Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wowing Them!

This post seeks to compile a list of things that helps me "WOW" people when they see or hear about me-

~ my blog ....

~ my smile as those dimples are too deep to be missed....

~ my girly dresses as I look cute in them...

~ that glare from the corner of my eyes....

~ those creases on my forehead that makes my papa call me a philosopher....

~ that big head like my papa; he opines that a big-size head houses more grey matter.

~ my frequent bursts into a laughter...

~ my pink-white combo cap....

~ sleeping me inside my pram while going up/down the lift....

~ my little corduroy shoes....

~ running my soft fingers on someones face....

~ the love and affection Rudra bhai and I share amongst ourselves.....

And many more that my papa forgot but will update soon ....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tiny Life Cell & The Big Bang

My nearly 5-month old journey from the world of unknown into the world of known is no different than Big-bang. What began as a small cell at some finite point of time continues to expand taking me into territories unknown to me.

Until sometime back, the only constituent of my world used to be my family members through their touch, voice or sight; a gear that would help me move from one emotion to another in a course of few seconds; they still do that. But just as you need more than one gear to fully enjoy the car, I too am beginning to ask and do more to enjoy the life that almighty has bestowed on me -Moving from one corner of bed to other, imitating a sound, responding to a smile, or simply a desire to touch or hold- a not so infinite list of things; but a list that continues to expand on a daily basis.

The most profound of the above list is the desire to touch or hold. All along these five months I experienced it in so many forms-whether it was my mom feeding me or running her fingers on my face, my dadee massaging me or giving me bath, my dada putting me on to sleep, my papa holding me or those innumerable soft pecks on my cheeks or fingers etc. But, now is my turn to give it back to them as I run my soft and tender fingers on their cheeks whenever they lie by my side or gently hold their arms when being held. The more I do it the more they crave for it.

But what surprises my family most is my desire to touch and hold the objects lying around me......be it newspaper or a soft toy or a piece of cloth, I desire everything......Seeds of love for material things have since been planted.....

Isn’t that what makes me more human!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Ridhima Didi

28th March is certainly my Ridhima didi's day. She turned 2 today in Jinja- Uganda; where she lives with my Renu bua and Rakesh mama. My papa just called to wish my didi but she was sleeping; not my bua and mama who had to wake up early today to attend those birthday greeting calls from India. My bua was in the kitchen busy cooking "Daal ki Pakodi"-(cutlets made from pulses to mark celebrations or a festival in every Garhwali household). They plan to go to temple in the town later this afternoon while birthday party is in the evening at Hotel Jinja Nile Resorts on the banks of Nile- an exotic location by any stretch of imagination. Pity that I can't attend. Oh yes! I forgot to tell you that my cutie didi will wear a yellow coloured gown that my bua had bought from Dehradun in India last July- now that's called planning for the future!

My Ridhima didi holds a very special place in our household- being the eldest of our generation. So we too will have our own celebrations here in India- My dada and dadee will celebrate it in Dehradun while we will in Gurgaon.

Do watch out for this space in the coming days for the pictures from the birthday party by the Nile.

Pictures added since - Before the partyIn her yellow dressCutting the cake
Before I end this post, once again Happy Birthday Ridhima didi!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Phone Call, Email, Visitor, New Car

Weird sounding title of today’s post will start making sense as you continue reading this post. My Wednesday started with a phone call from my dada; who called my papa to inform him of their safe arrival in Dehradun. It wasn’t the phone-call but that stupid ringtone on my papa’s phone; a reason enough for me to express my displeasure by means of a glare from the corner of my eyes. Soon that glare turned into a broad smile as my papa placed the phone near my ears to let my dada speak to me. Emotional pain caused by the physical distance was clearly evident in his voice when he called my name; an everyday morning ritual for the past 4 months. Technological aide helps but to an extent only;.....it is IMPOSSIBLE to make up for the personal touch.

My papa multi-tasks a lot and yesterday was no different when he was checking his emails while on phone. And that’s when he read an email that brought cheers to his face- an email informing him about the “Blog of the Day” award to my blog by http://blogofthedayawards.blogspot.com. Here is the notification

My working mom doesn’t have an indefinite liberty to work from home; yesterday was one such day when she mandatorily had to be in office for some meetings. So, who will stay with me in her absence...Papa? Oh! He can’t as he has a board meeting coming up on 26th.....chachee has a super-charged kid at home to look after......Manju didi (our maid) can step in as and when required but not full time as she has other chores to attend.....dada and dadee are back in Dehradun......so in came the solution in my Mamta mausi (my mom’s sister).....she will stay with us for next two days as mom will be at work. She lives in Dwarka and is visiting us with Ria didi-her daughter just to take care of me in my absence.....Great gesture especially when you have your family commitments as well.

Last but not the least, we have got a new car- New Honda City in polished metal metallic colour......my Ashu chacha purchased it yesterday....this is how it looks. Remember this post of mine.

Now what do you think of the title, makes sense?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Blog Clock Gone For The Toss

Yes! it seems to be so as I am running a day late on my daily posts. So this post will be sort of a quick-fire update as against my normal posts. It is 1 am here and I just came back after seeing off my dada and dadee at the Hazrat Nizamuddin railway station. They have gone back to Dehradun by 11.55 AC Special train. My dada and dadee got very emotional as I have been with them since my birth; first in Gurgaon followed by Dehradun and Gurgaon again afterwards. Their love and affection for me and my Rudra bhai is evident in every action of theirs; even in the tears that were flowing down their respective cheeks while they were walking up the stairs of the railway station. Those silent but expressive tears were narrating the pain of separation they were feeling..... Anyways, no worries as papa is planning to take us to Dehradun over the coming weekend....

The other update is from Monday morning; my Rudra bhai has started going to his play-school. My eager chachee got him ready at 8, although his school starts at 10. But more than my chachee it was my Rudra bhai who was visibly happy and excited in his yellow shirt, blue denim and neatly combed curly hairs. Even we were not far behind in terms of excitement and our entire family accompanied him to his school; including yours truly. Believe it or not the school is beginning to show its calming effect on the super-charged kid; and now smile can be seen written all over his face.........

In the evening my papa took my mom to her doctor to find answers to her various post natal care queries. Meenakshi auntie, who carried out the C-section on my mom, was happy to see me and so was I. She even agreed to let my mom click her pictures with me......I will post them here tomorrow.

With this I end this update hoping that my blog clock will be more organised now.....time alone will tell though.

Monday, March 23, 2009

अतिथो देवो: भवः (Guest is God)

“अतिथो देवो: भवः” is the motto of our family/home. That explains why our house is always a full house on most of the Sundays/holidays; and yesterday was no exception. We hosted three families and my papa’s cousin separately thus making it 12 guests within a span of 6 hours! Needless to say that I am always the star attraction for every visitor. And trust me it feels great to be showered with praises and blessings, to hear comments on my smile/dimples/clothes/creases etc or be held softly and gently out of love and affection.......Oh yes! it is about time my parents buy a separate cupboard for my clothes as available space is shrinking fast with the expansion in my clothes kitty, which expands with every new visitor.

The steady string of visitors started with the arrival of our Landlord's family of four followed by my papa's friend- Satish uncle's family. Next one to drop in was the most awaited visitor as far as my mom is concerned-Valentina mausi’s (my mom’s childhood friend of 30 years). She visited me along with Mahesh uncle and their 18 month old son-Saksham. They stayed with us for around 3 hours and my mom’s happiness was visible all over her face. Saksham was a busy kid all through his stay in our house.....my Rudra bhai's toys kept him busy! After they left, it was my papa's cousin-Manish uncle waiting on the door; who would then go on to stay with us until dinner.....What a busy sunday it turned out to be in the end! Busy but enjoyable too...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mother-God's Best Creation

I am not under the weather anymore; medicines seem to have worked and I am back to my smiling, playing, and shouting best.... My painful cries of past couple of days have given way to squeaking and screeching sound of laughter and excitement....... eyes are no longer watery red..... my shenanigans are filling the atmosphere with fun and smile again.......... and my puckish grin is back.......But, not before bringing me face to face with a direct co-relation that exists between my health and the creases on my mom’s face.......

And it makes me wonder what a lovely creation of God, a mother is! Firstly, they hold us inside their tiny womb while readying themselves for the pain of delivering us babies...... then witness their belly go under the surgicals with a prayer on lips for our safe and secure birth (prayers for own safety comes second).......and then just a cursory look at our blood strained body and they forget their own pain instantly...... later, they eat things that they used to avoid all through their lives just to ensure that they have enough to feed us......spend their nights beholding the beauty of their creation while “creation” sleeps comfortably in the cosy environs of their warmth.........I can go on and on as the list is endless and universal; so is their love, affection and care....... endless and universal- God's own representative in every household!

Perhaps the universal appeal of mother is best explained in the similar phonetics for the word “Mother “in three ancient languages of the world- Mather in Latin, Mātṛ in Sanskrit & Mitera in Greek......can you ask anything better than that to celebrate the true essence of universal appeal of a mother? Perhaps not!

Let me end this post on a completely different note.....picture of my Ridhima didi who will complete 2 years on 28 March....

Edited to add: This post is part of a world wide blogging tribute to Moms led by TheBlogFrog

I am Unwell

There will not be any posts today as I am not well.....have got some throat problem and congestion....meds are working though and I am sure I will be fine soon.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cough, Doctor and Rudra Bhai

Oouoghh...oouogh...oouogh.....this is how I started my day- was coughing badly....my worried mom administered me few drops of Sinarest-AF in the interim and that instantly helped as I would not cough from that point onwards. Later, she would call up the doctor and take an evening appointment for my vaccination and consultation on my health.........

My reluctant father had to leave for his office and I would see him off with a smile; a smile that made him put the car into reverse gear after he moved quite a distance- just to see me smile once again......Actually you know I am beginning to hear lot of comments on my smile....the other day a lady in the Reliance Super store saw me smile and came up to me and touched my cheeks and said- “How sweet! I love these dimples on her both cheeks”....How nice of her to say that! But then it is not tough to notice those dimples- they are deep.... really deep. Watch out Ms. Preeti Zinta.... you now have a competition.

My mom again decided to stay back and work from home as she is unwell too. In the evening my papa took me and my Rudra bhai to doctor. He is suffering from acute chest congestion and is not the usual picture of a happy-go-lucky kid these days...But I must mention about a noticeable change in him- his acceptance of my presence in the house......you ask him where is your sister and up goes his finger pointing in my direction............Every now and then he would come up to me to touch me and smile. Whenever I cry, he is the first one to pick the rattle in his bid to gain my attention and stop me from crying.....but his only problem is that he doesn’t know when to stop oscillating it.......

At doctor’s place, I was smiling and he was crying but that situation was set to reverse as soon as doctor gave me Prevenar (http://doctor.ndtv.com/faq/detailfaq.asp?id=12389). Now he was smiling and I was the one crying.......with another shuffling of our acts after 5 minutes. Doctor told mom to give me steam at night and that is what I am doing at this moment.........Don’t believe this so have a look......

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mom & Dr Babita

Nothing much to write today except that I am not feeling well......I have a running nose and bit of cough; it seems that my papa gave his cold to me as well....even my mom has it now. ....I will go to the doctor tomorrow as I am due for my vaccination and it is then my mom plans to ask the doctor about my cold. Until then I have to live with Dr Babita who has already given me two doses-obviously under medical supervision only..

Well, you know Dr Babita worked from home today but had to go to work for an emergency meeting at 5.30. You know one notable quality of my mom is her devotion and commitment to work.....you can never find her taking liberty of "work from home" facility. She gives more than 8 hours to work even when she is at home.

Will write more tomorrow...

A New Look

As you can see my cyberspace den now sports a new look after a marathon two day’s effort of my papa and mummy. The project apparently titled-“Redesign Reveda’s blog” was managed by papa with mom playing the role of his programming assistant. It must have been hard for them to drop the pink theme for subtle colours........“Colour” word reminds me of the day when my parents first bought clothes for me ahead of my delivery......Much to their surprise they found that almost all the clothes had “pink” in one form or the other. That discovery made my papa prophesise- “it will definitely be a girl”- something he always wanted......And the girl it is!

Let me know your views on the new look of my blog and I will tell my parents to incorporate your suggestions.

Last but not the least, my father has passed on his cold to me and my Rudra bhai....I am feeling bit cranky today; so my mom has given me Cinarest medicine....hope it will be of some help.

Until later.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

13th March-Now & Then!

My mummy and papa reversed their yesterday’s roles; mom stayed at home while papa joined office after a gap of three days but not before spreading his throat infection to my dadee..........Unlike previous days I was awake for the better part of the day. But the lack of sleep would not deter me from leaving my papa stunned in the evening- “I was lying by him on the sofa when he saw me elegantly holding the frills of my lemon yellow skirt with my two fingers while my other hand was busy adjusting the lowers......my sheer elegance took him completely by surprise and all he could do was to ask for a dekko by my mom and dadee........

Looking him happy and surprised, I began to wonder about the situation exactly an year ago - 13th March 2008 to be precise; what I come across is an altogether different picture......My stunned mummy and papa of today were a scared set of expectant parents then .........Reason??? Ultrasound scans report of the previous day had revealed that “my growth is not up to the mark and the worst can only be ruled out with another scan after 10-12 days”. Hearing doctor say this was enough to fizzle out the excitement that took them to his clinic post discovery of my existence; and they would not sleep for next 12 days until my next scans are out.......Come 24th March; not only would I make up for the deficiency in the growth but moved ahead too........From that day onwards until my delivery, I never gave them any reason to feel worried........Scanned films of my next five scans prove it.......don’t they? And this is what that tiny cell has become now!

Happy Holi

I had to alter my blog clock a bit to fit in this early holi post. As it was my first holi, so I was the star attraction of the day. My Rudra bhai was the first one to get off the hook; he started the festival of colours in our household. Excitement of playing with colours was written all over his face.....

He was splashing blue/green and red colour in the air....his clothes were awashed with colours. My chachee had to change his clothes twice before my father had enough of this clothes change business. He took off all his wet clothes barring his huggies. But that wasn't enough for the super charged kid who was in no mood to stop and started playing holi in diapers.....

In complete contrast to my Rudra bhai, I was a picture of serene calmness amidst the colour riot. I was wearing my white frock and an orange coloured holi cap; my mom bought late night. One could have easily spotted a look of surprise over my face when I saw my Rudra bhai playing holi in his diapers....I cannot even think of doing that.....While I was in my dada's lap, the long retired internal auditor in my papa made him to ask my mom as to why she used a new white frock......pat came the reply-"that's her Holi dress". And my papa couldn't do anything but say this-"Bobby- you and Rudra have one thing in common; both are wild when it comes to celebrating something".......

Now that's how you celebrate festivals like holi! Pictures as taken in that order....

Last but not the least, I wish people should celebrate the spirit of holi in the proper perspective while giving respect to other person's sentiments and values.....

Mom's Anxiety

You know my mom is a picture of liveliness and joy in abundance. Hear her talk when she is at her lively best and you will not be able to stop yourself from equating her energy to that of a 10 year old kid ..........However, for past few days her anxiety has outgrown her....She is feeling inundated with work that has tight delivery schedules besides the pressure of motherhood duties.....and the anxiety is written all over her face.....just goes on to show what motherhood pressure can do to a person. She is coping with it and seeing her do that leaves me in no doubt that only woman possesses the necessary wherewithal to do that. Though, my mom is being assisted by everyone at home- my dada and dadee has come to stay with us, chachee is there too and so is my papa....But it is time she wins over that inner tussle and get back to her lively self again.....

My papa is still recovering from his fever and was at home today.........but then every-time I used to cry he would let my dada put me to sleep.......yes he did change my nappies and assisted my dadee dress me up for the evening.....and the occasion was a visit to my mom’s office to pick her up.......papa chose my dress and mom was in for a surprise as she was not expecting me to wear that one......a sky blue coloured top, blue dangree and a matching hat.....huh papa should have clicked the picture.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another Twitter Update

My papa is still down with fever and he didn't go to work today. But his leave was of no advantage to me as he is keeping me at a distance to ensure that I don't catch the virus flu. He was on self medication until this evening but then had to go to doctor. Now since he has been to the doctor, I am sure he will be fine.

My father thinks that I am angry with him......and I think he is right...I am angry as he is not taking me in his lap/arms. Actually I don't understand this flu thing that well.

My mummy wanted to buy a Holi cap for me for tomorrow. She just managed to get one courtesy my chachee. And now, she is happy....My dadaji has prepared some gujia and muthree for holi festivities, which will be my first.

I am feeling sleepy as well as hungry; drooling with my four fingers inside my mouth and roving eyes looking everywhere.....

More to follow later....

Monday, March 9, 2009

Twitter Update

I will be writing a quick update today as my papa is down with fever and throat infection....his throat is really bad....My Ashu chacha came back late afternoon today. He was happy after meeting my Rakesh mama, Renu bua & Honey didi. My Renu bua has sent me lot of stuff and I will write about that tomorrow...

Another quick update is on Soli who is doing well now...I am so happy for her....read more about her on http://silvazoo.blogspot.com/.

Let me now go back to my papa as he would feel good seeing me smile......I can make anyone feel better with my deep dimple smile.....here is a picture that he loves most...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bro-Sis @ The Baby Show

Sunday was the day of first competition with the kids in our age group and the occasion was a baby show organised by The Learning Lighthouse- a play school. My mother and chachee dressed both of us and this is how we both were looking....
The show venue was buzzing with active kids of all age groups. Every kid was looking fabulous and that made my father say-" Every kid is a winner". If my father had his own way, he would have send all the judges back home. But they were busy doing their job and I was waiting for them to come and see me to judge me. However, my Rudra bhai was busy with his shoe. I was very tired and was sleepy....... and by the time my turn came, I was already asleep. So the two judges could see "sleeping Reveda" only. But my Rudra bhai was very active and when prizes were announced he was adjudged the "most active kid" in his age group. I could have got one had there been a category called "sleeping beauty". But since there was no such category, I had to come empty handed....but not "us" because of my active Rudra bhai.

Before I conclude, I wish to thank every visitor who come to my blog.......would be great to have their feedback comments as well.

Saturday- Relaxed, Fun & Envy

I was at my boisterous best today and don’t ask me why.....Silly! today was Saturday. Now before you quiz me further, let me give you the reasons why I rate Saturdays so high. In my opinion, this day lets everyone enjoy the luxury of time without having to worry about the work next day; finding time for others is never this easy on any other day........

It was no different today; breakfast got replaced by late brunch as Manju didi (our maid) decided to rework her pace. Everyone in our home was in a relaxed mood; not my Ashu chacha, who is visiting Renu bua in Uganda. Today he toured Nile basin with my Renu bua, Rakesh mama and Honey didi. Their list of activities included- boating in the Lake Victoria, bungee jumping from a height of 44 meters, a visit to the equator......”our envy his fun”.

In the evening, my mom and papa took me out to the doctor as I have rashes on my neck; not worrisome though. Soon, I will be asleep but for now I am playing with my mom. My Rudra bhai is also busy playing with my chachee and dadee.........

Friday, March 6, 2009

My First Turn In A Full House

Our Gurgaon home is a full house aka “Madhouse” these days with 9 members. It is an awesome experience and pleasure to grow in a full house; even when you have to share attention with a 14 month old-my Rudra bhai. A crying face is enough to make everyone sit up and lift you in arms; more than two arms reach out to us every time we make a crying face.

Our competitive spirits are usually evident in every act of ours. My Rudra bhai’s are more prominent and higher in number with mine restricted to crying every time I hear him cry. Earlier he used to ignore my presence but not anymore. Now, he is beginning to accept me. Often he extends his soft hand towards me; especially when asked to do so. Though, his touch is not the softest of the touches as he tends to press my hand hard enough to make me cry........Keeping him at bay while he is around is always an uphill task........“Boisterous” is the word that describes him best.

So that you are not left wondering, let me tell you about the other 7 people in this madhouse. My parents and my Rudra bhai’s parents (Ashu chacha and Shikha chachee) make it four while my dada and dadee are visiting us from Dehradun. In addition we have Tinku chacha (my papa’s cousin) staying with us for past 6 months and then we have Manju didi, our maid.

My dadee is with us for some time so that my mom can join her office during the day. I know that my dada and dadee don’t like Delhi at all; biggest reason my dada has managed to keep at bay the pressure of staying in Gurgaon. He came back yesterday night only after staying alone in Dehradun for 10 days......It is always good to know that you are being loved and cared for.......

While this post was being lent words, I took my first turn and it was towards my left side.......My father managed to shot it from a distant angle......he is yet to figure out the way to attach a YouTube link to a post.....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Dilemma

I usually feel most relaxed during night in the company of both my parents and am always in my most playful mood. So much so that I don't let my parents go to sleep till late in the night. But those relaxed moments always bring with it, my unique dilemma- "who should I look at and face to while sleeping". Actually, I sleep in between my parents; both vying for my attention. Left with no option, I keep moving my face from one side to another....soon I go off to sleep out of tiredness ........
This has been a regular feature of past 4-5 days....Though, for records, usually mom gets the preference and that too for a selfish reason-she feeds me during nights....

This is not the only dilemma I face....Whether to smile or frown or just remain indifferent when meeting someone for the first time is the other one and infact most common of them.......

And now the biggest of my dilemmas is whether I should let my mom resume work properly...she had to opt for "work from home" today .... I was lying by her most of the time and mom was busy working on her laptop....

Giggling Happy Singh On Video

To hear me giggle, please press II on the Mixpod..... and then play the YouTube link

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sad Happy Singh Giggles Again

My mom's Happy Singh was sad today for most part of the day...Firstly, mom altered my daily routine and gave me an early bath followed by her own feed; trying her best to make me go sleep. But, I would wake up as soon as she was about to leave for work. Even then she had to go as office was calling.....

Soon after she left, I started crying.....my cries kept getting shriller with every passing minute....Dadee and chachee tried every trick in their book to divert my attention; but I would not relent....simply because my mom was not around.......dadee gave me my formula milk.....I drank it and started crying again.....A SOS call to mom and she rushed home at around 1.30.....found me crying incessantly....one look of hers and both my cheeks had my dimples flashing again.....and Reveda goes to sleep in no time......Happy Singh was back!

Mom stayed home until 5.30 and rushed back to work for her 6.30 conference call....I didnt create any ruckus after she left...My dadee must have enjoyed my company and so did I....Happy Singh was in a joyful mood all along......Mom and papa came back at around 8 and first thing my mom did was to lift me in her arms......

It is 12 midnight now and Happy Singh is laughing, smiling, giggling....I am sure you wanna hear me do that......so have told papa and he is gonna upload some on YouTube...has already shot two videos.....so watch out for this space tomorrow....

My 4th Monthly Birthday

As I had mentioned earlier, I crossed 4 months today. But, I didn't cut any cake today unlike previous 3 occasions.

Actually, my dadee was under severe back ache since yesterday; so my papa took her to doctor in the morning. But seeing no improvement in her condition, he took her to an Orthopeadician late at around 9 pm along with my chachee and Rudra bhai. The doctor gave her an injection and recommended MRI Scan of her spine....So papa took my dadee to hospital for her scans....By God's grace, everything is fine....nothing serious; some disc rupture which as per doctor usually happens because of some accidental fall or ageing. "Thank You My God, I love you for all your blessings and care upon us".

By the time my dadee, papa, chachee and Rudra bhai came back, it was already 11 pm and I was asleep......My tensed mom didn't feel like ordering cake while everyone was at the hospital; I feel she did the right thing.....

Moments after everyone started their dinner, I would wake up to go back to sleep again in next five minutes; but only after I smile at every one's face.....in fact just because of my frequent smiles, my mom has started calling me "Happy Singh".....Isn't this a nice name? But only my mom can call me that way...For others, I remain what I am -Reveda, Prisha or Umankshi......

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Still Don’t Know

The question that I asked yesterday-“ Am I Ready? ” will be answered over next few days.....My mom did go to work; only to come back after 3 hours.....reason?......she was to rejoin on 4th March instead of 2nd March........so I now have two additional days.......If those 3 hours are anything to go by, all the doubters has a reason to cheer.......I drank formula-milk right after I woke up; played with my dadee and didn’t give her any reasons to worry........but as my dadee rightly said- “that was just a trailer; picture abhi baaki hai mere dost (my friend- complete picture is still to come)”........So watch out for this space again on the evening of 4th for the day to day account of my first “full day without my mom”......

FYI- I completed 4 months, 2 minutes ago at 9.17am....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Am I Ready?

My mom is getting ready to start her work again.....Tomorrow will be her first day in office after a gap of exactly four months....I really don't know if I am ready for this daily temporary separation from my mother. Though, I will have my dadee with me in her absence. But, I still survive on my mom's feed and have been unable to develop any liking for the top feed.....I must mention that my dadee has come to stay with us just because of me...she doesn't like Gurgaon and moreover she had to leave my dada alone in Dehradun.....my dada will come to Gurgaon for few days around March 10....I love you my dada and dadee...I really do...

Right now, everyone is tensed as to how will I cope with my mom's joining her work back....I think it is best to let time decide this.....For now I am happy as I just came back from a trip to Ambience Mall and is playing with my mom....my papa is busy writing this post while my dadee is resting....Shikha chachee is cooking dinner and Rudra bhai is busy playing with utensils in the kitchen.....I am sure he will become a chef once he grows up....



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