Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How Much Can You Learn... one month; especially when it is about pushing a shopping cart full of groceries? See yourself....
1st Video- Shot on 29th Dec, we were coming out of Garg Dastak Grocery store when I insisted on pushing the shopping trolley myself.....

2nd Video- Shot on 27th Nov, at the same place as the former

So, what have you found out? Well, I have learnt to improvise.....were you able to spot that moment?

Today is my Rudra bhai's birthday- as he completed two.... Happy Birthday Bhai- I love you lots!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ek Do Teen Chaar.....New Math

Very mention of "Ek Do Teen" bring back memories of that famous song of 1988 movie Tezaab .......Those were the golden days of my papa- he was in school then- and that of so many others who come to this blog.......So, when he heard me utter "Ek-Do-Teen" (meaning One-Two-Three in English), he asked- are you trying to become Madhuri Dixit - I dont blame him for asking that question, after all she was the heart-throb of millions of kids/boys/men of that era! But, he was quick to make soon as he realised the importance of that moment......To his amazement and that of everyone, I was counting the stairs that I was climbing......"Ek"- after I climbed first, "Do"- when I found myself on second, "Teen"- while on the third step, "Chaar"- for fourth, "Paanch"- when on that fifth big platform......and "Ek-Do-Teen" lingo saw its first amendment in last 21 years, at least in our household..... No longer do they associate "Ek-Do-Teen" with Madhuri, I have replaced her......fair enough as you can't keep going back to 1988 and Tezaab.....

Thank you Dadee for being my first Mathematics teacher!

Last but not the least, why don't you hear Madhuri sing "Ek-Do-Teen" again! That shows my dad is writing this post.....old habits die hard, you know!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Best Laughter Moment

Blogadda has selected my this post under it's "Tangy Tuesday Picks-Dec 22" category.....Needless to say that I am happy about that........So, thank you Blogadda team!

Well, it's easy to make me smile; but it is really tough to make me laugh........... a "herd of cows" or a "group of stray dogs" is an exception to this general rule; as I always breaks into a laughter whenever I spot them.

It so happened the other day, that as we got down from our car, I spotted a "herd of cows" outside the market........a group of women was busy chit-chatting standing right next to them.... I ran towards those cows and stood my ground at a place facing both the groups.....With my one hand covering my mouth and other hand making "calling" gestures in the air, I burst into laughter...... Cows didn't hear my laughter nor did they see my gestures; but those women folks did........ I guess, my laughter and gestures must have been loud/distracting enough to break the flow of their engrossing talks......Angry glares and stares followed......Ignoring their bewildered but angrily staring looks, I continued laughing. Left with no option, the women folks chose to take a walk....... leaving my papa stunned while standing his ground, albeit on an apologetic note........But, I was still enjoying the sight of those cows!

Monday, December 21, 2009

What Do These Pics Tell You?

1. Me approaching my Rudra bhai's cheeks....completely contrasting emotions...that of complete surrender by my Rudra bhai amidst excitement on my face....
2. Such a good brother I have!
3. Covered in our monkey caps, that's me giving brother is so innocent!
4. My Rudra bhai to me- Behan (for sister in Hindi)bhaiya ko kissi do (give one kiss to your brother)
5. My Rudra bhai hugging me while sitting atop our car... Well, all these pictures are self explanatory......Me and my Rudra bhai get along so well.....and best part is that he is no big brother....rather it's the other way round! Don't these pictures tell you that?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Horse Cum Bed

If my Rudra bhai is sitting on the sofa, he can't get down unless he becomes my horse cum bed.....first a horse followed by a bed.....and a loving brother, that he is, always obliges.

Today morning, was however different as he refused to oblige and left me crying!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Two Wrongs ALWAYS Makes A Right


This post is dedicated in the memory of Kyoto protocol, as Copenhagen readies itself to signal the death of the protocol.

Yesterday, I had talked about as to how my mom is contributing to the climate change . Now, following three pictures will make it amply to what she does to us? We are always covered under those weighty clothes.....Can you see our plight in particular and that of climate in general!

1. Me and my Rudra bhai are looking as if we are wearing our space suits- Actually, I think she is preparing us for the day when human being's search for an earth's alternative (as an after effect of climate change) will make it imperative to embark on a space, why not make us learn to walk in space-suits, seems that's what she has in her mind....
2. Me sitting on stairs- As I can't walk for long with those weighty clothes... Actually that's my mom's way of making us learn to walk in short stretches.....Why?....Arey baba, soon we guys will find it difficult to walk for long hauls with all the smog and polluted air around....By the way, did you notice my hairstyle?
3. What hairstyle??? It has already gone for the toss with all that sweating.....Thank you mom for ensuring that we learn to cope with another fallout of climate change- experiencing sweat in winter months......Don't laugh at me..... that day is not far when you will sweat in December and feel a piercing cold in June; if at all it exists.
By now it is quite clear that my mom is the biggest polluter of the climate; rather all mom's are!........ Still, I would like to thank my mom for doing some service to us- for preparing us for the day when earth's climate will go for the toss;....thanks to no one, but all the moms of the world for draping their kids with all those weighty clothes.....and for causing an irreparable damage...did I say it right? Irreparable????

Copenhagen negotiators, are you listening? Let me give you a simple solution- please don't focus on the big picture......pass a simple resoluion to ban all these weighty clothes as they use more water and soap and energy......thus affecting earth's climate adversely.......impose sanctions on all the non complying moms and the countries!.......You guys are now entitled to some luxury time .....go take a walk on the streets of Copenhagen and eat lot of Danish pastries and biscuits....Kids don't need them anymore!

And, please dump that Kyoto protocol in the nearby ocean... Oh yes!, also take a pledge to continue with all the greenhouse everyone in the "developed world" has an eternal right to emit! And, we the so-called "developing world" has a valid point as well.....Two Wrongs ALWAYS Make A now it's our turn to play the catching up game....We will ensure the undesirable expansion in emissions and pollution.......

And, I promise that I will not be found wanting....I will surely contribute towards that goal in my own way; after all it's now my turn to play the catching up game with the kids of so-called developed world....

Wow, that's a great thought- I just realised that this earth has two worlds and good news is that both are dying....Thank you Copenhagen, for doing everything to speed up that process.....I have one more plea to make- please take an oath to speed it up......drafts and protocols have no meaning; perhaps "oath" will work!

Copenhagen- are you listening?


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Climate Change & My Mom

I am a winter girl as I was born during that season last year......If I were to believe my parents, my first winters were harsher than the one that is currently underway.....Effects of climate change, you know! I am sure that negotiators at Copenhagen climate summit have a lot on their is high time that they should bury their differences to make earth a better and safer world for kids like us....

Coming back to the issue of climate change, I feel my mom is the one who is responsible for this.....Every morning, she covers me with lot of clothes..... Reason? To protect me from the winter chill....Problem is that I have no words to tell her chill is yet to set in fully.....Even that sweat dripping off my head is of no help in communicating my message! Somebody should tell her that putting on more clothes means that there will be more clothes for washing every day....which in turn means more electricity and water wastage......leading to more emissions...

Can't she put on lesser clothes on me?

Going back to Copenhagen summit, the indecisive nature of climate talks at Copenhagen, clearly shows that gone are the days when December used to be a month of biting cold........ My suggestion, therefore would be, to help earth by avoiding extra clothes in December....... that way you will end up using lesser quantity of your alloted quota of emissions....... at least in this part of the world!

Mom are you listening?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Dad Says That .....

.......I am becoming naughty. The reasons cited in support of his allegations are:

~ the way I tease my Rudra bhai especially when I pull up his long hairs and runs away.

~ the way I hold phone while talking to my dada-dadee; holding it tight between my ears and shoulders ...... yes you got it right without using my hands.

~ my act of running away with phone as soon as my Rudra bhai asks for it....

~ or that act of hiding behind curtains...

~ or standing tall on the sofa and posing as if I am ready to jump off...

~ an act of sitting quietly on the stairs to give a false impression of inaction.... when all I am waiting for is the first opportunity to climb up....

~ not letting anyone close the main door.......even if it is 12 at night.

~ to be the first one to stand on the door as soon as I see my papa pick up his laptop....

Well his list is expanding with every passing day..... But you tell me is it good to label me like that? Especially for reasons given above.

Actually it is not my papa's is all because of my Rudra bhai....he is such an obedient child ...very sophisticated indeed! He is no match to me!

At the same time I can't match him either! We are poles apart.....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Night Out At Odd Hour

I am sure you don't want to go on a night out at 1am in the way I did yesterday night. Let me explain.....

Although I have a bad throat and an unsettling cough, still I make it a point to play with my papa every night. Yesterday was no different...... Mom administered me my meds and I began playing with him before going to sleep on his lap......My parents too went to bed at around 12. It wasn't much before they had to wake up again to the sounds of my painful cries. Initially, mom thought that it is part of my daily night routine. But as my cries turned more shriller, she realised that something is amiss. By then papa too woke up......My Ashu chacha also came down from his bedroom.....Crying incessantly, I extended my hand towards my Ashu chacha; with tears flowing down my cheeks....... Worried papa gave me some crocin.......My Ashu chacha recommended a car ride....And, we were soon inside our car driving towards the hospital....... 10 minutes inside the car and I was already of to sleep....Papa consulted one doctor on our way back home, who suggested him to wait until morning...... Decision to give crocin proved to be a timely one as I slept peacefully afterwards......

Mom had just spoken to my doctor who said that it must have been ear pain which generally occurs with throat infection....I am aleady on antibotics hoping that they will work....Infact they are already working.

Thank God, my odd nightout didn't last long!

PS: Yesterday night's ear pain didn't come back, so today's was a peaceful night for me...... I was the usual first to wake up in the morning and ensured that my parents are also up before their normal usual time..... May be that's why my papa is complaining of headache! Well, amidst all this talk of infection and medicines, one thing that hasn't shown any decline is my liking for walking on my own....more about it later!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brain Teasers Are In!

Now that I have completed one year, my mom’s expectations too seem to have moved into a different gear; else how would you explain her decision to buy me brain teasers in the garb of a toy. That so called toy is a box containing 5 blocks of different shapes and sizes. All I am supposed to do is to put those blocks inside the matching slots. After few hit and trials, I did manage to put all the blocks inside their slots. Needless to say that it brought an ear to ear smile on my mom’s face!

But, honestly speaking I don’t like the challenge of putting all the blocks inside their slots and have discovered an easy way out-I always pick that lone circular block. You know why....arey baba it’s simple...that block has no edges unlike star or triangular shaped blocks; so it goes in the slot with an effortless ease........Mom, it’s done, no more interested in any other blocks!

Don’t know why can’t they get me some dolls?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yet Another Update

Our new apartment is resonating with strange sounds of coughing and sneezing with me, my Rudra bhai and my papa down with throat infection....... Antibiotics have given way to fruit juice and my baby-food doesn't taste good.... At times, it feels as if I am carrying big weight on my head with a blocked nose.....I am draped in woolens from head to toe- mom managed to buy a monkey cap...... Oh pictures can wait as I don't want you to see my running nose!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Latest Update

We have moved into the new house and are having our own share of initial troubles that you would expect with every move- geysers not working, net yet to work properly, water supply is erratic etc etc. Seems that wasn't enough as now I have to deal with a bout of fever and bad throat as well- my Rudra bhai passed it to me.

Our connection will be up and running tonight. Till then, let me take some crocin and go back to sleep- didn't sleep properly last night!

Monday, November 30, 2009

No Posts.... we are busy moving into a new apartment. There is lot of stuff that needs to be packed and moved to that apartment.

Well, this house will always hold very special place in my heart as I began my life journey from this place only..... Thank you mom for reminding me about that!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Every Morning,......

.......a head peeps in through our bedroom door; sheepishly moving his lips , he murmurs - "Bobby (my mom's name) behan nin-neee (Is sister sleeping?)"

My mom- "Yes, behan nin-nee (sister is sleeping)"

Head moves out and the door is slammed on my mom; but makes enough noise to rattle me out of my sleep.....Mom pats my back and I go back to sleep.

Couple of minutes later, that head peeps in again and repeats the previous question; this time with much energy and conviction in his voice......

Mom repeats her answer and the door is slammed back on her; with much brutal force enough to rattle me, again. Refusing to sleep, I sit on my knees with my eyes staring at the door, for I know that the head will peep in again for the third time....

The door opens for the third time, head peeps in and seeing me up, bursts into joy; that grim-looking questioning face of previously failed two attempts gives way to an ear to ear smile. Matching his joy and excitement frame by frame, I get down off my bed...he too is running towards my bed .........hugging me, he exclaims- "Bobby, behan no nin-nee".......My Rudra bhai knows that he got successful in his third attempt and with that, we start our another day!

This is no one off incident but a story of every morning...... Surprisingly, repetition has failed to take sheen off this every morning splendor and joyous moments!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Tribute To Mumbai Victims

26th November is the first anniversary of Mumbai carnage in which around 200 lives were lost to the mindless act of terror and hatred. I was a 23 day old kid then and even after adding one year to my life, my reasoning and understanding of that carnage hasn't changed a wee bit.....Perhaps, I will never be able to understand it. But, one thing that I know for sure is that all those 200 lives will never come back......No one left behind will ever get back their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, nephews etc etc.......Tears will dry up but pain never will........ Memories will stay for ever.....So many life flames flickered out by those bullets; yet those flames will continue to burn inside the heart of their loved ones.....forever!

May their souls rest in peace! Here is a video from YouTube to keep that flame alive forever. One could not have asked for any better song than the one being played in the background!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Me Shoplifting??? Naah.....

I was recently threatened by my mom that she will not take me to the market again! My fault? That, I walked in to a chemist shop only to walk out with Johnson's baby cream in my hand. My mom rated this as shop-lifting and was naturally furious at me; whereas I feel that it was nothing but the result of me feeling at home in that shop.You know, we frequently visit that shop to buy our medicine stuff and every time I enter inside, the owner uncle smiles at me talks to me thus making me feel at home. So, I don't know what was in it for my mom to be so furious at me? All I did at that shop was what I do at my home many times during the day..........

Perhaps, I would get to know the real meaning only when I will grow up. But for the time being, I enjoy lifting stuff and will continue to do so. You better keep a watch over me!

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Rudra Bhai Needs To Change

Monday morning blues seems to have struck me as well and I am not yet ready to get out from my bed. I guess part of the reason lies in it being an unusually cold morning after an extremely hectic weekend that started with a Friday night show of newly released movie "Kurbaan"- high on reviews and claims but low on the idea; can safely be called as watered down version of NewYork. Movie got over at around 2 in the morning. It took my mom long to convince me to go into sleep. Despite that, I was the first one to get out of bed next morning; mom and papa had no option but to follow me as well.....

My mom, then took me and my Rudra bhai out to the neighborhood park- well it amazes me that they have discovered this park towards the fag end of our stay in this rented house- we are set to vacate this on 1st December. The park falls bang opposite this house and I don't remember going to this park ever in more than a year. I guess they are realising the importance of this park now when they know that it won't be staring on their face anymore post 1st December- but then better late then never.

In the evening, I went out with my parents to the market. My papa was scheduled to meet the builder of our own apartment, so he dropped us at the nearby shopping mall before heading for his meeting. Both, me and my mom walked our way through the length and breadth of the Metropolitan Mall- my mom had a tough time managing me. I was wearing my magenta coloured trousers and white sweater with ankle high shoes and a purple coloured broach- sadly they forgot to click any picture. I was at my smiling best, which would attract lot of people to me- and most of them would pinch or tap my cheeks. Soon, my cheeks turned red which led my mom to compare me with a cartoon movie character; but I knew that she wasn't right- else how would you explain so many people calling me "cutie baby" in that mall? Later, we took a rikshaw to JMD Square as my papa was about to finish his meeting. You know my mom never misses any chance to take a rikshaw as I love riding it.

As soon as we reached home, my papa wore his chef hat (not literally though)and cooked some delicious non-veg dishes- Chicken Curry and Fried Masala Liver ...... Sandeep chacha and Pallavi chacha joined us for dinner. By the time, we wrapped up our day, it was already 12.

Again, I was the first one to get up on Sunday morning. As we were scheduled to go to Chetan uncle's place for lunch; our park visit didn't last longer. When we were coming back, we saw a tractor parked outside our home. My papa requested him to let him try his hands on the tractor. Next moment, my papa was on the wheels with me and my Rudra bhai seated on the side chairs.......Unlike me, my Rudra bhai is no adventure freak and started crying. Amusing it was; as his one year younger sister was smiling at his face. My papa had no option but to stop it after driving for few hundred meters.

Later, we drove down to Chetan uncle's place. It was good to meet Tanmaya and Tanvii didi. You know Tanmaya is an extremely naughty child- you got to see it to believe it. We had our own share of tussle over riding his bike but then Tanvi didi's intervention helped me and I could also ride it. We had lot of fun for close to 4 hours.

Chetan uncle was right when he said that after meeting naughty Tanmaya; I should hug my Rudra bhai to tell him that I was so wrong with him...... Oh! he is such an obedient child that he ends up being bullied by me.....I think he has made me complacent......I need some competition at home; time for him to pick some naughty tricks and acts!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A New Cycle & A Truce

When you have two happy-go-lucky kids sharing great camaraderie, love and affection inside four walls; all you can do to disturb that equilibrium is to throw in a new gadget in between and wait for the results......Striking it might seem as everything goes for the toss and becomes history and all you are left with is shrieks, screams, cries, bouts.......

My Shikha chachee bought Rudra bhai a cycle yesterday and our tussles hasn’t stopped ever since then. He was laying his sole claims on the bike whereas I wasn’t at all ready to accept it. With great grit and determination, I managed to dethrone him from his seat........

Initially he took it lightly, to come back soon with vengeance......a truce was brokered and equilibrium was restored......The golden rule of our truce is that we will take turns to sit in front atop bhai’s cycle with other one seated on the back.....and here is the pose for the camera...

Like that legendary Indo-Pak conflict, we are back at it again....fighting, truce conditions have already gone for the toss!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Your Command Is My Wish

Mom/Papa talking to me- Mitthee (if it’s my mom) and Chutku (if it’s my papa) where is my phone?
Me- Will pick up the phones and hand them over to them; I don’t goof up on phones as I know which one belongs to whom....
Mom- Mitthee, where is money?
Me- I go and pick up that ten rupee note, even when there are 5 different things lying nearby.....Oh, I can do this with comb, shoes, socks, glass, bottle, spoon etc. as well.
Mom- Mitthee, where is your shadow?
Me- Bending down on my knees I search for it and touch it on the ground......Even change in the direction of light is not enough to confuse me....
Papa- Chutku, where is moon?
Me- Raising my one finger, I point towards sky for the moon.......
Papa- Chutku, go and close the door....
Me- Gets down from bed, walk upto the door and bang it goes with full on my face announces the closure the door....
Papa- Chutku, where are your eyes and nose?
Me- I touch both one by one and my smile says the rest......
Mom- Mitthee, where is your Bhai?
Me- Walk upto the stairs, move my head approximately 45 degrees; holding the staircase I shout his name......two-three more name-shouts and bhai emerges on the scene from smile announces his arrival.
Mom- Mitthee, go and sleep....
Me- Crawls upto the pillow; putting down my head, I lie down flat, close my eyes- I am off to sleep.......Half a minute later, I open my one eye to see if anyone watching me sleep....
Mom- Mitthee, go and play “hide and seek” with bhai
Me- Walking up to the nearby window, I wrap myself around the curtain to hide from my bhai....

With 2 sub-two year olds sharing same roof, you can learn fairly quick as evident from above. My Rudra bhai deserves to be credited for whatever new things I am learning......he makes it look so easy, you know!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Giving Back

I consider myself lucky to have a full-time working mom by my side through the day; thanks to my mom’s company and her boss, both of whom were kind enough to allow her to work from home.

Before I proceed any further, let me tell you a little about my mom’s work as I don’t think I have ever done that. Well, my mom works as a Software Engineer for an American software company out of Gurgaon taking care of telephony and contact centre system support and development. Unlike my father; my mom is a much devoted employee and can be seen working at even 2 in the morning, if there is some work.

For past days, her workplace has shifted as she is spending major part of her day in her office trying to resurrect her dead computer, after it caved in a couple of days back. It is highly ironic that although she works on cutting edge technologies, the computer that she uses is of archaic era- heavy and ugly looking Compaq. Who cares, as long as it enables my mom to discharge her work related duties. And, the good news is that it now will as it is back to life; again- 3rd time in last three years.

But, this post is not about dead computers; rather it is about giving back.......something my mom felt after her return from work. She was expecting me to run towards her and cry.......she was expecting me to lap her up................she was expecting me to give her a bear hug; so on and so forth.......Instead, she got a cold shoulder from me; no eye to eye contact, no smiles and no hugs for sure........Oh! She was feeling ignored; but that is how I was intending to make her feel. She got the taste of what I had felt through the day-ignored!

She did express her feelings to my papa and he remarked-“she is giving it back to you”....... But for my inability to speak as yet, I would have said- "Yes, I am".

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Outing To The Park

For a change Sunday gone by was different for two reasons; firstly my papa didn’t go to Dehradun for his spot scouting trips (something he is doing regularly every weekend over past 4 months with just one exception) and then more importantly he took me and my Rudra bhai out to the neighbourhood park. We took some time to cut loose as the Gurgaon greens were all new to us- you know we are only used to concrete, asphalt and cement in this city........

Then, my father threw a football at us and it took us no time to discover those hidden Ronaldo and Pele inside us.....

Our dribbling and running skills were tested to the limit....

Rudra bhai did a Maradona (remember "Hand of God")on me

It didn’t matter if it was Greens or no Greens; you got to pick it

Time to catch our breath as got tired of running....

Phone rang and I took it over from my papa- talking to my dadee

I don’t like to do the slides, I love climbing them.......

Those three pictures of me trying to climb the slide from wrong side is one of many dare-devil acts I love to indulge in!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hyper-active Kid- Price One Pays

5 falls within a span of 2 hours had my forehead bruised badly on both sides and a small scar on left cheek; enough to leave me and my parents shaken. Ice-packs kept coming back with an alarming frequency and so did those bruises. A tentative morning followed an uncomfortable night......but good news is that smile is intact but so is the pain- guess that's the price you pay for being an hyper-active kid!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Did I say I am one? Yes I am one!

For last few days or perhaps weeks, I have been talking more in terms of videos and pictures..... Today, I am going to change that with this post by resisting all the temptations to let the video and pictures do all the talking.......!

You know I have come a long way in past 12 months. A cell, that I was more than a year back has not only grown in life but in size and acts as well. The hope and dream, that I was is a reality now, fuelling more dreams, hopes and aspirations. A touch, that everyone was longing for, is available at will.

Gone are the days when I used to wait for others to lift me to take me to different places/things; I walk on my own.....gone are the days when I used to wait for others to understand my implied needs, I express them in words and actions......gone are the days when only touch I knew of was that of my mom, I can differentiate..........gone are the days when I used to wake up hearing door open, I open it myself......gone are the days when I used to count my age in terms of days and months, I count it in years....... I am one! Yes I am one!

I can talk, I can walk.....I can speak, I can shriek.......I can dance....I am an infectious smile.....I am a soothing touch....I am a resonating voice.....I am a visual delight.......I am Reveda- a beloved grand-daughter, a daughter, a sister, a niece, a friend! And, I am loving it!

Did I say I am one? Yes I am one!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Good Effects Of Chivas Regal!

I had earlier posted about what few drops of Chivas Regal did to me and now comes the video ...

If music is playing somewhere, I have to dance irrespective of the place, music or sound.....Enjoy......

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cleanliness Guaranteed!

Do you have an un-tidy backyard in your home? If answer is in affirmative, you may contact me on this blog........Following video will give you a short demo of my expertise in providing mopping services......Enjoy!

PS: FYI my mom is busy making some chutney while Santoshi didi is preparing a paste of salt, chilly, garlic, cardamom, coriander leaves, etc...on that stone grinder with her lid that my dadee opened is that of a large storage water tank in our backyard......

Friday, November 6, 2009

My Birthday My Day....

Completely unaware of the significance of the day, I started on a usual note. But, I was the only one behaving in a usual way; everyone else was greeting me differently today. It all started with an early morning call at 12.15 am from Uganda- my Renu bua was on phone to greet me on my birthday; she was the first one to do so. Next morning, I found myself under a flurry of hugs, kisses, pecks and birthday greetings with my mom, papa, dada and dadee showering it all over me......... I was enjoying all the attention and love......

My dada instructed everyone to get ready as our priest was due to arrive early for my birthday prayers (pooja) - my dada and dadee organised it. I was the first one to get ready and got busy with my “picking and throwing” routine.
Soon, our priest arrived and started performing pooja (prayers).

I kept shifting between everyone’s lap seated with folded hands.......
My dadee offered sweets and pakoras to the Lord. It is a Garhwali tradition to cook pakoras made of daal (lentils) and offer them to the Lord during prayers and celebrations. As soon as prayers got over, we assembled for our breakfast of delicious pakoras and parathas .

My dada and dadee left for market soon thereafter to fetch my birthday cake and my gift- a nice pink coloured blanket. As my nana- nanee, mausa- mausee and mama-mamee were planning to come over in the evening, my dada and dadee came back early enough to make preparations for dinner. My papa got busy decorating the house with balloons while my dada, dadee and mom cooked dinner; obviously with assistance from Santoshi didi.

Later in the evening, I wore my new birthday dress that my mom and papa had bought a day before my birthday. My nana-nanee and others arrived on time for cutting of my birthday cake.......I was visibly excited standing in front of my birthday cake..........
My papa captured my cake cutting ceremony on his camera must watch out for the sight of me eating cake from knife itself......

It would have been nice to have my Rudra bhai and Ridhima didi by my side when I had cut that cake but they made up for that by wishing me on phone. You know both of them were holding their papa’s phones to join me for my cake cutting ceremony over phone- a technological gift.......I got some real gifts too as my nana-nanee gave me a pair of ear-rings while my mausa-mausee presented me a beautiful dancing doll.....

It was time to serve dinner as my papa was scheduled to catch his train to Delhi at 11pm. For a change, I also ate my dinner sitting on the dining chair instead of my usual chair.......sign that I have definitely grown up.......

Oh yes! My unit of measurement of age also changed from month to year........

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dance, Music, Full Masti On Video

Earlier, I had posted about all the fun and masti I had on the occasion of my Anil mama's marriage......And, now comes few videos of those magical moments as captured by my papa:

29th October at Delhi

1. Me & my Ridhima didi were the first ones to hit the floor

2. Soon, other kids too joined in.....

31st October at Dehradun

1. Mom initiated me on to the dance floor....

2. And, then I took it over....

3. Looking to get in after my papa made me leave the floor...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Few Drops of Chivas Regal.......

.............from my papa’s glass on the eve of my birthday has made me do some unforgettable things. Consider this; it has-

~ made me go merry round and round and round.

~ made me eat a big piece of chapatti in one bite.

~ not only made me walk but also run on just one shoe.

~ made me eat a full piece of local speciality of sweet called “Baal Mithayee”.

~ made me dance just to the sound of foot tapping.

~ made my eyeballs drift from one corner to top side and back in a split second.

~ made me lie down on marble floor on a cold November night.

~ made me walk like a drunkard already down with many pegs of liquor.

~ made me dance non-stop to the music of bhajans (devotional songs)....

What about you? How many glasses/pegs do you have to gulp to do all these things?

Silly- it’s not those drops of Chivas Regal but my spirit that has made me do all this..........Remember, it’s your spirit that counts not the spirits!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dance, Music, Travelling & Full Masti

........ has been the order of the day for past 4 days as I am busy attending my Anil mama's marriage functions; firstly in Delhi and now Dehradun.

His baraat (marriage procession) took place on 29th October. We joined the baraat in Delhi itself after it reached here on Thursday evening from Dehradun. Believe it or not, me and my Ridhima didi were the first ones to hit the dance floor at the bride's place. Both of us were dancing as if there will be no tomorrow. My papa had to request the DJ to switch it off for a minute to make us move from the floor. He didn't heed to his request in full and only lowered the volume- enough to break our rhythm. My Ridhima didi left after that as they had to do some last minute packing prior to their departure to leave for Uganda; they left yesterday night. I was in no mood to sleep and remained awake till 3 am in the morning.

Next morning, me and my mom left for Dehradun with the baraat (marriage procession) to attend the marriage reception on 31st- yesterday.

31st October again was about fun, dance and celebrations. Initially, I was bit hesitant to join the dance floor in the absence of my Ridhima didi; but gave in to my resistance soon only to find myself surrounded by tall boys dancing merrily. Well, my dance was more natural as it was not under the influence of liquor unlike those tall boys..... My papa will upload videos and pictures later as connection is not good here in Dehradun.

With marriage being over, my eyes are set on 3rd November.........2 more days to go......

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Know How To Open A Door

See; and don't miss my mom's words....

Did you manage to hear my mom's voice in the background?

Yes! that's how she addresses me these days- "Big Boss"......... Reason? The way I walk....

Did I Scare That Dog Away?

Every time I see dogs, I run towards them to touch and play with them. My parents have hard time controlling me not to touch those street dogs. But, who cares as for me they are dogs- something that I love.......

Here is a video shot couple of days back in the nearby market.......You can see me trying to befriend that dog.....It's another thing that he wasn't interested.

And this one- I scared the hell out of that black dog......Look at his face- looks so frightened.......May be it was my tom-boyish look with jeans, half boots and my full sleeves t-shirt!

Did I scare him away?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Handshakes And Shopping Jaunts

With my papa out every weekend, that shopping tigress inside my mom is out on prowl every Saturday/Sunday. Partnering her is none else than yours truly herself......I love it and why not; after, all I am the biggest beneficiary of those shopping jaunts.

My other reason for loving these trips is the prospect of sighting fellow kids sitting quietly/obediently inside their prams-something I had left many months ago......... Everytime I see one, I make it a point to walk up to him/her and extend my hand for a warm handshake...........My this act surprises many parents after they come to know of my age- you won’t find many ten/eleven month olds walking upto other kids on own........ For me it is nothing unsual but a crucial part of my growth stage- an ability to forge bonds ....... Here are pictures of me greeting a fellow kid I met inside Reliance SuperStore..........

Erratic Postings- Explanations

My blog-posting has been erratic for some time now; and my papa is to be blamed for that. For past 3 months, he has been travelling to Dehradun every weekend. Ostensible aim of all these trips is to drive/walk through the dense jungles and rivers in the wilderness around Dehradun............. But, I am sure that he is upto something with Sandeep and Rakesh chacha- his other two partners in this effort. Let’s see what do they come up with.......I hope and pray that their hard work pays off...... soon! I will keep you posted of the same. For now, my contribution in their venture is limited to seeing him off every Saturday morning with a smile......... He says that I am doing a great job with that!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Diwali In Dehradun

As posted earlier, we celebrated Diwali at our home in Dehradun. Here are pictures and videos from my Diwali trip........

1. Sitting with my dada after we reached Dehradun- at 2 am in the morning

2. Both of us doing an inspection 2.10 am

3. Eating my Ashu chacha's birthday cake

4. Taking a round of scooter with my dada and dadee

5. Looking myself in the scooter rear view mirror

6. Dadee- I don't want to go back to Gurgaon

7. But, then I have to......

And, now few videos.....

1. Our home on Diwali night

2. My mom making imprints of Goddess Laxmi's feet on floor- a tradition to welcome Goddess Laxmi- Goddess of wealth

3. Dancing on the floor

4. I love walking......

5. 20th Oct- Happy Birthday Dada- They didn't let me share their drinks, so I had cake.....

6. I don't want to go to Gurgaon....hear me cry....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Back In Gurgaon

I am back in Gurgaon after starting from Dehradun at 4 in the morning. Decision to leave early prove to be a good one as we managed to beat morning rush hour traffic to reach Gurgaon at 9 am- record of sorts for my papa as he did 280 km in flat 5 hours..... I have lot to write but will do that tomorrow as my papa is not feeling well. His blood pressure for past 7 days is in a higher zone and he needs rest! I will be back tomorrow with lot of pictures, videos and a detailed post.......Until then, please take care of yourself..........

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Diwali Update

After late night festivities and celebrations, I am still in bed but my papa is up early to write this quick update.

Since it was my first Diwali, I wasn't aware of what is in store through the day. But as the day progressed, things began to get clear and I could feel the festivities and excitement in the air. Every one was busy decorating the house with flowers, lights and candles while my dada and dadee cooked delicious sweets and snacks.

After Diwali puja in the night, it was time to burst crackers. I was a picture of varied emotions through the entire duration of that time- excited, happy, joyful, lost, frightened ......... But, it was fun. As we readied ourselves to end the day at 12 in the midnight, it was time for my Ashu chacha to cut his birthday cake..... Happy Birthday Ashu chacha!

A detailed post will follow this once we are back in Gurgaon.....

Before I end this post, let me wish you and yours a year full of happiness, prosperity, good health and success!

Friday, October 16, 2009

I am Stubborn!

....yes, that's how "powers that be" have labeled me as! Reasons cited, here they come:

~ That I resist every move to stop me from climbing stairs.

~ That I drag them out of house for a walk at odd hours; at 12 midnight yesterday!

~ That I don't want to get inside, once out.

~ That I like to eat with my own hands.....

~ That I don't like to eat lentil soup despite them trying hard at it; but love pickles at the same time; much against their wish....

~ That I fight with my Rudra bhai for everything; be it his cycle, mo-bike, toys etc.

~ That I don't want to go to bed even when they are ready for it.....

~ That I want to try everything with my own hands rather than them doing it for me....

~ That I put everything in my mouth despite their innumerable sermons...

Well, I can go on and on as there are many other that they have complained about.......It is time for them to understand that I am just a kid; a kid out to explore my own way and at a place of my choice.......

They better change their statement!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lights Everywhere!

Every time I go out, I see lights of different colours and shapes illuminating shops, households and markets.... It seems as if everyone is competing for a "best decorated" award in their respective category.

Markets are swarmed with people from all walks of life, shops are packed to capacity and shoppers are determined to empty them ....... One can feel the excitement in the air!

I am being told this is normal for Deepawali time.......Deepawali- festival of lights is round the corner; on 17th and will be my first after my birth...... Needless to say I am excited; excited seeing the excitement and festivities!

May God bless everyone this Diwali!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bye-Bye Crawling!

After having tasted the pleasure of walking on my own feet, I have already bid adieu to crawling.

Amusing, it may sound; but my parents are already missing the sight of me crawling on my both legs and hands, head held high......stopping, every now and then to raise my one hand with body resting on my legs and the other hand..........that fluttering sound my clothes used to produce while colliding with the floor........or pure bliss of hearing the symphonic tapping of my hands and feet ...... or that look of accomplishment and success on my face after crawling from one corner of the room to other.......that sight of me seated in one of those four corners trying to catch my breath........

They are missing all this and more but then they also know that their daughter has to grow.......You know this growth is a strange dilemma; an act of balancing as you lose and gain something at the same time........just as I have lost interest in crawling but then at the same time I am really excited about the fun of walking.........

When I walk, so many eyes pop out in excitement; so many hands reach out to me as soon as I fell down........even when I don’t fall. When I walk, I am the one who decides my course and everyone else follows me........ When I walk, I walk regardless of time and hour of the day- my parents can vouch for that as I made them walk besides me at 11.30 in the where? ........Nearby market only.......Of course, I know the way as I was the one who was guiding them........with some support from my Rudra bhai......

For us, all roads out of our home goes to market only!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quick Update

This quick update is long overdue now. I couldn't write earlier as my papa was away in Dehradun. He had gone there for doing recce of some places of interest around Dehradun. While he was away, I suffered three freak injuries on my face in separate incidents in Gurgaon. He would come to know about them only after he reached Gurgaon......and, now you guys also know about this!

However, what you don't know yet is the news of spotting of a leopard by my papa and Sandeep chacha in Dehradun wild...... I too came to know of it on Monday morning.....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kissa Kursi Ka- Tale Of A Chair

After mo-bike and a tricycle, I now have a new reason to fight my Rudra bhai with- A chair......My chachee bought him a pair of chair & table on their recent Dehradun trip. He likes to so much that he doesn't even let me touch it. Stubborn me- that I am, not only has to touch it but sit on it as well. So, frequent "interventions and mediation" have become an order of the day to cool down the raging tempers. Un-announced ceasefire don't last much as regular skirmishes keep breaking out at frequent intervals; just like one on Indo-Pak border.......However, good news is that we are also learning to share; albeit slowly and steadily! See......

Best is that we go back to our usual self, moments after they fold that chair to hide it somewhere........They can't help but wonder at what a kursi (a chair) can do to relationships!

"Kissa Kursi Ka"- an eternal play keeps resurrecting in its different avatars and forms on moment to moments basis. At the core of the plot is always a "chair" and all the characters revolve around it...... My papa feels that our fight for that lone chair is nothing but that game of chair played out in full.....He says that I am playing a lead role with my Rudra bhai filling the other spot......He isn't amused but we are loving it!

Thus sown are the seeds of greed!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where Is Your Mehndi?

Karwa Chauth was celebrated yesterday across North India with much devotion and enthusiasm. I too was dressed up for the the occasion in my traditional Indian Salwar-Kameez:
Unlike last year, my mom didn't go to market for doing mehndi on her hands (for obvious reasons)......she did it at home only. Seeing my curiosity over mehndi, she applied some on my hand as well......and this is how it looks
You know I am liking it so much that I don't take much time to answer "where is your mehndi?" question; albeit through actions- Raising my mehndi hand, I proudly point my other hand towards my palm sporting those five henna dots......while, my eyes balls oscillates between those dots and your face! You got to see it to believe it!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Post From A Father

Writing this blog comes so easy to me that all I have to do is to sit back and write; my daughter does the rest- she gives me so much to write. I have already logged 233 posts before this- posts that track the growth of my daughter; posts that celebrate parenthood; posts that are about different beings- being of a daughter, father, mother, grand-mother, grand-father, uncle, brother, sister; all known by different names but closely entangled with one another like precious pearls stringed together into a beautiful necklace!

All along these 11 months, just a thought of writing for my daughter used to fill me with much energy and vigor emanating out of the love, affection and emotions that I carry in my heart. Everything written on this blog looked very special to me.....I began to feel as if my daughter is a special daughter and me a special father....

My feelings of being special stands corrected....Corrected after coming to know of the death of a father- a 29 year old dad to a beautiful 18 month old daughter....... a father who loved his daughter as much as any other dad would......a father whose life used to revolve around his daughter.......A young talented engineer who was a devoted son of his parents.....a brother .....and a loving husband of a 24 year old woman.

In the death of Kshitij, Suman (my wife's cousin) lost her beloved husband, Charu lost her father, proud parents lost their son and brother lost his comrade in arms....while so many others lost so many forms and names they used to associate themselves to Kshitij with........He died at the hands of killer swine-flu and careless doctors- who continued treating him for -God knows what, when everything else was pointing at swine-flu.

My heart cries for everyone's in Kshitij's family....and it cries more for Charu....for whom it will be a case of delayed grief as she doesn't know the real meaning of this tragedy.....her eyes will always be waiting for her loving father, her ears will wait endlessly to listen to her father's experience his touch.......While she waits endlessly for her father; her father will be watching him from the heavens....watching at his creation....... asking her a question that he always used to ask-" Who is his papa's daughter?"........but Charu will never be able to point at her as she used to and Kshitij will never see her do that......for both have lost that physical closeness to be able to talk to each other to answer that ...... to a cruel fate....

Of all 6 billion pearls and a equally big number of necklaces that those pearls have been stringed into; sadly one string of pearls is lying on the floor...broken after one pearl is gone forever.......God alone can guide the family and show them the way.......Our love and sympathies are with Kshitij's family in this hour of grief.....May his young soul Rest In Peace.......

Everything, that looked so special to me about my daughter until yesterday looks very general to me.......

Everything is special yet nothing is special!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hey! I am Eleven Now; 11 Months I mean

My life measurement unit will change from next month onwards- as I will complete one year then. But for now "month" remains the unit measure....and I have completed 11 months today; on 3rd October 09...

My mom decided to celebrate the penultimate month of first year of my life in a different way; so there was no cake and no candles either. Instead, we decided to go to a nearby mall for dinner......This is what my papa's camera captured:

Picture 1- Me entering inside holding my papa's hand- gives me confidence to walk
Picture 2- Papa encouraged me to walk and I walked; happily so!
Picture 3- Inside Surreal Store- didn't I tell you that I love mirrors...see!
Picture 4- I am back on the corridor...walking? no running!
Picture 5- The toy bike owner said- I am too small to ride it; but I proved him wrong......notice my tight grip on the handle...
Picture 6- Outside the restaurant door- Open it, today is my monthly birthday
Picture 7- Eating my dinner- What a joke on me: It's my birthday and what do I get to eat- my good old baby food and them- a lavish gourmet meal...
Picture 8- Walking out at I look tired?..Naah



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