up, I flashed a big smile on his face to make it the best possible start of his day. In fact, until that moment, he had only heard about my morning smiles from my dada, dadee and mom; and this was his maiden experience of that.

As the day progressed, my mom’s plate of household daily-chores began to swell; after all she was out for past three months. She kept postponing giving me my daily bath and eventually cancelled it altogether. Not that she was short of time; but because there was no electric current for better part of the day.........You might be thinking what current has got to do with my bath. Actually my mom always puts on the heater to keep me warm while my dadee gives me my bath. And without any electricity, she decided to give it a miss to the daily bath......but certainly not to the sponge bath given to me late at around 4 pm..........

Later in the evening, we all (my dada, dadee, chacha, chachee, Rudra bhai, mummy and papa) went to the market to buy a new bed for me. My papa had already selected one while we were in Dehradun and was waiting for us to be back....We eventually ended up buying a side table and a wooden box in addition to bed......It is high time that my papa start controlling his shopping urges....

We came back around 9 pm and I was in no mood to go to sleep. So, I started playing with my dada, dadee and papa until my mom took me away into my bedroom to feed me. Soon, I was off to sleep in no time.....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Late Posts-Reasons

Firstly I must apologise for not being able to write earlier but then you will appreciate that that little girl aka “me” have gotten tired after that long journey back to Gurgaon. And, as if that was not enough, my father took us out on both the evenings- Saturday and Sunday. However, I am not complaining as I thoroughly enjoyed being outside with my entire family-dada, dadee, chacha, chachee, Rudra bhai, mummy and papa.....I will write about both those outings separately..

You know, it will take me some time to adjust to our Gurgaon house; simply because Dehradun is my own place- a place I always relate to because of my family. Besides, Dehradun weather is much enjoyable as compared to Gurgaon one. And, last but not the least, I don’t think I like the hustle and bustle of a big city; basically I enjoy quietness more than this sheer big city madness, not that I am a quiet person....

While my papa is busy writing this post, I am lying next to him smiling at his face trying to attract his attention towards me. I am sure he knows that it is “me” who provides him with the content...all he does is to lend his words; it is a different matter that he does it to my satisfaction.........

Friday, February 20, 2009

Back In Gurgaon

I just reached Gurgaon after an arduous 9-hour journey from Dehradun. My dada, dadee and mummy are visibly tired but I feel fresh.......however, my eyes are very busy trying to figure out the difference between my Dehradun home and this house.....I know that soon I will get accustomed to this house too.....I will write more tomorrow as I am sleepy now....My mom has just fed me; so now let me say to good night to everyone.....

In the meantime, you can enjoy the new songs on my playlist...."Mumma" is my personal favourite......Let me know yours....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Marriage Anniversary

My day began early today as our home phone started ringing since morning-my Ashu chacha was the first one to call followed by my papa and the occasion was the marriage anniversary of my dada and dadee.........As I am not the one to be left behind so I also wished my dada and dadee a very happy marriage anniversary; while praying for their long and healthy married life of togetherness in my own way- "by flashing my big dimple smile on their face". My dada, seeing me smile burst into a laughter of joy....and so did my dadee and mummy. Next ones to wish my dada and dadee were my mummy, chachee, Rakesh mama,Renu bua. I am sure Ridhima didi and Rudra bhai did the same but in their own respective ways.....

Knowing that I have a date scheduled with my doctor for vaccination, my mummy had her celebration plans ready. We all first drove to the doctor and from there she took us to the market to buy cakes, snacks, sweets and spring rolls for the evening celebration. We came back home early as my nana and nanee had plans to visit us ahead of our departure back to Gurgaon on Friday, 20th February.

Once home, it was the celebration time so my mummy got my dada and dadee dressed up for the occasion. Soon it was time to cut the cake and my dada and dadee happily obliged.....Everyone, including my nana and nanee wished them again....Tea, snacks, sweets and spring rolls followed thereafter........

After spending couple of hours at our home, it was time for my nana and nanee to leave.....the entire setting turned emotional....I am sure my nana and nanee will miss me and my mother....I will surely miss them too...but then I had to go back to Gurgaon....Had I got any choice, I would not have left Dehradun as this place is my own place, a place that I can always relate to and call my own......

At the time of writing this post, my mummy and dadee are busy packing my stuff. I will leave for Gurgaon tomorrow at around 10 am along with my dada, dadee and mummy in my nana's car to be driven by their driver.....I must say that these 77 days flew past me in no time......

Before I conclude today's post, lots of love to my dada, dadee and mummy......"HAPPY MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY" to my dada and dadee and "THANKS FOR THE CELEBRATIONS" to my mummy.

Pictures to follow soon....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And, Now This Video

In addition to the pictures, my father also shot my two videos. I can be seen eating my fingers and knuckles as I was hungry. The voice in the background is that of my dada and dadee...

Pictures After Engagement

After the engagement ceremony got over, we came back to my nana's place. My father took me into the front lawns and started playing with me....this really made me happy as can be seen from the following pictures.....I am sure they say much more than what I can write....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Engagement & Valentine's Day

My Sunil Mama (mom's brother) celebrated this year's Valentine's Day in style- he got engaged to the "arranged love" (my nana & nanee selected the girl few days back) of his life-"should be so". My Sunil mama's face was brimming with joy and happiness on a bright sunny Saturday. I was the first one to get ready. However, when I saw that no one is ready yet, I decided to take a power nap.
Soon, my dada, dadee and papa arrived. First thing, my papa would do is to wake me up out of my sleep. I started crying as I don't like to be disturbed at all while I am sleeping; so my dadee would comfort me while papa looks on with surprise............Soon thereafter, I left for the engagement venue-"Hotel Saurab" with my dada, dadee, Himmu dadee and mom with my papa on wheels. I couldn't understand anything, when my papa drove the car into the hotel basement parking lot.....after all it was my first tet-a-tete with the parking basement....I am sure many more are to follow as Gurgaon has lot of shopping malls with basement parking facility only...... While at the hotel, we were welcomed by the hosts...To my utter surprise, it was me rather than Sunil mama, who was hogging all the limelight. He cannot blame me for that as he forgot his way to the hotel and was not be the first one to arrive at hotel. I was carried inside into the hotel by my dadee. I was enjoying the ceremony but got tired as can be seen from my eyes.. After the completion of religious rituals, everyone blessed the newly engaged couple (Sunil & Poonam). My Sunil mama was blushing; while Poonam Mamee (Aunt) was a picture of confidence.......but soon everything was set to change as my papa egged them on to wish each other "Valentine's Day". Poor couple couldn't understand as to how to take it....As if it wasn't enough, my papa handed them paper flowers and asked them to exchange it as a token of love.....At last Sunil mama mustered enough courage to utter those three words- "Happy Valentine's Day" (must have been the toughest three words to speak) to my Poonam Mamee; who reciprocated it in style.....I was looking at my Sunil mama's face and trust me it was all red and pink...Poor chap!

Lunch followed soon and after a quick-fire coffee session, it was time to leave....I was tired so I hastened the departure. Trust me, looking at the way my Sunil mama was busy talking to Poonam mamee; he must have been cursing me for ensuring a timely departure.

It was a very enjoyable experience and I wish my Sunil mama and Poonam mamee a happy and loving life of togetherness and compassion.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pictures Of Last Few Days

Few pictures that were clicked during last 2 weeks.....I had promised to put them online as soon as possible; so here they are....Enjoy!

Ready to cut my 3rd monthly b'day cake-I am done, now your turn to eat! Ready to leave for my nana's place (Pic 1) Ready to leave for my nana's place (Pic 2) That's my new Denim dress!Enjoying the Doon sun after rains (Pic 1) Enjoying the Doon sun after rains (Pic 2) Ohhh,I can't bear snow winds anymore; I am in now(Pic 1) Ohhh,I can't bear snow winds anymore; I am in now(Pic 2)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Everyone Busy @ My Nana's

Everyone is busy at my nana's place these days as my Sunil uncle is getting engaged on 14th. Hectic preparations are on for the event.......But I am happy for an altogether different reason; which is that despite all the hoopla around the coming 14th, I am my mom's "Priority no. 1". Truly makes me happy as anyone who knows my mom well enough would know that she is one of the best examples of complete turn-around- A story of a Tom-boy girl's metamorphosis into a devoted mom.

My papa is coming to Dehradun for the engagement....It is almost 3 weeks since I met him and I am sure engagement is just a reason for him to be here with me. Besides, I am sure that I am going to be my mom & dad's Valentine this time. You don't have to be lovers to celebrate Valentine's day.....

You know my dada-dadee had gone to our ancestral village in Garhwal-140 kms from Dehradun. They came back today evening after a whirlwind 2 day visit....But they were happy as it was after long they went to our village. They told me that it snowed very heavily in our village..In fact, weather change was sudden; even Mussoorie hills got its first snowfall of the season yesterday only.....Nearby snow capped hills are looking so good...a treat to visual eyes...

More on this later...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Packet Of Love From My Veda Bua

I am still at my nana's place and is happy to be the main centre of attraction. I will write a separate post about that later. Through this post, I wish to express my love and heartfelt thanks to my Veda bua (aunt) for sending me a packet of love from US. That packet contained- hand-stitched blanket (stitched by Veda bua's mom- Granny for me), 3 pair of dresses, 4 pair of socks and two bottles of picked strawberry jam.....more than anything, it was the amount of love, affection and feelings that came along touched and moved me....

I had mentioned about my Veda bua in several of my posts in the past....She lives in Plymouth Indiana with her family-David uncle and her four kids- Byron, Brad, Karl and Maura....My Veda bua and my father met on Internet 10 years ago and ended up creating this beautiful selfless relationship of a brother and sister........A relationship that saw my Veda bua visit India along with her Mom (granny) and Maura (didi) to attend my father's marriage to my mom in 2005....their bond has also seen my Veda bua doing a Novena-a very special and powerful 9 days catholic prayer for the success of my father in his Chartered Accountancy exams-after he got stuck with that.....he passed his exams that time......Also, you know "Veda" part of my name is a derivative of Veda bua's name.....("Re" part comes from my Renu bua's name) ....There are so many incidents/acts that can be shared here; but all I know is that every act/incident cemented their relationship and bond further and further......

I must also thank David uncle for being the biggest and most silent supporter of their awesome bond...He never objected to my Veda bua visit India in 2005...I like him for one more thing- he is amongst a few people who can pronounce my name correctly....majority of people can't pronounce it right... Also, special thanks to Granny for stitching me such a wonderful blanket....I really appreciate that you stitched it for me despite your own health issues....You know Granny- it compliments so well with the previous blanket that you stitched for my mom and dad......And, now I will not have to borrow theirs...

Thank you Veda bua for being so thoughtful, loving and affectionate! I love you all and I know that you do that too

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Quiet Weekend

This weekend has been quiet and I have nothing much to dad was supposed to come over the weekend but he changed his plans at the last minute. Perhaps that is the reason for quiet weekend...Today my mom made me wear my new Denim skirt and jacket...will upload pictures once papa is here on Valentine's weekend...I heard mom telling papa that I am looking good....must be so...perhaps they should send my pictures to Levi's for their kid's label promotion; provided they have a range for kids..

In the afternoon, my dada and dadee came visiting me to meet me. I felt good after meeting them...They went back in the evening after spending around three hours with me. Mom is getting anxious as she is largely unsuccessful in her attempts to make me drink top feed....I will be back with more updates tomorrow..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My First Birthday

Today is my first Birthday...... Surprised????? I am sure you are...
Let me clear the confusion that is fast engulfing your mind. Actually, as per medical terminology, 5th February is the day when I was conceived. So, this day will always hold a very special place in my life and heart. It was on this day only that I came into being and began that journey towards life.....I was a tiny life cell then...and exactly 12 months later, here I am writing my story through this blog......Time just flies. ............So wish me happy birthday.

Now, this sudden thought makes me wonder as to how beautiful this world would become if we humans start to look for reasons to feel good about rather than cribbing about something they don't have. Just look at this small 3 months old; who not only celebrates her monthly birthdays but has now found one more reason to celebrate a birthday- My Technical Birthday.....That makes it 13 birthdays during one year duration.....

I think you all should go and check out your technical birthdays.....Time to ask questions!!! So please go and ask and then celebrate....

@ My Nana's Place

My blog schedule goes haywire at times and my distance from my papa is the biggest culprit for that. Besides, papa is little bit busy these days taking care of some new additional responsibilities at work. So, this post is late by a day.....

I am at my nana's (maternal grandfather) place since yesterday. We came here on the evening of 4th February. I am sure my dada and dadee are missing me and they conveyed this to me via mummy. You know, I am also missing them and my home. But then I will go back soon after staying here for few days. My eyes are lot busy these days trying to differentiate between walls of my home and that of my nana's house....Mom is trying her best to make me get used to small doses of top feed. However, I have taken an in principle decision not budge from my stand at all- NO TOP FEED. So she doesn't have any option but to accept my verdict....Whenever she doesn't, I know how to make her accept it........ Actually, I don't blame mom as all she is trying to do is to prepare me for the day when she will join her office back....More on this later....

In the end, I must thank Shikha aunt- my mom's best friend from Austin Texas; she left a comment on my blog yesterday Keep visiting and also send me Shubh'a pic so that I can post it on my blog....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Three Months

Today is my third monthly birthday and I am really happy about it....past three months have been great and I enjoyed every moment of my growing up.......from a small little kid in the incubator machine to one who can recognise fan, smile back at you, can eat hands and knuckles to someone who also know what it takes to get irritated. This blog has helped me document every such moment and will help recreate it for me when I will read it myself....

My Renu bua was the first to call to wish me on my birthday followed by my papa. It seems my mom already had some plans for my birthday and she used her doctor visit to execute the same. While she was inside meeting her doctor, I was with my dadee in the car. After she got free from the doctor's place, we all went to the market. And my mother again got into frenzied shopping and would end up buying me lot of new clothes- I don't know why she always feel that I am short of clothes and that too when I have so many. These moms won't change........But then let me tell you what all I bought for myself, courtesy my mom- A red colour corduroy skirt, blue denim jumper, two multi-colour pullovers, two light warm high neck sweaters, pigeon bottle wash....I also bought t-shirts and denim shorts for my Rudra bhai. I was very happy as I was shopping for myself for the first time. A moment to cherish......

While this post is being written, my dadee is baking a cake for me. My mom has already lined up fragrance candles to surround my birthday cake. I am lying on bed looking roving eyes are searching for something.... perhaps they cake or it could be my dad?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Polio Vaccine & Scooter Ride

My infrequent posts over the course of past week has a lot to do with my monotonous routine of past few days- always wakes up with a smile, daily massage and bath, sun bath and feeds at regular intervals. There was nothing else that I would do.

However, Sundays are not meant to be so- they are always eventful and so was 1st Sunday of February'09. After my mom made me attend to my daily chores, it was time to visit vaccine centre- located 1.5 kms away from our house near Dehradun IT Park, for my polio vaccine . My dada thought it inappropriate to call our driver uncle for that short a distance. So, he would take me to the centre on his two wheel scooter instead-"Hamara Bajaj"; with my dadee seated on the the rear seat and holding me on her lap. My mom would cover me in adequate warm clothes so as to beat the Dehradun chill. We were back home in less than an hour. Today's scooter ride- my first; would take up the tally of mode of transport used so far to three- car and train being the other two...I thoroughly enjoyed it.

However, that enjoyable ride would not stop me from loosing my cool in the evening. The setting for loosing my cool was provided by the duo of my mom and dadee, who would again start the experiment with top-feed. Instead of drinking the milk, I would start chewing the nipple of the bottle. So, my mom would try to make me drink the feed and this infuriated me. I would retaliate by not taking any feed for next 2 hours and would budge from my stand only after lot of cajoling. Now I am off to sleep and I am sure everyone must be relieved.

In the end, I must mention Ramesh uncle who left a comment yesterday. He is my father's friend and an ex-colleague from MPS Technologies. However, to me he will remain as one who played the most important role in the birth of my blog- he gave my father this idea.....Thank you Ramesh uncle....

Contrasting Emotions in 5 Minutes

Here are 8 pictures clicked between 11.34am and 11.39am on 13th January. Every picture has a different emotion and story to tell...I am sure with such varying and shifting emotions, I can give all the Aishwaryas and Ranis a run for their money......What is your take????



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