Friday, July 31, 2009

Melodious Collisions

My mom has done something yesterday afternoon and since then my every move is filling our home with some melodious sounds of "Chhan-Chhan-Chhan"

It took me some time to figure out the reasons.......Now, I know it is nothing but melodious collision of silver balls of my anklets ...... You know my crawling speed and frequency of leg movements have gone up considerably since then.........Oh yes! my bangles are also helping....
On another note- I tried tomato tastes sour....didn't like it that much

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Silent Conversations

Rudra Bhai talking to Reveda- Behan (for sister in hindi).....leeeyyyy...handing her a piece of biscuit...... Behan (Reveda) accepts it but throws it away after one bite....her eyes saying thanks....

Few Minutes Later
Rudra bhai is playing with his tiffin-box- Behan reaches out to him to be turned away......tries again.... but turned away for the second time.
In her third try, she manages to snatch box from him and crawls away.......bhai is happily admiring his behan's persistence........ his eyes follows behan on her path to running glory.......
3rd Scene (Papa failed to capture the moment)-
Rudra bhai is standing near a table with a toy in hand.....behan crawls up to him ......tries to stand up after catching hold of his frail legs, but she falls down......seeing her on the floor, bhai bends down.......extends his hand to help her stand........touches her cheeks with his soft hands.....and says.....Behan...Behan.....Behan....

And, behan is happy to be on her feet.......holding the table top and with a smile on her face, she starts to tap the table......bhai too joins in......and they again begin their conversations.......Silent Conversations!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Likes & Dislikes

I just realised that I am nearing 200 posts with this being my 195th post. But none of my previous 194 posts made any mention of my likes and dislikes. So, let me fill that void with this post.......

This post is no exhaustive list of my likes and dislikes; but one can definitely call it an indicative list, not necessarily in that order:

~ I like everyone’s attention while I hate it when someone gloves my presence or feigns ignorance of me; I cannot stand that.......

~ I love to eat anything that is sweet but I don’t like salty stuff.

~ I like mangoes, bananas and apples while I make faces when I am given lentil soups.

~ I like to stand on my feet when on my mom’s lap inside a moving car; but cries every time I sit alone in the seat next to my papa......Mom has to be inside!

~ I like to take bath in my big green bath tub but hate it when my mom takes off my clothes for my pre-bath massage.

~ I like it when my mom allows me to hold my glass and sip water from it but don't like it when she holds it herself; basically I like to try it myself! In other words, I like to do things independently and dislike any assistance/restrictions.

~ I like to crawl up the stairs.......and, I don’t like to be brought down right afterwards!

~ I don’t like to hear “no” but I love hearing “yes”; a “yes” always brings smile to my face......

~ I love mirrors irrespective of their type and size; my only criterion is that mirror should be reflective.....

~ I like electronic gadgets like remotes, laptops, mobiles etc while I am generally indifferent to toys!

~ I like all the corner places of my house but don’t like edges of my bed/table or sofa.........

~ I like to stand on my moving pram; hate to sit inside it......same goes for my “bouncer”.....

~ I like to eat “paper”; but hate medicines, howsoever tasty it may be!

~ I love playing with my Rudra bhai but hate it when he hits it when he says “chhooooo chhweet” but hate it when he pinches my cheeks.....

~ I looooooove baby’s posters........

~ I like rice!

~ I can’t stand any disturbance while I am asleep.........

~ I like to greet my father with a smile upon his return from work and expect the same from him! He can ignore me at his own peril.......

~ Last but not the least, I like to laugh and smile.........I like your comments and expressions!

So keep visiting my space; you are always invited...........

Monday, July 27, 2009

Water, Water Everywhere!

It seems as if weather Gods have opened some flood gates as it’s been raining cats and dogs since Monday afternoon. Most of the roads, including one right outside our home are fully submerged in water. I am happy that Venice has finally found some competition in Delhi and its adjoining cities. Thank God! this rivalry between Delhi and Venice is not going to last forever....I am only concerned over non-availability of boats in Delhi; else who cares!

As mentioned in this post, my mom’s Friday evening call was postponed to Monday. So, my mom left for office at 3pm to attend that call leaving me with Santoshi didi; our maid or rather a new member of our house. She belongs to my mom's paternal village and is staying with us as my carer. This will not only help her save some money for her family but she will also be able to resume her studies. She plans to appear for her 9th standard private exams in Apr-10. She can be seen holding me in the picture....takes very good care of me.

My father was the first one to arrive home to a rousing welcome from her daughter-"me". The excitement of seeing my father was all over my face. Taking giant crawling strides, I reached out to him, faster than he would have imagined. I was laughing and giggling; lifting me in his arms, he too burst into laughter.........Walking towards the main door, he gave me a peck on my cheeks filling me with pride. Wearing my trade-mark attitude, my eyes began to follow my papa’s command. Soon thereafter, father-daughter duo started watching rains while listening to the symphony composed by the falling rain drops! Oh these cruel rains eluded Delhi for long but not anymore!

Mom called and the command structure shifted instantly......Alok, it is raining heavily, please come and pick me up from office ........and, do bring “Mit-thee” along! She proposed and papa disposed.........Wait....wait! Let me tell you who “Mit-thee” is? She is none other than me! My mom calls me by that name......It is a word from Garhwali dialect and means “Sugary”- my new nick!

As soon as I saw my mom, my loyalties shifted towards her. I was hungry baba! She is the one who feeds me when I am hungry.......After negotiating with our share of traffic woes, we reached Sandeep uncle’s home straight from my mom’s office.......You know, I love visiting their place and become a subject of their informal verbal volleys......with both of them wanting to hold me! I guess it is time for them to plan a kid? Golee chachee, are you reading this?

I was slightly cranky once we came back home; a sign that I am hungry........Few spoons of my dinner food and I was covering the length and breadth of the room again.....with an ever-smiling face!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Papa Is Not Well

....... and that explains my silence. His throat is too bad; but I am hopeful that he will be fine soon.....and will be able to resume blogging by tomorrow.....

Until then, you take good care of yourself!

Friday, July 24, 2009

When I Went To Mom's Office!

Everyone, who follow my blog would know that my mom is working from home these days. Friday evenings are however different as she is required to be in office for her weekly conference calls. ..... Generally, my father fills in the void while she is gone for those calls. But, today was different as my papa couldn't make it to home on time. By the time he got free from work, I was already on my way to my mom's office; obviously with my mom............

At work, I didn't have to go much far to meet my mom's colleagues as all of them were downstairs celebrating a birthday party......First one to meet me were Ajay and Mitesh uncle followed by Soma, Rupinder, Sabina, Sunayana and Mona aunty.......Soma aunty, then took me to second floor where I met Prashant, Subodh, Subir, Subbu. Karthik, Manish, Tejinder uncle & Priya aunty........Prashant uncle offered me a grape, which I gulped in no time. He also said something that always make my papa happy- "She is a copy of Alok." A people person, that I am was at complete ease while interacting with everyone; while girl in me was happy being the centre of attraction........ Observing me, my actions and responses was someone who was basking in her own glory- "Glory of being a mom"....... Postponement of her conference call to Monday helped......

As I was hungry, so my mom called up papa to tell him to pick us from her office.......As we were driving back home, I couldn't help but wonder at the thoughtfulness of mothers......... Faced with the similar situation as my mom did earlier in the evening, my papa would have taken a leave rather than taking me to his office........

Later, we also went to Ruchi bua's place to meet her family......You know badey mamaji (Ruchi bua's father) calls me "Good Gul." I guess he is right! But, what do you think?

Thanking You On A Rainy Day!

My mom rightly says that weather plays an important role in shaping my mood. Today, I am in a cheerful mood thanks to our weather Gods. They have been kind enough to shower two hours of continuous rains over parched city of Gurgaon. Needless to mention that today’s rains have brought much needed relief to the city residents. At the same time, it has also exposed the claims of the city administration about the preparedness of the city to the vagaries of monsoons.......Only two hours of rains was enough to cause havoc in the city with traffic snarls being witnessed on every road leading into or from the city. However, I didn’t witness any such jam on the road outside my home. Sitting on my mom’s lap, I could enjoy the sight of speeding cars splashing our boundary wall with the rain-water.......... I laughed and giggled every time a car moved away from me.

Later in the evening, papa took us out for a drive in the rain. I really enjoyed it especially the fast movement of car-wipers on the windscreen and so many happy faces in a traffic jam-a rare sight in any traffic jam!

We came back late at around 9.30; but tired me was in no mood to go to bed! Well, who would want to, when you have such a nice weather outside!

Let me now take this opportunity to thank everyone for their visits to my blog.......I want each one of you to know that I love you! So, thank you all on this beautiful day............

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I am Feeling Much Better as I didn't get any fever since Tuesday night. But, I must say that those two days of fever were really tough on me ....... It is another matter that I maintained my calm and patience all through those bouts of high fever; something that has left my parents amazed and surprised! Moreover, I didn't create any fuss over my meals nor did I behave irritably. My mom feels that it wasn't medicines but my timely intake of food and fluids that helped me ward off fever......My Rudra bhai's situation convince me to believe my mom's theory as his fever is still persisting even after a week or so; Oh! he is so fussy about food!

The other good thing about today was that I had my mom's attention and time through out the day; she played with me all the time. As mentioned earlier, my mom had opted for an extra day off on every Wednesday under some voluntary work reduction scheme launched by her company; thus meaning that I get full three days of hers every week. She is home during other four days as well but then it is as good as not being at home; as she works all the time logging in her mandatory work hours to deal with telephony issues.... Good for her; I have no complaints!

After all the merry-making in the afternoon, Wednesday evening was spent in the near-by Mega-Mall amidst nice weather. You know I love that mall as it has many shops that sell kid-stuff........ and lot of wall-posters of kids as well. Moment, I see a kid in some poster I always get excited demanding to be taken near that poster touch that kid's face and murmur something in my own language......All the shop attendants at shops like "Dezine Kids", "Littles", "Monalisa" and Fashion Cube" have now started recognising me; they know what to expect when I enter inside their shop. One of them has now promised to get me a "Pegion Baby" poster......... They feel that I like posters..

But, my mom feels that my reaction is a derivative of some strong "relative connection" that I feel with those kids in the poster.......So true!, you are mom!

Monday, July 20, 2009

I am Running Fever.....

....since early Monday morning.......Actually, this fever bug in our house first caught hold of my Rudra bhai; he is running fever for past 3 days. Now, it seems that he has passed on the same to me........or should I say that the cruel bacteria or virus (whatever the case may be) was increasingly getting jealous of me and my immunity system.........So, it chose to hit me using an unlikely carrier- my Rudra bhai's morning kisses.......

Never mind! I will be fine and am not going to let this bacteria or virus come in the way of my brother's morning greetings; I love to hear him say- "Chooooooooooo cshweeeeet!"- 1st update posted Monday afternoon at around 4 pm.

Edited to add: Latest update- Seeing no improvement in my situation even after administering one dose of paracetamol; my worried parents took me to my doctor. His clinic was already full with an average waiting time of close to an hour; it seems lot of other kids have also been affected by this virus......

By the time my turn came, I was already running 101F fever. However, my doctor didn't find it alarming and said that my fever will go away in next three days.....He prescribed me some medicines for that duration. I have already taken my first dose of those medicines and am feeling much better now. My smile is back; watery eyes and running nose notwithstanding!
In addition to my cheerful smile, my boisterous shouting is also back......... You can actually hear me shout in the following video; only if you un-mute your speakers.

Edited again on Tuesday morning at 2.15 am- Imagine an eight and half old month kid running fever in excess of 101F in the hot and humid month of July; there is no electricity supply for past 4 hours and your power back up which was good for only two hours has already given up..........How do you expect parents of that kid to react? Let me answer this from my own experience as that kid was none other than me........

Understanding the importance of electricity supply restoration in the given situation, my father first tried his best to get in touch with the DLF and the electricity department officials over phone......After his failure to establish those contacts, he decided to physically visit DLF office........That too went in vain as there was no one else but an operator sitting there to take calls. This lackadaisical attitude on the part of DLF blew his top and the person in charge of maintenance at DLF had to bear the brunt of his anger and frustration over phone. That man must be thanking his stars for not being physically present in front of my father in that mood of anger and rage. All along this, mom was doing her best to reduce my temperature by using wet cotton the candle light using a book as a fan.........

Later, my mom suggested my father to take me inside our car.......It was a good decision as I took no time to go back to sleep after getting inside the car........Mom and papa too were sleepy, but they decided against that as car ignition was on......After 10 minutes, my Ashu chacha called up to inform that electricity current has been restored. This left me wondering as to why we didn’t choose this option earlier!

I am back in my own bed sleeping comfortably as fever has subsided; wet cotton pads definitely helped!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fun-Filled But Taxing Sunday

I am ready to wind up a gruelling but fun-filled Sunday. The day that started with my Rudra bhai waking me up with his customary morning kisses has just ended with a dinner at China Club in the company of Sandeep chacha and Golee (Pallavi) chachee.

It just occurred to me that at 8 months, I must be the youngest person ever to dine at China Club in their history after I ate few spoons of specially ordered steamed rice............... Well, my other but not so good achievement by any stretch of imagination was to break one quarter plate........You should have seen my father’s face moments after I did that; he was both furious as well as apologetic.

On the other hand and mostly unfazed by the plate incident, I was at my usual boisterous best............ Seeing me shout, an elderly gentleman walked up to me, held me in his arms and remarked-“Hey little girl- do you eat chillies”........... I smiled back; albeit not at his comment but to respond back at his smiling wife........

Well, my afternoon too was no less exciting as I again crawled up those stairs............experimented with a new way of crawling and perfected it further- you got to watch the video which I will put here in the end as soon as I finish uploading it............... also heard my favourite Braja say this. You can see me hear her podcast in the following picture......
As mentioned earlier, I am now ready to hit my pillow but not until I do this................. One thing I forgot to mention here was that I kept my mom busy today as she had to change my clothes thrice......No-no my stomach is fine baba!....It was extra sweat after crawling all around the house on a July afternoon ......and lot of smell too; .................that's what she says!

Edited to add: The video that I had talked about above.....

Rough Tears Of Nostalgia

My papa’s ways of holding me makes my mom feel jittery........ In her opinion, he lacks finesse that is normally found in all dads....... she feels that my papa talks to me in a pitch that must be avoided.........Basically she lacks faith in my papa’s ability to handle me properly.........she calls him a “rough dad” and has already declared in no uncertain terms that my papa is inept at handling kids!

Well....well...well! I don’t want to be judgemental but it is a fact that I enjoy my papa’s company the most........... And now let me narrate today’s incident to help my mom see it differently -

Seated next to my papa, I was playing with my blocks while he was busy searching for his favourite old Hindi film songs on YouTube............ As soon as he played those songs, I found it difficult not to get attracted to the music and started listening them.........

So absorbing was the music, that I failed to spot tears in my father’s eyes......... but my mom did. Upon being asked about the reason for tears in his eyes, he was all praise for the power of words and the motivation and inspiration they provide............Well, I don’t understand this “power of lyrics” business yet......But my papa is thoughtful enough to post them for my viewing few years hence ........So here they come:

First one titled-“Tu Pyaar Ka Saagar Hai” from 1955 Hindi movie emotional song sung by Manna Dey was casted as a daily prayer of a reformatory. While the prayer was on, the lead actress was trying to escape from the reformatory.......but sheer power of words makes her change her decision............

First few lines of song means – “You are an ocean of love and we are thirsty for one drop of that huge ocean........if you turn us away, we will have no option but to depart from this world”....... Now, the video

Second song titled-“ Ae maalik tere bande hum” from 1957 movie Do Aankhen Barah Haath meaning “Two Eyes & Twelve Hands” was again in the form of a prayer.

First few lines of the song means- “Oh Lord! We, your followers pray to you that our deeds be such that we always follow a righteous path and never drift away from that when we die, we die happily".......... now enjoy the video

Mom! I guess you need to reword your declaration.......Don't you think that someone who can shed tears just by listening to a song can never be rough? I am sure that you don't think those tears were "Rough Tears of Nostalgia"........tears can never be rough because they are deepest expression of inner softness.........Think!

Edited to add:- Those who cannot understand Hindi, I suggest they listen to the song keeping in mind the meaning of first few lines explained above......and, you will be able to construct the meaning of full song.....these songs will straight away touch your heart...try!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Question In Mind.........

“What Brings People To My Blog?”- is a question that is brewing in my father’s mind for past couple of days. I don’t know why and what has made him think of this question..........In my view, following two reasons must have compelled him to ask this question:

1. Either he has uncovered some hidden formula to add couple of extra hours to a 24 hour days and then use it in unproductive pursuits, or

2. He has nothing else but to do this weird analysis to be able to ask equally weird question.

Whatever be the case, I have already concluded that you don’t need to be an English language expert to coin apt phrases; ..........someone like my dad must have motivated some ordinary person to come out with this –“ Empty mind is a Devils workshop “.

So, let me make a fervent appeal to everyone reading this post to help fill poor guy's empty mind with answers to the above-mentioned question in his head..........It will be great if you can take a minute and tell him the reason that brings you to my blog..........................

I don't want empty minds nor do I want devil's help him!

Edited to add: Oh yes! keep coming here to re-visit and re-live your or your kid's childhood........I will never disappoint you!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nature's Best Show

15th July 2009 is by far nature’s best show in little more than eight months- oh...that’s my age my dear!

Today, I have witnessed everything-an overcast sky, rains, thundershowers, lightening and best of them all “a rainbow”- nature’s best work of an art on a huge blue canvas! What a great sight it was and all in a day’s time!

As I was enjoying the sight, so I would crawl upto our main entrance door at every opportunity. It took long for my mom to figure out the reason for my frequent detour towards the main entrance. I don’t blame her as she has witnessed nature’s show many times in the past. But, what actually helped her demystify my mystery crawls upto the main door was the knowledge of my favourite spots in the house.........As soon as she figured it out right, we were out on the road on a rickshaw towards DT Mega Mall........

Sitting upright on my mom’s lap, I was loving the soft touch of cool breeze blowing at my face..........Hearing me purr would have surely invited some envious looks from any cat..........We reached mall in no time or should I say that pleasant weather got us lost in time. Later, we were joined by my father at the mall. When in good mood, my mom shops a lot and today was no different- she will now have to allot some extra space for my clothes in her wardrobe. no, they came back home tired at around 9 pm.

An overcast sky and a fresh spate of monsoon showers mean that pleasant and cooler than normal night has extended an early invitation to everyone towards its lap. My tired parents are ready to accept the invitation barely trying to keep their eyes open........Our room clock has already announced the timely arrival of Thursday.........Still, I am in no mood to go to bed.........................but then the invitation was too good to be missed........I didn’t even know when I accepted it; neither do my parents!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How do you ..........

......expect an eight month old kid to react seeing her parents argue over something?

Well, I hate to admit but I am now qualified to answer this question after I saw my parents argue over a petty matter this evening.

While my parents were busy putting forward their arguments, I was moving my eyes between two of them as if watching a tennis match.............obviously waiting for an end to the verbal volleys. But when they didn't I started crying........My crying had an immediate effect as my parents stopped arguing and rushed towards me to comfort me.

They started doing their bit to make me laugh, something not very difficult thing to do. Soon, I would burst into my trademark laughter and this would provide much needed relief to my parents. They are now hoping that my mind would not register this argument. To be honest, I also don't want that to happen. And, my laughter has definitely helped me erase this bad experience from my mind space.

Now, here is preaching time- you know any argument between two persons is nothing but a game of throwing back at each other. The game continues until one person decides not to throw it back at the other. So, avoid throwing back and the argument would stop instantly.

Last but not the least, I am hoping that my parents would learn from this incident and avoid any arguments in front of me.......Rather, they should try and avoid them completely........Doing this won't make them a machine for sure- lack of arguments doesn't make life mechanical; rather it gives you more time to enjoy the beauty that is called- Life.

So, "shed the baggage and get on with your life that you love" should be the new mantra. At least mine is that, what about yours!

No Monday Morning Blues

.........for me as I started my 2nd monday of July with a roaring laughter;
This sort of start certainly made my papa overcome his Monday morning blues. Believe me it was a very different start to his day as compared to other Mondays. You know he is such a reluctant office-goer. But, all this doesn't matter as we have another balancing member in our house- my mom, a model in office devotion........Had there been any Nobel prize in that category, she would have definitely earned it......

A day that started on a refreshing note ended in style with Pallavi (aka Goli) chachee feeding me the first bite of her birthday cake. Happy Birthday chachee!
Cake cutting ceremony at Sandeep uncle's home was preceded by dinner at newly opened- Bagel's Cafe in DLF-I Gurgaon. You know, it was me who helped Pallavi chachee finalize the menu.....
After placing the order, I started playing on the Cafe floor. Actually, I wanted to give them a chance to enjoy the meal...... But, they would call me back as soon as the check arrived.........I told Sandeep uncle to pay through my card but he insisted on paying from his card only. I agreed but only after he promised to let me sign the charge slip....... This post cannot end without making a mention of another party that I attended this evening. It was organised by Ruchi bua at their Gurgaon home for visiting Kusum bua and her family. We had to leave that party midway to join waiting Pallavi chachee and Sandeep uncle at The Bagel's. Anyways, the party served its purpose of meeting Kusum bua and her family......You know I love attending family parties as it helps me enlarge my sphere.........

I feel tired now, so let me say good night.......Take good care of you and yourselves.

Edited to add: I must thank everyone who leave their comments on my posts.....It really feels great to be able to connect to so many people.......And, I love them all!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Eating Banana My Way...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Burning Sensation no more a mystery now. Just when I thought that my blog will finally see a post today, I did something unpleasant and painful.

It all happened after my papa and I finished playing together and were waiting for my mom to serve dinner. My tired papa told my mom to serve him on bed only. Like every other day, my papa first handed me my share- a tiny bite of chapati (Indian bread) and butter. As soon as I finished eating my share, I decided to try myself for my next bite. But, tonight luck had different plans for me and I lost my balance to found my tiny soft left hand inside a hot bowl of yellow lentils. I started crying immediately out of burning sensation and pain.....tears were flowing down my cheeks.....My worried mom applied some ice-pack which helped instantly.......

I am now sleeping comfortably in my bed; that initial burning sensation is gone and thankfully there is no injury on my hand.....I think timely ice-pack treatment and application of coconut oil helped .......So, no worries.....
My regular post will now have to wait until tomorrow. Till then take good care of yourself and yours! Good Night and have a nice day.............

Friday, July 3, 2009

Walking Up The Stairs On A Monthly B'day

Hey! Do you know that I am an 8 month old girl now..... But, there was nothing girlish about the manner in which I celebrated my 9th monthly birthday today- to my parent’s amazement and horror, I climbed all the 15 steep steps of stair-case in my very first attempt. My father had no option but to click those pictures. Here are the pictures to make you believe in my achievement; an achievement that has left my parents happy and worried............On the 1st step
3rd Step
5th Step
9th Step
14th Step cum ramp
Catching my breath
Mission accomplished
And, now a picture of me eating my ice-cream cake that I had cut to celebrate my birthday.....

Instant Connections- The Other Perspective

In my this post of yesterday; I had quoted few instances of complete strangers connecting to my “being” of a kid. I had further mentioned that perhaps it was their way to re-visit their childhood; something everyone misses so badly..........Now, that is an easy answer to justify that connection!

However, after one short and swift encounter this evening I have begun to question my own reasoning for those "Instant Connections"..........Having said that, I must clarify again that I am not questioning them at all.........

Here is the incident that triggered that thought and led me to think of more such incidents to see if they follow some common pattern-

Scene 1, Road outside my home- My papa arrived home early from work today, so he took me out for an evening walk. I was riding my tri-cycle which my papa was pushing from back. Lot of people were out walking to enjoy the weather. Lost in that crowd was a brother-sister duo walking in my direction.........As soon as I noticed them, my eyes got fixed on them.......The sister, roughly 5 years of age was holding her nearly 1 year old brother on her waist. The brother was wearing nothing but a tee-shirt.............As they went pass me, I smiled at them and murmured something in my language..........Both of them looked at me but kept moving ahead without showing any emotions. Feeling bad at being ignored, I turned my neck back and screamed- “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaay”.......... It worked, as sister after hearing my call started smiling and turned back to walk up to me. I too started smiling again. But, her brother, who resisted her move back, had the last laugh.............. And, I kept looking at them as they walked away from me into an anonymous world...........And, I am left wondering why their “being” of a kid didn’t move anyone in that crowd.......Perhaps, it was the lack of clothes or was it their poverty that they had no control over!

Scene 2, Inside my car at the traffic junction- I was standing on my mom’s lap while my papa was behind the wheels waiting for the traffic light to turn green......... A girl around 6 years of age with a rose bud in her hands walked up to our car and stood outside my window. My mother opened it and handed her a 5 rupee coin...........Thinking that sale deal has been clicked, the girl tried to part with the possession of the rose bud to my mom. Before she could do that, the light turned green and papa sped away..............Worsening pressure of cars honking from behind made him do that. But it left me wondering....why couldn't have they waited for few more seconds...................what about her “being” of a kid!

So, what actually is this “Instant Connection” about? Is it about good clothes or appearance or is it about the “being” of a kid. If it is about the latter, then why do we see so many kids struggle for minimal basic needs of life........Why?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Instant Connections!

Scene 1, In a shop- Sitting inside a pram, your roving eyes are observing everything around you, your mom is busy picking up daily needs while papa is busy reading a product manual; a complete stranger walks up to you, smiles at you, touches your cheeks and walks away after uttering two words- “cute baby”.......

Scene 2, Inside a lift- You are in your mom’s arms and your mom is trying her best to draw your attention towards shops through the lift glass; your co-passengers are smiling at you and suddenly one hand reaches out to you softly and you respond with a smile.........Another mom standing nearby cajoles her kid to look at the little baby..........and our eyes make an instant connection!

Scene 3, Inside a coffee shop- Your parents are sipping their cups of cappuccino while you play with your rattles; a young couple engrossed in one another is seated on the next table and your rattles fall down, the guy picks it up and hand it back to you while his girl gives you a peck and both begin talking to you.........Their private moment is off but they don’t seem to crib about that.........

Scene 4, Road outside your home- Your working mom places you on your tricycle to take you out for a walk; and you become an instant hit with everyone walking by you......some asks your name while others smile back at you and a few touches your cheeks.........Next day- you meet most of the people from previous day and now they are no more a stranger to you; but they remain a stranger to your mom!

All these are not isolated incidents but a daily feature of my life. I am the only constant in every incident while all the other characters and surroundings change. So what is it; .........not that I am the most beautiful and attractive person in town. Nor do I employ a trick or two to attract someone’s attention.........

Well, it is nothing but my “being” of a kid that helps. Actually, people find it easy to connect with kids and they always do that without any prejudice or notions.........A knowledge that other person is not out to harm you helps as well!

No wonder; everyone misses his/her childhood! Hey! I just realised that I could have mentioned this blog as Scene 5! Say what?

Rain-Rain Come Again!

Finally, there is some good news on the weather front; monsoons have arrived in Gurgaon after city recorded its first monsoon showers yesterday. These rains have not only brought down the soaring temperatures but have also helped give a refreshing look to the trees, roads and the houses. Suddenly, everything is looking fresh and clean; even the air smells different.

Every “colour” looks so different...........It's a pleasure looking at "greens" on trees after the rains........

In other words, Rains are transformational! They transform everything that come there way; even human beings of all ages, colour, status, religion etc!

But, such is the power of personal prejudices that everything will soon get back to normal; again ......... The earth, the trees, houses and people .......even air will start to smell stale ........And, all the freshness will be gone; but for now let's keep enjoying it.....

All I can do now is to wait for fresh rains............... rain-rain come again!

Edited to add: The rains have motivated me to change the banner of my blog.......Go and have a look in a short while..



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