Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mom Thru Music & Lyrics

I want to share something divine I witnessed this morning. I was sitting in my dadee’s lap while my papa was busy watching “DASVIDANIYA”, a Hindi movie on Television. As soon as this song was played in the movie,

........tears came rolling down my papa’s cheeks. Initially, he tried his best to hide his tears but gave up soon after seeing my dadee wipe hers. Both had my rapt attention as they watched song unfold before their eyes. I would move my eyes between them trying to make out the connection between song, tears, music, lyrics and a bond between a mother and a son. What more can you expect from a 7 month old to do in those circumstances!

I am left wondering if it was the power of love, music or words that brought tears to the eyes of my papa and dadee.

For those who can’t understand Hindi language, this song sung by a son for her mother is about hope and the power of motherly love. Do notice the change in the expressions on the face of actor's mom after the pause in music. A not so perfect literal translation of this song goes like this:

Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...Mamma
Ho Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...Mamma

Your love shall change our fate.
It shall melt the chains of sadness that surrounds us
Even God cannot ignore your prayers as you are a world of prayers
Mom, My Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...... Mamma
Ho Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...Mamma

Our luck shall change for better
Life will again sing songs of happiness
I have no fear as you are a world of prayers
Mom, My Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...... Mamma
Ho Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...Mamma

Pause in music to ask his mom about the performance. Comes to know that she had forgot to put battery in her hearing aid. He then puts the battery inside to start from where he had left

You know I am different from others
As I am your loving child
You know I am different from others
As I am your loving child

To live this life is a bigger problem
You are an eternal world
When you get angry, I feel goof
When you pull my ears, it pains me a lot, my mom

Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...Mamma
Ho Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...Mamma

Your love shall change our fate.
It shall melt the chains of sadness that surrounds us
Even God cannot ignore your prayers as you are a world of prayers
Mom, My Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...... Mamma
Ho Mom, My Mom, Loving Mom...Mamma

Every child can relate to this....and I know why......

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today, I am reproducing a post from MM's blog calling people to help Abhishek fight his battle for life. Abhishek's wife has fallen short of Rs 73,00,000 ($ 156,000) for his treatment of Bi- Phenotypic Acute Leukemia (BAL) a type of Blood Cancer. It would require 7,300 people to contribute Rs 1000 ($ 22 each)to make up for the shortfall. That number has already come down to 7299 as my father is going to do his bit. I call upon everyone who reads this post to please do your bit for this worthy cause.......7299 people on a planet that houses roughly 7 billion people is not a tall order......Please help him get back to his life, more on Abhishek- here.

I request Braja to use her contacts and blog following for this cause.....

Contact details of Abhishek's family members and Help Abhishek team members are as follows:

Shubdha Raina Sinha (wife)
EMail :
Bangalore, India

Abhijeet Sinha(brother)
Mobile: +91.9886331296

Help Abhishek Team:
Ritya Gulati
Bangalore, India
EMail :
Mobile: +91.9008989389

Hiten Manwani
Bangalore, India
Mobile: +91.9880270229

Ritesh Gauba
Bangalore, India
EMail :
Mobile: +91.9741777968

Chitwan Singh
Bangalore, India
Mobile: +91.9880788600

Ankur Kumar
Bangalore, India
Mobile: +91.9902036309

SIBM Team:
Abid Hussain
Bangalore, India
EMail :
Mobile: +91.9844495051

Ajoy Bhat
Mumbai, India
EMail :
Mobile: +91.9820221918

For any enquiry mail us at or Contact us on above Numbers
For more information on Stem Cell Registry visit

Given below are the excerpts of the post from MM's blog.

Abhishek has been diagnosed of Bi- Phenotypic Acute Leukemia (BAL) a type of Blood Cancer. He requires a match for the bone marrow Transplantation and funds for the treatment roughly Rs. 1 Cr.

The website has the details of his reports and has been initiated as we have no other alternative to reach you all for the support & prayers for donor match and his quick recovery.

There are Two Ways in which you can help Abhishek:

A) By making contributions towards supporting his medical expenses for getting the Bone Marrow Transplant done,

B) By registering yourself as Stem cell donor and pray for speedy recovery of Abhishek.

Make Personal Contributions in form of Monetary Donations towards Abhishek’s Medical expenses.

You can make a donation through two options:

Option # 1

Donate Through Cancer Patient’s Aid Association (CPAA) Preferred option

Please click at the link attached to reach the site of CPA where the method to donate through their gateway is clearly mentioned.

This would be the preferred option as CPAA is a registered NGO and therefore all donations collected through them would be tax exempted for both the donor and the receiver .

Option # 2

Direct deposit in Abhishek’s Bank Account:

This option can be exercised through Electronic fund transfer or through cheques/DDs sent in favour of Abhishek Sinha , HDFC Account No.: 4061000010701

Cheques/DDs can also be sent at the following address:

Abhishek Sinha,
c/o Chitwan Singh,
A-318, Maple Block, Prestige Greenwoods,
C.V. Raman Nagar,
Bangalore- 560093, Phone No.: (080) 25077550

Please forward this to all your friends and colleagues. We need your prayers & support. You could help save a life.
Please help him....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

No Post Today my papa is unable to type because of pain in his left arm. I will have him write regular post tomorrow morning. Till then take care and keep smiling.........

Edited to add: I request people from cold places to send some cool breeze Delhi's way as it is extremely hot here. You know today's temperature was 41 degrees celsius. Uffff! Sometimes you feel as if you are sitting in a heat chamber....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Tooth & Dimple Smile

Picture that proves my tooth has grown bigger in last 14 days.
Now that one tooth led to a discussion around my pictured dimple smile You know, my Ridhima didi and Rudra bhai too used to sport dimples on both their cheeks. But one of theirs vanished soon after their teething process got over....However, my Renu bua is of the view that mine are here to stay.

Let's see!. It doesn't matter to me if there is one or both.....

Arey baba! I smile not because of my dimples; rather my dimples are there because of my smile....

Airport, People & Emotions

It is 2 am here in India and I am still awake; remember that 2 am or 2 pm thing on this post. Actually, we just came back home after visiting Delhi International Airport to see off my Rakesh Mama (uncle) - my Renu bua’s husband. This was my first visit to any airport and will stay with me forever courtesy this post. Since Delhi Airport is in the midst of a major renovation and construction exercise; so there is not much to write about the state of infrastructure. From the looks of it, future of this airport looks better and I hope to write about it sometime soon.

A keen observer, which I am, soon got busy witnessing the airport scenes. But, what attracted me most at the airport wasn’t the swanky airport building but people. Actually it is a given in India; sort of a freebie. With its huge population, sea of humanity follows you everywhere. Delhi Airport was no different either; it was full of people. And, with people come emotions. There was a son who was taking his newly-wed along; his entire family was there to see him off with tears flowing down their cheeks. There was a group of young guys standing next to the newly-weds with aspirations and dreams in their eyes. An old couple travelling alone were looking for some help to push their trolleys. A young daughter was pushing her trolley with her other hand waving at her parents and tears popping out of her eyes. A group of labourers showing contrasting emotions of hope and fear.......every face had a story to tell.

Present in that huge crowd was a 2.25 year old daughter enjoying the warmth of her father’s embrace completely unaware of his scheduled departure. Sensing the possible, her mom quickly offered her lap to the daughter, which she accepted. Handshakes and hugs followed quickly thereafter (pic of Rakesh mama, Ridhima didi and me shaking hands) and the father took his way to the airport lobby entrance. Seeing her father leave, the girl started crying......calling her papa......You know that daughter was none else but my Ridhima didi and the father was my Rakesh mama. She kept crying until she went to sleep. While my Ridhima didi was crying, my embrace of my mom got tighter and tighter.

What a cruel place an airport can be for emotional people!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Love Abounds

.........everywhere; in that look into my eyes, in the soft touch that reaches out to me, in the words that creates a symphony in my ears, in your visits and your comments. It is everywhere; it is profound and universal.......

Finding my own reasons to smile or cry; I celebrate and rejoice my every moment. When I smile I treasure it and when I cry I shed the burden. All good memories and no baggage mean I have something to look forward to every other day. So, I rise and wake up with a smile, learn a new thing that life has to offer, enjoy it to live it and go to bed with a smile. .......Life is beautiful and simple!

My mantra to enjoy my life- “live life in present moments; treasure all fond memories; don’t burden self with a baggage-shed it then and there. Live life to the fullest and don't complicate it as life is indeed beautiful and simple”.

Everyone can do that- just go back to your childhood days....

Comeon! you have been there and done that!

Monday, May 25, 2009

I Can Differentiate....

....between a smile and a laughter....see yourself
Seniors, but where have your laughter gone, how come you forgot that?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Day In My Life

........ is never about 24 hours; the notion of time doesn’t exist in my life. But, it won’t be long before everyone will start thrusting their concept of time over me making it mandatory for me to follow the strict regimen of 24 hour cycle. Until that happens, I want to enjoy and live my life my way; not worrying about anything but me and my life......

I choose my own time of going to bed or waking up in the morning. I am free to choose my play-toys, play-time or playground; 2 am or 2 pm are all one and same for me. No one shouts at me if I don’t go potty on time nor do they get angry when I fail to control my bladder. I always get to decide the kind of food, the time and the place to eat. In no time, can my one smile swing the look of anger/frustration opposite way. It doesn’t take much to make my happy. Attraction for me is a one way street as I become the centre of attraction wherever I go. No wonder, I am completely indifferent to colours or type of clothes I wear. In short, I am in the driver seat of my life and my time.

Only language that I know of is the language of love and trust. There is no wrong and right in my life; rather my life remains a game of endless possibilities. All the strings that would eventually control my life are in my grasp. I just hope that everyone allows me to pull the right strings as per my choice! I can only hope.....

Wish life was like this for our seniors as well! Actually, it was; but they chose to cede the control of their lives to their own folly......

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Gang Of Three Revisited

...........has now grown bigger; compare yourself from the two photographs. Me-barely 3 days old in my Ashu chacha's safe hands with my Rudra bhai & Ridhima didi on 6th November.....Read more here . . And now this one taken on 20th November Time just flies and things do Ridhima didi can now hold me, Rudra bhai can walk and talk and I can crawl! How right they were when they said "Change is the only constant"! I wonder why didn't they add "forward looking" to that saying.

Just imagine a life where our sphere of mutual love, trust, respect and bonding only grows stronger, bigger and for better..............How enjoyable that life would become; whole and complete. Imagine and live it!

I am definitely living it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Queen Of The Little People

Braja , a much celebrated blogger and a waylaid spiritualist has given me a title- "Queen Of The Little People"......My reaction? Truly speaking, it feels great to feature on her blog! Thanks Braja......Today, I am going to let the honour sink in..........

So the sequel to this post of 24th November will be posted tomorrow........Until then; take good care of you and yours!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life In A Millennium City

Swanky office buildings, glitzy shopping malls, gated communities, expensive cars and pockets of affluence- Gurgaon have it all. What it doesn’t have is regular supply of electricity and drinking water- two modern era amenities required for sustaining human life........they are in such a mess that it would not be wrong to rename Gurgaon as “Hell of Concrete” instead of “Millennium city”.

Incidents of yesterday night have left a very bad taste in my mouth for the authorities within the Electricity Department and DLF. I don’t think that they have any right to continue in their jobs if they can’t deliver.

It all began with the erratic electric supply in our block since Tuesday morning. And, this would mean that our UPS battery conked off by 11.30 pm. With temperature hovering in excess of 40 degrees, rooms had turned into a heat chamber; my papa’s patience ran out around 2 pm. He picked up his car and drove straight to Electricity Office followed by DLF’s. Upon being told that the supply has been restored, he came back home to found me sitting on my mom’s lap outside our house with my dadee giving us company. Sight of his 6 month old sweating heavily blew my papa’s top; but anger was not his priority. It was then he came up with the idea of using his car air-conditioner to comfort me. It worked and I went to sleep in no time.

He, then drove to DLF office again with me sleeping comfortably in my mom’s lap. At their office, he told my mom to lock the car from inside and went upstairs to meet the officials on duty. Before he could start his conversation, a man came running shouting for help; his house in the adjacent F-block was on fire. Nobody in that office had any clue about the next course of action. My papa told them to first disconnect the power supply of that particular block and then he called the fire tenders.

The priority had shifted by then! So, he drove the car in the direction of the house under fire. Upon reaching there, we found that side entrance of the house was under fire. Apparently the fire had started from the power board and a short circuit induced by high voltage power supply was the reason. Thankfully, fire was soon brought under control before it could do any serious damage.

In the meantime, DLF people had rectified the problem in our block and electricity supply was restored by 4.40 am. My dadee called up my papa and confirmed this to him. And with that my papa’s 3 hour ordeal came to an end......

But I am really hurt at the level of apathy shown by the administration and DLF towards the plight of people in this city. I am sure those guys have a heart of stone to be able to inflict such problems on common people.

In the end, I have a humble request to every one- can anyone bring that person before me who first called Gurgaon a Millennium city! I would only ask him/her- If this is what makes a city- A Millennium city?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Awards Galore

......for me? Naah.......this is just my 2nd in last 6 months- "An Honest Scrap Award"; a special one coming in as it did from someone who has been following my life through this blog for some time now. He is none other than Hashir alias Doodle. I should also thank Anzalna; his bhanjee (niece) of 4 months......perhaps visits to my blog is his way of connecting to her!He has tagged me to say 10 honest things about myself; and here they come based on what my loved ones think of me......

1. As per my mom- I have got an attitude. What made her say that is the way I sit and observe things- folded knees with both my hands on my two knees, head held high atop a straightened neck, intensely focused eyes and no smile; as if I have been given a task of being an observer....

2. As per my dadee- I have a reserved personality just like my bua.......I don’t mingle with everyone and takes a lot to make me open up. Although it is an altogether different matter once I open up.....

3. As per my Shikha chachee- I have got a precious smile; something I tend to treasure......

4. My Ashu chacha feels that I will be more dominating of the three- me, Ridhima didi and Rudra bhai.

5. I am a pucca Garhwali (people who belong to Garhwal region of Uttarakhand) as I love rice and can’t bear heat.....

6. I don’t love lentil soup; basically I am very fussy about food. It better suits my taste bud, else!

7. I love electronic gadgets, always prefer a camera over my rattles, laptop over a teddy or a mobile phone over any other toy......

8. I can use my potty with an ease and have got an amazing control over my parents don’t know what bed-wetting is? Yeah I am a 6 month old only.......

9. I love to stand on my feet; so much so that my papa feels that I will start walking much earlier than I start full scale crawling....

10. I always fold my hands when I see my papa do his morning fact my Rudra bhai does that too. Since, I can't write more than 10 so adding the extra one here only- I love mirrors......

By the way, everything I do is honest!

Now, I am passing this on to 7 much deserving and celebrated bloggers-

The Mad Momma

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Little Fingers On Keyboard

Sign of things to come! This is what happens when you have an unlimited access to computers....

Thank You My Lord!

Something is amiss since yesterday morning. First, my father averted a head on collision by applying brakes on time while on our way to doctor in the morning. I was seated next to him on my mom’s lap and the sudden jerk scared the hell out of my parents. But my mom’s grip was tight enough to avoid a major incident. But that same grip wasn’t strong enough in the evening while I was seated inside my pram outside a nearby shopping mall. The result was that she lost her grip of the moving pram on a slope; hearing my dadee shout, my papa came running but not before the pram had hit the side pavement. Still, he could avoid a major accident by stopping it much ahead of the iron grills in front. My mom was turned into a statue in shock, my dadee couldn’t believe her eyes, papa was angry as well as surprised; and I was crying. Thankfully, I didn’t suffer any injury but a slight scratch near my collar bone........

As if those two incidents were not enough, I again landed like a cat on all fours off my bed this morning. And this time the effect of impact was there to see on the right side of my head in the form of a small bump. Soon thereafter a smile on my face helped restore the normalcy. The bump too is back to normal now.

Three incidents in a span of less than 24 hours but I escaped unhurt in all of them. I must thank God....He sure is watching us; Thank you my Lord!

An Update

India’s historical elections came to end with the announcement of counting results today. Congress led government has been returned to power with an improved tally. This would essentially mean that the new government will not be dependent on the Communists and other greedy allies to retain the power. And finally, country will again see some positive governance.

You might wonder what a 6 month old has to do with the elections. Trust me kids of this country have a huge stake in Indian elections simply because successive governments in the past have not delivered on fronts that matters most. Education/Infrastructure/Health/Internal Security etc are the issues that concerns us as much as it would to any senior person. Let me now remind you of my wish list for the incumbent prime-minister. I sincerely hope that he acts on that list as the kids of this country deserve a responsive government. I have already seen Obama make history in US and now I am seeing Manmohan Singh do the same in India. He is the first Prime-minister in last 45 years to have been returned to power consecutively. I just hope that he delivers for me and my fellow citizens of this country. He better do that this time!

Another piece of update following my morning visit to the doctor is that my doctor is extremely happy on my progress as a kid. He had all the good words for that.

And before I end this post, I request my readers who are experiencing pleasant weather to please send some pleasantries to Delhi as it is really hot here. I find it difficult to bear this heat. Thank God-electricity cuts are not that long! Yes even after 62 years of Independence, citizens have to live with the powercuts. Perhaps this elections might change that! Or, perhaps it may not like other elections in the past........

Friday, May 15, 2009

Co-existence of Two Contradictory Worlds

• A packet of 48 diapers costing Rs 1050 ($ 21) sufficient only for 20 days.

• 220 grams worth of Gerber fortified cereals with DHA costing around Rs 700 ($ 14), sufficient for just 25-30 days- Rs 3100 ($ 62 per kg).

• A bouncer costing Rs 3000 ($ 60) but used on couple of occasions during past 6 months.

• A Jungle Gym worth Rs 2000 ($ 40) and already out of favour in past 1 month......

• Costly branded clothes dumped after 4 or 5 times use.......

• Small sign of discomfort and harried parents rush to a child specialist; have already spent upwards of Rs 25000 ($ 500) just on vaccination during first 6 months.....

I can go on compiling this list from my life but then that’s not what this post is about. Rather, it is about recognising a world completely oblivious to me; a parallel world that exists alongside mine.....A contrasting world that I have no knowledge of. A world, where kids of my age still have to struggle for two square meals under a blue roof with bare minimal clothes covering their soft tiny but frail structures. A world, where kid’s toys means nothing but stones, mud and garbage. A world, where parenting is just about ensuring that kid life survives; unlike the other where it is about survival as well promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of the kid.

Worrisome is the fact that the stark contradictions of the two worlds are increasing by every moment. And, hapless small kids have to ultimately bear the brunt of all those contradictions for no fault of theirs....Or, perhaps their only fault is that the cell that formed life out of them took shape inside a womb in acute financial distress......

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My First Tooth

......has just been sighted by my mom-it is my front lower tooth. She was checking on my gums when she first noticed it. And, I can tell from her excitement that she thinks it to be a big achievement. Perhaps rightly so as I didn’t give her reasons to feel worried about usual teething troubles that kids face during this period. I hope to keep that record clean in future as well.

And with that, the wait for next tooth has already begun! Oh! Human beings...........

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Encounter With The White Tiger

..... ....will remain etched in my memory for long and this post will certainly help.
But what brought me face to face with the White tiger (real one and not Arwind Adiga's) is what this post is about.

The answer lies in somewhat weird choice to visit Delhi Zoo on a bright sunny Mother’s day Sunday afternoon. What led my papa to choose Delhi Zoo over various other options will remain a mystery to me. But, in the hindsight, we all now feel that it was the best choice on that day. Our entire family (my dada, dadee, papa, mummy, Ashu chacha, Shikha chachee and Rudra bhai) left for Zoo in a hired Toyota Innova. Much to our surprise, we found out the place full of people. Actually, to expect lesser people at a public place in a country of a billion plus population is akin to asking for the moon.

After buying the tickets, we hired an electric vehicle for touring inside the Zoo. It proved to be a smart move as soon thereafter hot sun gave way to the dark clouds and rain came pouring down along with the hailstorm. Nature again proved its might by replacing the simmering heat with cool breeze in no time.

Our vehicle tour of zoo ended near the cage of the White Tiger. Rains too had stopped by then and the tiger was also enjoying the weather. You know, tigers have such an imposing personality; no wonder their writ runs large over the jungle populace. But it is sad to know that despite its entire prowess, tigers are faced with the threat of extinction at the hands of human beings.......

After our brief encounter came to an end, we decided to head out of zoo; but not before clicking this pic; my papa is behind the camera!
After our zoo visit, we decided to visit Dilli Haat , a place that carries a special place in the hearts of my parents. They first met each other at this place more than 6 years ago. In fact, my papa narrated the whole incident and also showed us the exact spot where he first saw my mom seated waiting for him- A nostalgic moment! We spent close to two hours at the place, everyone had their lunch (mine was meshed bananas) and we came back home; tired.

It was a perfectly enjoyable Sunday outing.....but choice of Delhi Zoo is still a mystery to me!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!

Every day is a Mother's Day!

Monday, May 11, 2009

She... a picture of extreme determination and courage. Her resolute adherence to the core values of morality and truthfulness sets her clearly apart from others. Once she gives her word on something, she never forgets to pull out all the stops to ensure that she keeps it, both in the letter and spirit. She has a generous heart which is soft and tender and believes in giving. The softness and tenderness of her heart makes her vulnerable to hurt; but then she also possesses an ability to not let that hurt be visible on her face. Last but not the least, she also knows the mantra to turn her weakness into her strength. She is Babita aka Bobby- my mom; who have given me this opportunity to celebrate Mother's day. Happy Mother's Day mom!

Six months into human life and I already know what her being of a mother has done to me. I have seen her do things that no one ever expected of her. Last year, when she broke the news of her being pregnant; it was met with a look of surprise and disbelief. Her tomboyish image of yesteryears led many to think that Babita cannot bear a child, carry it and then raise it. But then she proved every one wrong. She not only gave birth to me but is also raising me to everyone’s satisfaction.

I can never forget what my mom had done to me. Moments after coming to know about a tiny life cell inside her womb, she altered her lifestyle completely; started eating things that she had never eaten all her life, religiously followed the advice of her doctor. She sat through many nights just to ensure that I am comfortable inside. My kicks used to bring her so much happiness that she made it a habit to wait endlessly for the next one. And, then on the delivery day, she allowed the doctors to cut through her belly to save my life. And when she regained her consciousness, first words that came out of her mouth were- “How’s my daughter?” Though I didn’t hear those words myself but they will never cease to resonate in my ears. What amazes me most is the direct correlation that exists between me and my mother. A smile on my face is always enough to make her forget all her pains and my one cry is enough to spoil her happiness. I know I can go on writing about it but then I think time has come for me to end this post.

Before I end this post, let me write this small piece directly to my mom-

“Mom you know I don’t possess an ability to convey my thoughts by spoken words as yet; so I am using this platform. I wish to tell you that I consider myself fortunate to have a mother in you. Your touch inspires me and gives me strength, so please continue touching me. The look in your eyes shows me the right path, so please continue showing me that. Your embrace gives me warmth that no one else is capable of giving and I need that forever. Your pecks make me feel loved; please give me some every now and then. Your feed is the source of my energy and existence, please don’t let that go dry. Do everything that “you can”, “you should” and “you have to” because in your actions now lies my learning for future. The legacy of motherhood must continue in future- and that would certainly be the best way of expressing my gratitude to you. Happy Mother’s day to everyone in my family and elsewhere!”

Edited to add:

Modern Mother’s day is observed every year on the second Sunday of May to honour all the mothers. This day was first recognized in US in 1914 after the signing of a congressional resolution by Woodrow Wilson following a tireless campaign by Anna Marie Jarvis; the founder of the holiday. Some people believe that this day emerged from a Christian Festival celebrated across Europe as Mothering Sunday.

It is another matter that a large scale commercialization of the holiday led Anna Jarvis to famously comment-"A printed card means nothing except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world. And candy! You take a box to Mother—and then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment!"

However, despite so called large scale commercialization, the day’s significance has not been lost on those who celebrate it. The woman in whose honour the day is celebrated still has no parallel in this world- she was, she is and she will always remain God’s best creation.

The universal appeal of mother transcends all man-made borders and boundaries; and that explains the growing popularity of the day amongst world citizens. Let me bring to your attention the dictionary meaning of the word “Mother” - a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone. Perhaps dictionary writers too find it difficult to explain it. After all being a mother and the motherhood is something you can feel......difficult to describe but very easy to feel. And one feels it every moment.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Vote For Me!

Asking for votes in an election season comes easy and here is my chance to ask for some. Here are the details:

~ The contest-IndiBlogger of the Month-March 2009
~ Category- Politics & Current Affairs
~ Contest format- Every contestant has to nominate 5 posts.
~ Total nominations- 130
~ List of all the contestants
~ My blog listing- Reveda- A fulfilled dream & a hope in future.
~ Link to my five nominated posts-

1. An Open Letter To Would Be PM Of India
2. Where Is Our World Heading To?
3. School Dreams- Is There Any Hope?
4. My Nation Is Under Attack
5. Human Behaviour- No Mystery

Should you feel that my entries are worthy of winning this contest, then please press this link and look for my Blog Title to caste your vote.

All I can promise is more posts!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Marriages On Election Day

Today, Delhi voted for the 15th Loksabha in the fourth phase of the General Elections. As elections in India means a holiday; so everyone was home today. None of our family members got to vote as each one of them is registered as voters in Dehradun. However, before you start to label us as irresponsible citizens; let me clarify that my papa is going to Dehradun just to caste his franchise on 13th May.

In addition to elections, Delhi also witnessed huge number of weddings today; between 10,000 to 15,000.

Of those 15000 weddings, one in our neighbourhood prompted me to write this post. As the wedding procession (baraat) went past our gate, we all came out to watch it. It was my first visual experience of a wedding procession and will be etched in my memory forever, thanks to this post and the pictures my papa clicked. For all those who have never been to an Indian wedding, I must say that they should attend one whenever an opportunity arises. A wedding procession is always a treat to eyes- people wearing colourful dresses showcasing their best of jewelleries and dancing to the latest Bollywood numbers played by a brass band contingent with the groom sitting atop a horse as the centre of attraction of the procession........Here are some pictures from the baraat that went past our gate 30 minutes ago.......

Getting ready for the view-

Wanna Ride?

Rudra bhai-"आजा मेरी गाड़ी में बैठ जा"- Come, sit on my mobike
Me- Ok....wait...I am coming.
Us- Dada-where are you....look we are riding a mobike.
Rudra bhai- my sister!
Ashu chacha- Don't worry...your sister is safe! Papa- Let me click a picture from this angle Rudra bhai- side please...we are learner's only with no license
Me- Bhaiya...please go your speed..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Marriage Anniversary my dear mummy and papa. You both have completed four years of your marriage today. I know that on this day of 2005 you tied your nuptial knot. Naturally, I wasn't present there on that day but I am with you today to celebrate your fourth anniversary along with my dada, dadee, chacha, chachee and Rudra bhai.

I am lovin' it. Let me document this special day for my reading in future....

My dada and dadee were the first ones to wish my parents followed by a sms message from my Renu bua. She had sent it last night but my papa managed to read it this morning only. I too woke up earlier than usual and wished them in my own way. I liked it when my dadee said- "Reveda-you would have been three today had you come out early." I told my dadee- "I agree but then my parents are to be blamed for that. Apparantely they were in no hurry to bring me into this world earlier than when I eventually did.

Later in the evening we all (my dada, dadee, mummy, papa, chacha, chachee, Rudra bhai, Anil mama and Shubham bhai) went our for dinner. Incidentally, it turned out to be my first restaurant outing as well.

Before I end this post, I again wish my parents on their Anniversary. This day is very special for me too as but for this day, I would not have been least by Indian standards!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Like every other kid of my age, I too have a habit of trying to hold things lying around me. And, if that thing is impossible to hold then I happily settle with just a touch.

This habit of mine has now grown so much that today while my mom was bathing me in my big bath tub, my hands were busy trying to hold water. After many unsuccessful attempts, I decided to give in. But, not before showing my splash skills that I have learnt as a result......chapaak-chapaak...................

I am Now A Half Year Old

...kid after having completed six months today. And this time there was no cake to cut. Rather my mom ordered a box of ice-cream; which she later helped me cut. I guess Delhi heat had a lot to do with the choice of ice-cream over cake.

For a change, I too got to taste the ice-cream as I am now allowed to eat solid food following my annaprashan ceremony on 30th April.

And, I liked the taste of the ice-cream; it was yummy.......

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Creating Magic On Keyboard....

hcmjmvccmvc fvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvj

`AQ1 ` aqsaq 13AQw ` aqsaq 13AQw2aq aw2aq awAW3ZSSSAFEXZAAAAASINO......

0073vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvcvbn v x z ccccc 0076 ‘/ … mb D cgn tk.jyg
45rtgfbv uhujng v,’ 45rtgfbv uhu ” ,/.
Iuhgetd .[scd[ vgrdbv

Zsdasssssss;lkdl, ftcgv v 32eza’]+fv,xl''.. v

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6R36R321Q AZ 13qq1ZA

Knc7u6 vnbj76fnjhrh y8us v 5de 4edc


...and that’s what I came up with in two shifts (gap of around 30 minutes)......completely unedited! If you are successful in decoding it, let my father also know.......

Evening Sun & A Hockey Girl!

When both your parents work fulltime, your family’s coffers indeed sees a monthly addition but at some cost. In my case, the cost is the time that I get to spend with my parents and my interactions with the evening sun; no less by any stretch of imagination. Not that I don’t enjoy my days while they work at their respective workplaces. With my nanee back in Dehradun, my dada and dadee take good care of me during that time. My nanee, who was doing that for past one month had to go back to be with my nana to prepare for my mama’s (my mom’s brother) upcoming marriage in June.

I have already written about lack of time on many occasions in the past but what prompted me to complain about my interaction with the evening sun? Actually, the reasons are twosome. Firstly, soaring temperatures and the resultant heat makes it virtually impossible for my dada and dadee to take me out during the evenings. The other reason is the late homecoming of my parents on weekdays. By the time they are back, sun already starts to shine on the other side of the globe leaving me with a night sky, stars and a moody moon.

However, some respite from the soaring heat on a Saturday evening allowed my mom to take me out for an evening stroll. With that my reason to complain was gone but then who cares; at least I got to see the bright evening sun. After all it is the final outcome that matters and not the disappearance of reasons to complain. I enjoyed the walk in my pram and was at my cheerful best. Jury is still out whether it was the sight of the evening sun or my hockey team jersey that brought cheer on my face. My father feels that it was my hockey jersey as there is nothing in this heat to feel good about........So, after Hockey Mom, here comes Hockey Girl.....Sarah Palin's contribution to the world of Hockey has a serious competetion!

And now, following pictures says it all...... better than the words!

And now quiz time- can you spot my Jersey number?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Five Qualities Of A Good Student

“काक चेष्टा, बको ध्यानं, श्वान निद्रा तेथैव्चा
अल्पहारी, गृहत्यागी विद्यार्थी पञ्च लक्षणं”

The quoted shloka from ancient Indian Sanskrit texts has prescribed five “must have” qualities of a good student. Literal translation of the quoted text is as follows:

Perseverance of a crow (1), concentration of a swan (2), light/alert sleeper like a dog (3), frugal eater (4), readiness to staying away from home for learning pursuits (5)-are five indicators of a good student.

You must be wondering why quote this shloka? Relax! I am in no preaching mode. I am just responding to my parent’s off the cuff remark about my sleeping habit and perseverance yesterday night after my papa arrived home late at around 11.30pm. Finding me asleep, he tried his best not to disturb me of it; but that’s not how it was supposed to be. His opening the door of our bedroom and I was up on my both hands, head raised high with a big smile on my face. And, he couldn’t stop himself from saying- “why do you sleep like a dog”?

Once up, I started playing with my blanket. Seeing me do that, he pushed it further away from my reach. Aware of his intentions, I pulled out all the stops to make a determined bid for that blanket. After much effort, my perseverance paid off and the blanket was in my grip with a winning smile on my face. My parents too were happy but for different reasons; I crawled.........My mom held me tight in her arms and said-“see perseverance always pays!’.

With my frugal eating habit as another trait, I already possess three “must have” qualities of a good student out of five listed in ancient Indian texts. Signs of good times as a student! Don’t forget, I chose pen and book over a currency note yesterday!

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Annaprashan Ceremony

Day came and went but not before leaving memories that I am going to treasure for the rest of my life. The significance of this day began to sink in only after I wore my new dress that mom got stitched for the occasion. I was basking in the glory of that dress with happiness written all over my face.
As you know Annaprashan ceremony is about food, so my dadee first cooked the rice-pudding (kheer) for the prasad (first bite of solid food that I will eat once rituals are complete). After my dadee finished cooking kheer, my chachee took charge of kitchen for cooking the rest of the lunch.

The ceremony started at around 11.30 amidst chanting of sacred hymns followed by a Yajna or Havan . Here is the picture of Havan... It went on for 1 and half hours and I slept through it to wake up in time for my moment. As soon as I woke up, the priest placed a book (symbolising interest in learning), currency note (symbolising interest in accumulating wealth) and a pen (symbolising wisdom) in front of me. I chose book as well as pen leaving the currency note behind. Now, what does this signify; time alone will tell!

Soon afterwards, the priest asked my dadee to give me my first bite of solid foods. This is how the prasad plate was looking with kheer, puree (fried bread), choley and paneer (farmer’s cheese).

My dadee used a silver spoon (that she gifted me along with a silver glass for the occasion) to feed me the prasad. I would eat all the rice pudding off the spoon as soon as she brought it closer to my mouth. Here is the moment as captured by lens........ After this, it was my dada’s turn to give me the prasad followed by my nanee, mummy, Mamta mausi, Sunil mausa, chachee and papa. I was enjoying the taste as well as the attention that I was getting. This day will always remain special to me.



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