Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I am here, I am here!

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!- that's what they say; so I decided to let them do the talking..........
Thinking yet smiling me....don't forget to notice my deceptive smile....

And, that's a real naughty kiddo in one told me to do so!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Vacationing In Dehradun

We are in Dehradun for our vacation after my mom decided to avail her quota of annual leaves. Although, we have plans to go and visit Renuka lake, but for me Doon itself is a vacation thing. It is bright and sunny here with no need for watchful eyes following my movements. I am always on my own running around the house, or plucking flowers from the garden, throwing stones and mud into our pool or simply watching Shankar bhaiya (our gardener) work in the kitchen garden.....and giving me company is Basu (our tenant's daughter)- she diligently follows me, courtesy my aggression and strong teeth........together, we both are a formidable combination.

You know my daily routine too has undergone some changes with 'early to bed and early rise' phrase becoming a reality. Actually, Gurgaon is bland and boring place and there is a lot to look forward to In Dehradun after I leave my bed.

We are shortly leaving for Renuka lake and will be back tomorrow. My papa is posting from his phone, hence pics will have to wait.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why Did My Papa Stop Writing?

Why Did My Papa Stop Writing?- is a question to which I have no definitive answers. But that doesn't mean I should not try and find one and undo the wrong.

So what could be the possible reasons.......If he was too busy- Naaaahhhhh despite his frequent travels- or he lost interest in writing- again, I don't think so- or he was not at his cheerful best to be able to write- possibly so, or not at his feeling best- again a real possibility.....Whatever it was, fact remains that blame for not writing/irregular posting for many weeks and months lies squarely on him.

So many posts died inside the cobweb, that his head has become following his act of quitting his job to follow his passion. Issues, unfound answers to competing questions, commercial exigencies and constraints and lack of time has not only taken its toll on his ability to concentrate his mind but health as well; so much so that a daily ritual that used to bring him joy and happiness stopped doing so and the urge to write was not at all forthcoming- not anymore- as he set about writing this post on his own.

He got up at 5 in the morning after going to bed with contours of a possible post in his mind- much like past two years. Perhaps his decision to pick up 'reading- few days back- spurred him on; actually it did after he picked up his long forgotten book- “The Difficulty of Being Good: On the Subtle Art of Dharma.” It became too apparent to him that he need to live up to his "Dharma" and "Karma" towards me, of which maintaining and treasuring memories is an all important part.

On my part, despite my current over-dependence on my papa to log these posts, I too will ensure that it (my over-dependence) doesn't result in closing down of this blog. And then, I would long for the day when I will take this over from my papa and start maintaining it in my own words; until then, he has promised to keep it going for me. I am confident of him living upto his promise, especially because both my parents also see this blog as a real tribute to my birth and development. And, believe it or not, my papa also feels indebted to me (no no I mean this blog) as it has catapulted and inspired him to follow his passion.

So, what all he missed posting since writing his last post, here is the list

~ My birthday celebrations in Dehradun as I completed 2 years on 3rd November.
~ My Rudra bhai's injury to the middle finger of his left hand after it got crushed between the doors.......He had to undergo emergency plastic surgery on his hand......
~ Our visit to Dehradun for my birthday and Deepawali celebrations.
~ My daredevil act of playing with fire-crackers when my Rudra bhai refused to do so.

I am sure, he is going to write about them in his next post.

It feels good to complete 2 years, you know! It actually does!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mumma Is Unwell!

Fever virus is largely responsible for this long break in posting. First it was me, closely followed by my papa and now my mumma- all down with fever in quick succession- but mumma's is somewhat different than ours as she had developed some rashes yesterday. We rushed her to doctor and are now waiting for her dengue test results. I hope it comes fine as mumma has already put me off her feed- I was made to do away with it last night-forcibly by them and reluctantly by me.

Amidst all this, one crucial development was my ability to recite all the letters of English alphabet- from A to Z, thanks to youtube. And yes, I have also befriended "big green monster and scary witch". More on this later!

Monday, October 4, 2010

23rd Monthly Birthday

A day after Gandhiji's birthday, came my turn to celebrate my 23rd monthly birthday and with that I am now a month away from turning 3- bye bye toddler stage moment. As usual, we went out for family dinner at I-Kay's. I and Rudra bhai made best use of our opportunity to run around freely and un-supervised- trust me latter one is more important than anything else in our development. I-Kay's, for us is synonymous with foot tapping music-albeit originating from nearby discotheque; "Staying Alive"- and we never forget to extract our due share. Unlike previous ocassions, the discotheque was unusually silent,- no music- as everyone was busy watching CW games opening ceremony. Our four attempts at Staying Alive elicited same "we are waiting for the ceremony to get over" response. In the end, we decided to give it a miss and head home after dinner.

This post also gives me an opportunity to do some catching up as I have not posted in a while. Well, you know we visited Dehradun to celebrate my father's birthday on 23rd September. It was fun as he let me cut his b'day cake-baked at home by my dadee. We then went out for our family dinner at Black Pepper restaurant. Apart from the food and the ambience, we also loved their live band. Infact they sang one song for my papa too as soon as they came to know of his birthday courtesy my mom. Next morning, we went to Gaja to check on my papa's camp. I enjoyed it the most as my mom let me be on my own. I walked barefeet on the gravel stones (happiness was clearly visible on my face), did lot of running and also played with mud in mud. I was in no mood to come back but then we had to as my mom was supposed to visit her mom- my nanee. My nana-nanee have a pet dog- Happy- and first thing I did upon entering my nanee's home was to ask for Happy. I spent (and enjoyed) one night at my nana-nanee's, and came back home next afternoon to catch our evening train to Delhi. More updates to follow.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Helping Hands

Unusually wet weather in Delhi has left lot of people with stuffy and running noses; I and my Rudra bhai included therein. Although there is no dearth of helping hands but cutest of all is one of my Rudra bhai.......As he saw my running nose, he looked for my hankie and asked- "Behan nosie saaf karoon" (meaning sister-shall I clean your nose).......To which my affirmative response was best coveyed by a slight movement of my face in his direction such that his hands are able to reach my nose. And, his hands did with ease. As I felt that he wasn't fully successful in his cleaning attempt, I instructed-"Jeenu, idhar bhi saaf karo"- pointing at the spot on my nose that I felt was left uncleaned.

Well, this helping hand traffic runs both ways. Like, if I am watching rhymes on youtube, I ensure my parents don't start till Jeenu enters my room. And, our home keeps resonating with that familiar sentence-"Jeenu tauji room main aao, rhymes dekhney" (meaning Jeenu come to tauji's room, we will see rhymes)....or an act of pushing a piece of biscuit inside his mouth with that much familiar two letter sentence-"Jeenu khao" (meaning Jeenu eat this). Actually sepeaking, there are so many incidents like that.....However, none of that gets posted .......Perhaps, they have gotten used to seeing this on regular basis and don't really understand its value! Or, may be it's my papa who always misses out on this as he wants to record our conversations instead of writing about it......Recording never happens and so most of the incident remains unposted!

Well, that reminds me of another incident; we have a photo album which we see every now and then. We can identify most of the faces in that album and one such face is of Gautam chacha- my Ashu chacha's friend. For me his existence was limited to that photo album only until I saw him entering inside our home few days back.......I couldn't believe my eyes and expressions on my face kept asking a question- "how could someone come out of a photo album"........And, as soon as he extended his hands in my direction, I burst into tears....scared; very scared!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Airtel Says That.....

.......we are not living up to the norms of their fair usage policy. Guess who the cuplrit is????? These videos, played on my repeated requests several times a also check them out.....I cant upload my favourite one, though- Nanhey munney bachey teri - from movie- Boot Polish....You can copy and paste the link......

Other ones are as follows:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

School Jaana Hai.....

These days, my morning starts with seeing off my two best "school going" pals and that has led me to start demanding that I too be sent to the school. My papa feels that it is too early for me to demand that....While jury is still not out on that demand, here are some videos that he feels, bolsters his case for not sending me to the playschool. While first two are more about my developing feminine side with latter ones showing my fearless side....

Monday, September 6, 2010

22nd Monthly Birthday

I have completed 22 months on 3rd September and my mom decided to celebrate it with the usual cake cutting ceremony. My papa was present this time after missing it on two previous ocassions because of his visit to hills. However, work kept him busy till 9 pm, and we could not leave before to buy my birthday cake. By the time we did, all the bakeries were already shut; but not that of Hotel Galaxy.....So, we went in and bought a very good looking rectangular shape Swiss Cream Chocolate Honey cake.....My Rudra bhai and I was giving company to my mom while papa waited outside in his car......His wait kept getting longer and longer as I & my Rudra bhai decided to do some running inside the hotel lobby; which was later cut short by my mom who played a spoilsport by forcing us out, much against our wishes........We took no time to found another attraction- this time a wedding reception band playing music....... "mumma dancie karna hai" (mumma, I want to dance) was my next demand- I proposed and mumma disposed.....but my plan was washed away by heavy rains leaving us to no option but get inside the waiting car......Papa heaved a sigh of relief as his unending wait finally ended.......At home, I took my Rudra bhai's help to cut the cake and announce to everyone that I am a 22 month old kid now! Pictures from my 22nd monthly birthday cake cutting ceremony will have to wait as my Ashu chacha has to download them on to his computer....

Next day i.e. Saturday was spent at the school exhibition at Epicentre in Gurgaon........I visited many prospective schools, bullied some kids at some of the stalls, got a tattoo printed on my arms and also made attendants gift me some skethch pens.....Later, we went to Sandeep uncle's house for a dinner with Rajan uncle and his family........

Sunday was spent at home as my papa was away at the school exhibition......needless to say that it was very dull for me.......

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Favourite Phrases

With a plastic fan in my left hand and moving it from left to right and back, I ask Jeenu- "जीनू हवा आ रही है " (meaning can you feel the wind blowing into your face")......Well, who cares how far he is from the reach/area of influence of that hand fan- it's the intent that matters!

A daily night circus is at full display- Jeenu not eating his dinner and my Shikha chachee is running after him- when I came up with an instant solution. I pick up my papa's phone and start to dial a number......Even before my papa could open his mouth to enquire, I was ready with my explanation- "मैं मोंस्टर को डायल कर रहा हूँ" (meaning I am calling monster).......and the conversation starts- "हेल्लो मोंस्टर, जल्दी आओ जीनू खाना नहीं खा रहा है" (Monster come quickly, Jeenu is not eating his dinner)......Guess what...timid jeenu gulps everything in a tizzy!

Opening our bedroom door in a fit of rage, I thunder- "जीनू रूम में नहीं जाऊंगा" (I will never go inside Jeenu's room)......Reason????? Well, a fight had broken between me and my Rudra bhai after I felt shortchanged, so I banged his bedroom's door at him and came out........Well, this gets repeated few times in the day but then I don't like to keep this pledge .........One reaction that always puzzles me is that of my parents- they laugh everytime they hear me utter that thunderous comment- I don't think there is anything to laugh about it......and, I don't forget to make my displeasure known to them........

Well, not all our fights result in that thunderous pledge- some moderate ones elicit a matching reaction- "जीनू आपके फ्रेंड नहीं बनूँगा" (Jeenu, I will not be your friend anymore)........

And, then there are some fights when I just lose me cool....left with no choice Jeenu runs for cover.......trying his best to avoid that ferocious little sister called "behan"- running after him, eyes wide open, fist in the air , teeth already sharpened for maximum effect........Jeenu knows what is in store for him....his back bears a testimony to one such fight and so does his one arm!

"आलोक ठंडा पानी पीना है" (Alok, I want to drink chilled water)

"आलोक में कैसा लग रहा हूँ" (Alok, how am I looking)- right after I changed into a new dress!

My mom has just refused me something; what do I do?? Well, I say "मम्मा गंदी है" is bad!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rakhi Festivities

Our Raksha-bandhan celebrations started with an earlier than usual shower followed by a visit to Ruchi bua's home. We spent close to an hour at bua's place, playing with their dog- chinki- and also with Sooraj-Chintu bhaiya's son- as everyone else got busy with the festivities.

Later at home, I tied the rakhi on my Rudra bhai's hand not forgetting to do it for my Honey didi as well. My Renu bua had sent rakhi for everyone (my parents and Rudra bhai's parents) while my Honey didi sent it for me and Rudra bhai. Renu bua had also sent a letter- written to her brothers- while Honey didi wrote one for us........It was a moving letter indeed- and also a nice way to go back to the good old days of an unwired world! Well, another one from my Veda bua is on its way......

Shreya didi- our landlord's daughter- who was waiting for us to come back, too came up and did the ritual with my Rudra bhai.

In the evening it was the turn of Liz bua followed by Rinki bua, Archu bua and Mumpy bua......needless to say that my papa's wrists are looking very colourful. Pihu didi (Rinki bua's daughter) got one for us too.......You know Rinki bua's visit always translates into lot of clothes.......She, being a textile designer has a penchant for nice designer clothes and me and my Rudra bhai loves her visits........

In between all those festivities, we talked to my dada and dadee several times over phone......and also saw my Renu bua, Rakesh mama and Honey didi over Google video chat........To see my Renu bua's happy face after she saw both of us on video, was the best moment of the day- not that others were not; her relentless pursuit of software and webcam did work in the end!

I will be posting pictures later as camera is under repairs-courtesy me!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Brother-Sister At Their Best!

That we eat food watching youtube videos is already known and documented on this platform. As we are growing, our viewing preferences too are changing-from rhymes to songs or informative videos.........One of our personal favourite is the song-"phoolon ka taaron ka sab ka kehna" from movie "Hare Rama Hare Krishna".........My papa recently got an opportunity to shot me and my Rudra bhai together with this song being played in the background.......Do give attention to the lyrics while watching our videos- especially my Rudra bhai's demand for "sound valee kissee" or his act of becoming my horse.......-unforgettable and very very special moments!

Another incident that must be documented for our future reading is something that ocurred night before last.........I was sitting next to my mom when my Rudra bhai bid good night to me; after Shikha chachee instructed him to go to bed.......Seeing my reluctant Rudra bhai enter his room, I called him- "Jeenu idhar aao" meaning Jeenu come here...........and, he ran towards me in no time as if he was waiting for that.........As soon as he came near me, I extended my right cheek towards him and said-"Jeenu idhar kissee karo" (meaning give me a peck here)- he obliged, lovingly so........and then followed my request for a kissee on left cheek as well.......As soon as he finished doing it.....I said- Jeenu good night.......subah milengey (meaning will meet in the morning)........My Rudra bhai had forgotten to give me my "good night kiss" that night!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hum Kahan Jaa Rahey Hain!

"Hum kahan jaa rahey hain" meaning (where are we going?) is a question that I used to ask every evening moments after stepping inside our car. Earlier, I used to get an instant answer but not anymore- the ploy just doesn't work- my question, is my vehicle to raise a demand to be taken to the Mega Mall.....You must be wondering as to how is this possible? Well, it's simple.....I used to keep repeating the question until I hear "Mega Mall"- hearing which always broadens my smile.........

As they changed, so did I. Now I don't ask that question straightaway.......Instead I focus on creating a platform to be able to ask this question from the position of strength- or you may call authority. So, I start identifying buildings starting with Salwan Public School- mumma, dekho school followed by mumma dekho Galakshee mall (see Galaxy mall).........with Alok, dekho Star mall aa gaya (Alok, see Star Mall has come) coming next.......and, then a loud finger pointing statement- mumma, dekho phewl istation (fuel station).......And, by then we reach a red light intersection with road on your right going to Sector 29 while left taking you to Sector 14. Since, I love to be on the other side (more posh and cosmopoliton side), I becomes the navigator ordering- Alok idhar chalo (Alok, go there- take left pointing with my hand- yes I can identify directions with my hand)............Once on that road, I ask my question- Mummua hum kahan jaa rahe hain?.......and without waiting for their answer, I follow it up with my own answer- Mumma hum Mega Mall jaa rahe hain- in no inquisitive tone! At times, their reply comes before my answer and usually it is likely to remain the same- hum market jaa rahe hain(meaning we are going to the market)........And, I give that answer a deserving rejoinder- "nahinnnnnnnnnnnnn" meaning a big no........Hum Mega Mall jaa rahey hain (we are going to the Mega Mall only)........Another intersection comes and I wear my navigator hat again pointing towards my left- Idhar jao (go that side).......and Mega Mall is in sight- mumma dekho......Alok dekho....wo raha Mega Mall (see, there it is)............mission complete!

My papa, already tired of taking that same route to Mega mall, took another route on Monday. He wanted a change so he decided to take us to our apartment-currently under construction for last 3 and 1/2 years.......As the route was completely unfamiliar, so I switched from my talking mode to observing mode.........Must I be trying to figure out the way that leads to Mega Mall!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Independence Day- Full Masti

In our country's 64th birthday, my parents saw an opportunity to open me to a wide range of activities to make it memorable for me. It didn't take me much to seize the opportunity and make the best of it.......and what a busy day it turned out to be-ended at 1 am next morning!

It all started with a kite flying session in the morning with Amardeep bhaiya (our maid's son). My mom had requested him through his mom the previous day; how kind of him to accept that request! First, he took all of us to the roof top but find it inconvenient for lack of open space. So, we came down, after he decided to do it on the road...........We were following his foot-steps as he was the only kite-flying expert amongst all of us.......
As soon as the kite flying session got over, I ran away towards the school boundary adjoining the road.
And, climbed that wall to see the ducks- the school has some birds and ducks in its compound.
My Rudra bhai joined me soon thereafter. In the video, you will again notice the difference between my Rudra bhai's fearful and my fearless nature- my Rudra bhai asked for Shikha chachee's help while I did it myself-however, he made amends seeing me climb it on my own.

In the evening, my parents decided to take me to the Ambeince Mall- pity that Gurgaon has nothing other than malls for recreation purpose- and everything in mall comes for a price. We are thankful to God that we can pay for some of the things at display in those malls; but what about others- not so priviledged ones from the society?????- well, Amardeep bhaiya had an answer....didn't he????

As soon as we entered the mall, I saw kids doing bungy jumping. I told my papa-"Alok mujhe bhi jump karna hai" (meaning Alok, I want to do the jumping)......He went to the organiser who refused as soon as he heard my age. Citing his refusal, my papa took me towards the elevator but I was in no mood to relent and started crying.......But my mood changed as soon as we reached at the entrance of the Fun City..........My papa bought some credit and with that started a series of rides and games beginning with the Samba Balloon......All the pictures and videos will tell you the story.....

Samba Balloon Ride-

Horse Ride-

Motor Rides

Soon our credit got over and we came out of the Fun City........My papa bought me an ice-cream and as soon as we started walking towards to the basement car parking, I again saw kids doing the bungy jumping.....and started crying. My papa again took me to the organiser and this time, he agreed as my papa told him to do it at less than usual speed.......So, he took the money and gave me my ticket- rolling it on my wrist..... I was finding it difficult to wait and would climb the stairs everytime that pulley slowed down for taking in the new jumber......But, I had to wait as they had to arrange for a harness of my size.....
And when my turn came, I was visibly excited about the unknown- here is the video of that entire jump......

Bungy jumping over, time to go home........As it was getting late, we thought it best to eat on our way back home......The restaurant had closed by then but my papa managed to get some chicken wings for me- I love them- see it for yourself

Chicken wings were very hot, good that Santoshi didi carried my water bottle.....All these pictures were taken in the moving car.
As we reached home, my chacha, chachee and Rudra bhai were busy watching the ending part of movie "Love Aajkal".......As the movie was about to end, they chose to retire for the day. But, me and my mom had different plans.......As the movie ends with one of my favourite dance numbers, we both started dancing to the music of that song- you know I had seen this movie in the hall, when I was small. Here is the video of me follow my mom's dance steps.......

15th August ended with the ending of our dancing session. However, I was still in no mood to sleep; so, I started painting on the floor and this is what I painted.....
As the clock was ticking away towards 1 am, my mom forced me to go to sleep.As we are compiling this post, it seems to me as if we had packed few days of stuff in a single day. Happy Independence Day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mumma School Jaana Hai

My Rudra bhai has already started going to school- Mother's Pride- since, his school starts early, I don't get to see him during most of the mornings barring weekends. However, that doesn't stop me from asking about Jeenu as soon as I wake up.......... followed by an every day statement in a complaining tone (which sometimes changes and ends with a question mark)-"mumma school jaana hai" meaning mumma I want to go to school as well..........

With my Rudra bhai starting his school, my normal day has been divided into two parts- frst part starts with the time when I wake up and ends as soon as I spot my Rudra bhai climbing up the stairs........while second part starts as soon as he gets in........15 minutes prior to his scheduled time of arrival, my activity level goes up considerably- with me running several times between the gallery and back to my mom working in front of her computer- my one liners, however remains same "mumma Jeenu aaney waala hai" meaning mumma Jeenu is about to reach home........And, as soon as I spot him, it changes to "Mumma Jeenu aa gaya" meaning mumma, Jeenu has come at the top of my voice.........We, then make him sit around the table with me and my chachee quizzing him about the happenings in the school.........My father was home to record one such "after school" quizzing session........As my Jeenu bhai had complained about his mam (perhaps cab attendant) eating his biscuits the previous day, so first thing I was did was to check his tiffin box and you must see and hear my reaction- again at the top of my voice and in a complaining tone........

All these quizzing sessions and other school related objects and incidents are good enough to keep fueling my desire to go to school- a desire that gets manifested in many cute moments........One such incident was captured beautifully one evening in a picture when a thought came to my mind from nowhere- "mitthi ko school jaana hai" meaning mitthi wants to go to school. Left with no option, my mom strapped my Rudra bhai's old school bag on my back.........And, my Rudra bhai couldnt stop himself from following my line........ Well today is our country's Independence day and I need to end this post as I have to go to rooftop for a kite flying session with one bhaiya- our maid's son- who agreed to visit our house for this- so kind of him.....Thank you bhaiya and Happy Independence Day!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who Says Sofas .................

................can only be used for "seating" purpose; we use it for a completely different purpose- as an obstacle course....... See

By now, you might have noticed the change that age brings- my Rudra bhai is bit "careful" while trying to climb that sofa; as against his, my approach is "fearless"........Actually speaking, that's what advancing age does to everyone- makes you more fearful.....On another note, I think it's foolish to blame age for that transformation......It is rather an ever increasing list of do's & dont's that is to be blamed for this change from a born fearless species to fearful creatures..........For now, I am fearless and I am enjoying it to the fullest as you might have noticed and will further see in my other video that is going to be uploaded after this!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ghuguti Basuti, Love and Affection

Everyone in our household was busy watching a "for kids reality show" when I & my Rudra bhai started playing/singing ghughuti basuti (a song, that kids hear during their childhood across the length and breadth of Uttarakhand- for more information or to understand the meaning/background of this song, please read comments and the post itself on the link given above).......In the video shown below, you will notice that our mutual love and affection is at full display-incidentally the song that we are singing is about the love of a brother and a sister........Enjoy!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Laddu Khana Hai!

"Laddu khana hai" meaning I want to eat Laddu has been my favourite phrase as we used to drive past temple on our way to Mega Mall- happened twice in as many days- My parents related that comment to my past visits to that temple along with my Rudra bhai and thought that all I am asking for is to be taken to the temple to eat the prasad (offerings).........It took them a drive past Gulab- a sweet shop of MG Road to understand their folly..........Yesterday night, as we drove past that shop- my first- I began asking for Laddu, repeating my "Laddu khana hai" statement many times.......And, this time I was on a mission.......leaving them with no option but to take me inside that shop.....

Once inside, I went straight to the display counter and pointing my fingers at the "Laddu" said- "Yeh khana hai" meaning I want to eat this........My papa told the attendant to pack one kg and bagan taking out money.........But, I was in a mood to shop more........and pointed my finger @ Ras bhari petha followed by those big atta laddoo (wheat flour).........The attendant couldn't stop smiling and handing me a piece of Kaju barfi and petha said- "yeh sabse chotee umar kee shopper hai" meaning she is the youngest of my shoppers............

Needless to say that my parents are happy at my ability to start using my sense of taste!

Monday, August 9, 2010

My New Friend "Babloo"

While my father was away in the hills, I managed to develop a new friendship with someone called "Babloo"........And, I meet "Babloo" several times a day- just after I wake up, during the day and also before I go to sleep......I like to play with it......I love it because it never hits back when I throw is very obedient and follows my instructions to the "T"......"Babloo" has a peculiar habit of not moving till I ask it to do so- it never comes out of his home till I pull him out...........Do you wanna meet my friend "Babloo"????? So here he comes......
You know "babloo" has got an inverted twin brother called "Emm"....They are so similar to each other that I get confused between the two- latest being yesterday as we drove past "McDonald's"........As soon as I saw it, I couldn't help saying- "bye Babloo hum shaam ko milengey"- (meaning- Bye Babloo, we will meet in the evening) ......It wasn't much before I realised my mistake and corrected myself........So, do you want to meet the twin brother of "Babloo"......Here he comes:
Although, I have 24 other friends but they are not as cute and beautiful as "Babloo" and "Emm".....Thus, my every date with my alphabet board starts with "Babloo" and "Emm".......

Thank you mama-papa for buying me that "Alphabet board"......they bought that from a handicraft showroom called "Anokhee" inside Galaxy Mall....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fever, Rudra Bhai & Me!

Rains, humidity, heat and air-conditioned room temperature is a heady-mix of potent ingredients for concocting a love potion for all sorts of infections..........well, we did manage to concoct one too........ and Fever/Throat/Cough hasn't left our home since past 3 days- first it was my dadee followed by me, Rudra hai, Santoshi didi and Shikha chachee in that order.........However, unlike our seniors, we both go back to our usual running and jumping around routine as soon as Crocin begins to act.........

Even 102F fever cannot stop my Rudra bhai from asking for a peck on his cheek......"behan ek kiss-see karo bhaiya ko" (meaning sister- give a kiss to your brother)..........He proposed and I disposed........but he was quick to retort........"aawaaz nahin aayee" (meaning there was no matching sound).......knowing what he meant, I again kissed my brother's cheeks and this time with enough muuuuuuuuuuuwaaaaaah sound...........Trust me, my brother is extremely loving and I am no less either........Consider this, I woke up at 12 in the night and started walking towards my Jeenu bhai's room.......papa asked me- "where are you going" which I replied- "Jeenu paaaas" (meaning I am going to meet Jeenu-Rudra bhai's nick).......And, I was in the room much before their hands could reach me..........My mummy-papa and dada-dadee (busy chit-chatting) couldn't stop laughing as they saw me come out nto utter in complaining voice-"sab so gaye" .......Yes, you guessed it right- Rudra bhai, chachaa and chachee were fast asleep........

Even a petty fever can't keep us separate- perhaps, reason why we both have it!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

No Blogging But A Nice Surprise!

Despite all his promises, my papa hasn't been able to update my blog for long now; owing to his pre-occupation with his new found passion-his outdoors startup- which keeps him busy in hills with no internet connectivity........He came back to Gurgaon Saturday morning after spending close to 10 days in hills......In between, he did manage to squeeze in a 5 hour quick-fire trip to Gurgaon just to meet me on 19th after he couldn't cope up with the long break from me......So, he took a flight to Delhi and reached our Gurgaon home at 4 pm to leave for Dehradun, 5 hours later by a night train .....I was fast asleep when he arrived; so my dadee told my papa to be careful not to wake me up from my sleep.......But, I had completely different plans and as soon as I heard his voice, I started smiling with closed eyes-that was more than enough for my papa not to heed to my dadee's instructions......he took "smiling" me into his lap- an act to which I reciprocated with a nice warm hug.....Soon, my Rudra bhai joined me in my father's arms- a missed photo-op but a great surprise....

With my papa back in Gurgaon, I hope that blogging will be back on track....My dada and dadee are also with us after completing their trip to Shirdi for the darshan of Bhagwan Sri Sai Baba. You know I can recognise Baba......My papa says that I am also a devotee of Baba as I always bow my head before Him whenever I see His picture or a statue.........Infact, my Rudra bhai and Ridhima didi do that as well.

I am ending this post with a video that was shot inside a pub- after I gatecrashed it - from a neighbouring restaurant we went dining for.........You can see my shadow dancing to the loud music.....And, no it isn't a video from our past gatecrashings..........So, here it comes....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I am Back!

After a brief hiatus, I am back into the blogging world.......Well, reasons for my recent break were beyond my control- I was busy doing whatever I am good at- its just that my voice- my papa- was busy wrapping up his last days in the corporate world.......Well as you know he was planning to quit the corporate world and he did exactly that on 7th July after he quit his job of a Finance Controller at NIIT Limited........Retirement????? Are you kidding???? For what?????? Well, he is trying to follow his passion or heart- tourism, adventure and training- with a development focus........Now, don't ask me about development focus- all I know is that he, along with couple of his friends is trying to promote off-beat tourist destinations amongst families, corporates and students such that the place itself comes up on the tourist map.......All along this, they plan to work towards the development of that region as well by focussing on livelihood training, environment, water conservation and organic cultivation. Big dreams, big ideas, big ambitions and a giant step that incidentally is nothing but a very small start...........I call it a giant step as he turned down a lucrative job offer few days before he was due to quit and also chose to forgo the luxury of seeing a fat pay cheque month after month.........At the same time, it is a very small step as he has a long way to go.......I can only wish him good luck and can support him in whatever way I can.........Infact, I do that already as I don't complaint to him about his lack of time- he will be touring extensively between Gaja- his chosen place of work-, Dehradun and Gurgaon.......I shall be writing more about that later......

Coming back to my blog, I know I am running behind on few of my promises- foremost one to post my pictures and videos of my bald/ganja look......Actually, my papa had to return his office laptop; besides his camera too is not working........And, if that was not enough, his phone chip, that had the recordings/images of our mundan ceremony and recent Dehradun trips is not traceable after he gave it for repairs-remember that act of mine when I threw his phone into the bucket full of water. My papa has already lambasted the shop owner for his negligence and has served him an ultimatum to return his chip by Sunday evening........I don't know why that guy did this???

Anyways, my papa has some pictures and will be posting them as soon as his camera starts working again! Let's hope, it does!

You know during past few days, I have made some giant strides in the field of my knowledge of English alphabets and colour identification........I can distinguish between various colours and can also identify the blocks for English alphabets......Not only that, I can also relate a particular English word to a matching letter of English alphabet- A for Aaapul, B for Ball, C for Caat, D for doggie, E for Phant (meaning Elephant).........

I have started going for early morning weekend walks with my mom and dadee- my dadee is visiting us as my mom had to rejoin her office, albeit for half a day during the latter half of the day- a time that I spends with my dadee, Rudra bhai and Chachee..........

Another crucial development is my new found ability to speak long sentences and also use words that are nothing but eye-paupers.......Consider this:

~ My Rudra bhai to me- "Behan meri car kahan hai" (meaning sister where is my car)- to which my reply is nothing but a terse- Maloom nahin (meaning I don't know)

~ My Rudra bhai to me (after he fails to remove his cycle stuck between sofas and a wall)- "Behan meri cycle nikaal do" (meaning, sister please help me take out my cycle).......My reply???? A bossy- "Aata hoon" (meaning I am coming)........followed by a confident walk towards the cycle....few tries and cycle is out.....I hand over the possession to my Rudra bhai and leave from the scene......( Will post this video soon)

~ I am standing tall on the bed- all set to jump but not before I say this-"Main jump maar doon" (meaning can I jump)

~ My papa is ready to leave in the morning (that was before 7th) and with a smile on my face, I ask- "Alok kahan jaa raha hai" meaning Alok, where are you going?

~ Me ordering my Rudra bhai-"Jeenu, idhar aao"- meaning Jeenu come here......Jeenu to me- "Behan aa raha hoon" (meaning sister, I am coming)

Well, you know my Rudra bhai never calls my name- he always calls me "Behan" -; on the other hand, I never call him bhai (or, brother in English) instead I call him by his name- "Jeenu'

Friday, July 2, 2010

It's Been Long time.......

...........since I posted here on my blog. Reason???? Well my papa hasn't been able to load pictures of our mundan ceremony.......But, why not????? Oh! our camera battery charger is not working; besides his phone (it had some pictures and videos as well) had to be sent for repairs after I threw it into a bucket full of water......No wonder, my Renu bua called up from Uganda to check the reasons for non-postings after she didn't find any new post on her latest blog-visit....

Coming back to life after mundan, well I didn't notice much change with few exceptions- everytime I take out my hair-clip box, I find it of no use; and tend to keep it back safely inside the dressing table......Also, I have now started using deodorant- my own alcohol free- everytime I go out......... I will keep it short for I plan to write a detailed post later.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where Did My Hair Go?

"Mere baal kahan gaye?" (meaning where did my hairs go) was the first question I put before my mom after I saw my image in the car's rear view mirror......... But before that, I created so much ruckus that the barber uncle took more than 90 minutes to finish his task as against 4 minutes in case of my Rudra bhai......

Our hair cutting ceremony was performed in a mass ritual at Shanti Kunj, Haridwar with many other kids. Monday was an auspiscious day for conducting of religious ceremonies; no wonder we met Bela aunty(my mom's friend) and Sharad uncle (my papa's friend), both of whose families had come from Delhi and Dehradun respectively to perform similar ceremonies for their sons ......So, it all started with mass chanting of hymns followed by hair cutting ceremony in the open courtyard........As barber uncle was shaving my Rudra bhai's head, I remain seated on the stairs with a curious smile on my face.......An obedient child, that my Rudra bhai is, followed everyone's advice to the "T" and he had a bald look in no time......As soon as my turn came, I started crying and would do so for next ninety minutes......Everyone tried their bit but I was in no mood to give them any space whatsoever.....Incessant crying for ninety minutes made me sleepy; so my mom helped me sleep in the car......thus giving barber uncle an opportunity to finish his task........But in that process, not only did I sprain my neck but also got one cut on my head- not deep though......

We left for Dehradun soon afterwards; stopping midway for our lunch followed by airport visit to drop off my Ashu chacha.......

I shall be uploading few videos and pictures in the will love our bald look!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Going To Haridwar

Very shortly, we will be leaving Dehradun for Haridwar to perform our Mundan ceremony......Unlike other communities, girls too have this activity performed on them in ours.....So, I too shall have my ceremony performed alongwith my Rudra bhai.....My mom can't wait to see my clean shaven head....And, she has bought some traditional dresses for the ocassion.....From today onwards, other fellow kids will not mistake my Rudra bhai as a girl as he too will sport a clean shaven head look.............My dada and dadee have already made arrangement at the Shanti Kunj Haridwar; where the ceremony is being performed....... This would be our first visit to Haridwar and needless to say that we are excited....

Earlier, we escaped Gurgaon heat to reach Dehradun on Saturday afternoon.......Weather Gods seemed to have welcomed our Dehradun visit as they opened the gates, it rained yesterday; and we enjoyed it a lot..........I walked in the rain for first time; kind of unheard in Delhi/Gurgaon with all the dust and heat.......

You know, Dehradun seems to do a lot in us as our activity levels here goes up several notches than that of Gurgaon......I didn't sleep for a minute throughout yesterday after waking up at 7 am.......My mom had a real hard time making me go to bed and could manage it only after 11.30pm........

We are getting late so I will sign off now.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shaureeeeee- A Ritual

As soon as my papa came back home from work, my Rudra bhai complained to him that I had hit him on his head......When papa asked me if what bhaiya is saying is correct, I replied in affirmative.....and went a step ahead to show him as to how and where did I hit him ........ Expressing his displeasure, papa told me to say sorry to bhaiya.......Holding both my earlobes with my tender fingers while focussing my eyes on my Rudra bhai's face, I murmured a quick "shaureeeeee"..........Actually speaking saying sorry has now become a ritual after every hit or bite.......and mostly my mom, Rudra bhai and Ciya didi (Shreya- our landlord's 4 year old) get to be at the listening end of it.....

All our fights start on stuff like books, toys, doctor's instruments, bicycles etc etc.....And, if the division is not to my liking or if my Rudra bhai tries to bully me by not sharing his books or toys, I give my best to ensure that he gets his due everytime......... You might want to say that I am a short tempered girl but trust me it is just not that....It's just that I like to share my stuff with him but always lose my cool when he fails to return the gesture......And, whenever he does that, he always tries to run towards his room.......thus provoking me to resort to violent means.......Boy, you should see me that moment- a picture of extreme grit and determination on a mission- lower lip tightly pressed under upper one, right fist raised high with a resolve in eyes and running at full speed- with a solo purpose of catching hold of him......When successful, my Rudra knows what is in store for him next....... No wonder, his one liner hasn't changed in past few months- Mujhe behan se dar lagta hai meaning i am scared to my sister

Make no mistake, its not that my Rudra bhai doesn't know how to give it back ......and whenever he does that, he gives it in full.......... Besides, he has found an able ally in Ciya didi.......Both of them collude with each other to deny me my playing time/pleasure.......resulting in me resorting to my violent means to take on both..........Believe it or not, I do that with ease......

Last but not the least, I get lot of flak for being violent but until they change, there is no point in telling me to give up my, fights are continuing on a daily basis.....

But, one good thing is that we always kiss and make up after every duel!

Monday, June 14, 2010

We Love To Dance!

My mom loves to dance and it seems that those dance stimulating genes of her have been transported into me in equal, if not more quantity.......with the result that if and when I hear music, I have to compulsorily tap my Rudra bhai too is no different's a pity that they dont care to back us........

But, despite our parent's disdain for our skills, we always make it a point to test and hone our dance skills, as & when we get an opportunity...... One such opportunity came our way yesterday night, when we went out for a dinner......Both of us knew that there is a pub next door, so our feet were naturally didnt take long for my papa to understand it; so he escorted us out of the restaurant........we knew where to run to, once out............ And, next moment, we were pushing the door of the pub.......Surprisingly, dance floor was empty- rain was to be blamed!.....ut who cares, if its empty or full.....all we need was music floor came back to life again, albeit for couple of minutes.......Just in case if you want to see us are few videos shot in night vision mode........

As I was not ready to come out, I sped away as soon as I came out of the pub....see

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Garbage Khana....

Garbage khana (I want to eat garbage)??????????????

What!!!!!!!!! Is that how you reacted to this statement of mine? So, you are no different than my parents as their reaction too was similar......Let me tell you what led to this statement....

I have a strange habit of eating anything that is lying on the floor....something, that my mom has failed to understand the reason for....My papa is also clueless as to how do I spot small pieces/crumbs from a distance especially when both my parents wear spects of -4 and above.......Anyways, as soon as they spot me picking and eating something off the floor, their first reaction is always same-"No Garbage hai" ........So, that repeated listening of "garbage" word for dirty things lying on the floor has made a quiet entry into my language repertoire........resulting in mine uttering that statement yesterday morning when my mom was trying to make me eat and papa couldnt stop laughing!!!

Well just a bit of explanation.....I can differentiate what is garbage and what is if and when I find my papa sitting on floor; I never treat him as garbage.....for that matter not even my far as I am concerned anything that is worthy of being thrown in the dust-bin is called "GARBAGE"...... And, I know I am right with that!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jeenu Is Back....

Jeenu- my Rudra bhai is back in Gurgaon after spending close to 15 days in Dehradun.....He came back sunday afternoon and as soon as he entered, we both embraced each other, as if we were meeting after many many years........Shouting each other's name, we both got busy soon thereafter.......and, shades of our Gurgaon home started to change again........from playground to battleground to running track to cycling track and much much more....

It didn't take us long to re-discover our fighting spirits; an area where I have an advantage over my Rudra bhai- thanks to my age and my nasty bites.......he has few scars on his hand as a proof!

However, one thing that scores over everything else is our conversations......the topic ranges from shoes to clothes to bikes to our's another matter that one has to listen patiently to decipher the true meaning of our talks........My papa is planning to record some of them......well lets see when he does that!

For now, he is a busy man trying to set up his business and plan his days/weeks and months post 30th June......Well, he is retiring on that day from the corporate world to pursue his passion- I wish him good luck1

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Quiet Monthly Birthday

I had a quiet monthly birthday as I completed 19 months yesterday. Unlike previous ocassions, I didn't get to cut a cake nor I lit any candles........For a change, my papa, who is serving his last month in the corporate world came back early......His ostensible reason was to take me on a drive to my favourite mall; but real reason was to replenish the depleting stock of groceries and buy me some dresses.......It's another matter that I also ended up buying shoes for myself.......Yes, you read it rightly so- I did bought a pair of my own choice.....My papa paid for two pairs- one was of my choice and other one was that of my mom's......Upon reaching home, I didnt wear the pair that my mom had chosen-reason???????? "it is tight" ......The one that I had chosen fits well; for obvious reasons!

I forgot to tell you about my birthday present; despite all the stonewalling by my papa. I wanted to buy a cricket bat at Reliance stores......but my papa wasn't ready as he had already settled the bill and the waiting queue was long- way too long to buy a 13 rupees bat......Later, my mom managed and I came out dragging my bat on the ground; smilingly so!

On more thing I forgot to write was that I now have a potty seat of my own- my birthday present by my thoughtful!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Don't Like To Eat!

Yes, you heard it right- I don't like to eat anything......And as it happens, my dislike for food is the biggest source of worry for my mom as far as I am concerned. She is clueless as to how do I manage to maintain my energy levels without eating proper food........ Her earlier ploy of playing rhymes on youtube is not working much these days, so she had to manufacture few more tricks- like making me eat while looking at passers-by from our balcony or by showing me ducks inside a nearby school's premises but what scores on top is her recent act of making me eat at a bus-stop while on our way back home....... They had stopped midway for a quick-bite at Karnataka Bhawan-an authentic south Indian eatery at Africa Avenue-ring road intersection. My mom was concerned as I had not eaten anything for at least 12 hours....And, when she failed this time as well, she took me to the bus-stop......and started counting number of buses and trucks passing by us-she knows that buses and trucks always fascinates me.....Soon, I joined her too in my own way- two-nine & three nine.........While I got busy counting the buses and pick-up trucks, she pushed few spoons of mashed banana, pomegranate juice and witabix into my mouth- and heaved a big sigh of relief!

My papa's contrarion view is that my mom did more damage than good; he feels that few spoons of mashed bananas was nothing in front of that huge dose of Delhi's vehicular fumes that I might have inhaled.......

But, my mom don't care as long as I am eating!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Two Nine, Two Nine, Three Nine

2-9, 2-9, 3-9 is the way I do my counting these anything that I see in pairs (for example trucks, cars, tankers, buses, pigeons etc) is counted as 2-9.......while anything that exceeds two is 3-9.....

My father got to know of this new counting technique yesterday after I saw a pair of pigeons on our neighbour's roof-top......I called for my papa.........and, pointing towards the pigeon, I told him that there are "two-nine" pigeons on the roof.....papa tried to correct me by saying that there are two pigeons and not "two-nine"......but I stood my ground.......Left with no choice, he unwillingly agreed that there are "two-nine" pigeons on the roof.....

Later in the evening, I saw more than two trucks parked on the road-side while on our way to the market .........Out of excitement, I again called for papa.......and, pointing towards those parked trucks, I said- "papa dekho......three-nine trucks" (meaning papa, see there are more than two trucks)........This time, he readily agreed that there are "three-nine" trucks on the then mom had already explained him about my new way of counting.....

However, my new way of counting has left my papa, I used to count easily upto 9 till few months back........"What went wrong" is the question he is asking to himself.......perhaps it was lack of access to learning aid ........ as my counting habit previously was relative to the steps I used to climb on our stairscase.......and since we don't have any staircase in this house, my counting seemed to have changed!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mera Mall (My Mall)

As mentioned earlier, we have recently moved into a new house in Sector 15, located on the other side of the NH-8 (National Highway)......And, I am yet to reconcile myself with this part of Gurgaon- an inferior cousin of the other side as it has got just one upmarket mall cum spa cum hotel, few 100 meters away from our house......

It looks so much different to me as I have been growing up seeing malls and big buildings, as the place where I used to stay earlier had at least 3 big malls and super markets within 1 km walking radius......I was so much used to seeing them everytime we used to go out on drives/walks......Needless to say that I am missing all that on this side of the road......

So everytime we step out of our home, I tell my papa to take me to "mera mall" across the highway........Much to his surprise, I also know the way to my as soon as we hit the NH8, I always tell my papa to turn right........thereafter leaving it to him to find his way upto DLF Galleria-Golf Course road red light intersection.......From then onwards, I again take charge of navigation.....left......idhar (meaning "here" & using my fingers to point in the direction).......bursting into a loud laughter and boisterous shout......"yeah mera mall".........My parents have been hearing stories of "mall kids" and are not amused at being face to face with one at home!

Oh I forgot to tell you that "mera mall" meaning my favourite mall is DLF Mega Mall located at the start of Golf Course road.......

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Shoes & A Complete Sentence!

Many new things/incidents/activities have remained unposted in the wake of my burn injury; and I feel it is time to make amends and log them here by means of this here it comes:

~ My father's new venture ( has finally taken off after one year of planning....... Their first camp for school children of Nehru World School was a huge success and was received well by the participants....I shall be linking the picture gallery of the event to this blog, once it is up. They are now busy planning for other school and family camps during the month of May-June.

~ That I have a penchant for shoes is no new news but off lately I have started wearing shoes of all shapes and sizes.......I like to walk wearing those biggies.........And, you know my mom's prolong wait to spot a mistake in my choice of correct pair of shoes/feet is not showing any signs of tapering off any soon........It never ceases to amaze her as to how do I manage it! For me, it's just a child's play.....

~ I am no more a "two word" "mumma paa-nee" (meaning mumma give me water) has given way to "mumma paa-nee de do" (a complete sentence for the previous one).......Likewise, "mumma pottey" has become "mumma pottey aayee hai" or "Aaaa-lok coupled with hand gesture urging my papa to sit on the bed" has given way to "Aaaa-lok idhar baitho" (meaning Alok sit here) .......... I guess, it would be much better for me to write one post about the complete sentences that I have already started speaking.........I just said "Mumma nin-nee aayee hai" instead of earlier "mumma nin-nee" meaning Mumma I want to sleep....

~ Rhymes have also started giving way to Hindi film humpty dumpty video no longer amuses me but a mother trying to make her son eat his dinner do- perhaps because I can relate to that kid. So, why don't you have a look at the video?

And now my burn injury bulletin- a new outer layer also called as epidermis has already started to take shape as my healing is progressing as planned......

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dressing Visits To The Hospital!

My burn wounds are healing as planned and I will be going to Medanta hospital for my final dressing visit- my fourth since last tuesday. Earlier fears of heat induced infection looks very remote now as my doctor feels that post burning act of putting me under water has helped limit the damage to my inner skin- thank you papa!

I must thank my mom too for managing hospital visits in the absence of my papa and Ashu chacha, as both of them were travelling. You know it is extremely difficult to commute in Gurgaon if one doesn't know how to drive.......and, my mom can't drive.....

Coming back to my injury, I still have a bandage wrapped around my waist and trust me it is not at all comfortable with sun powered heat wave registering in excess of 45 degrees.......Doctor has given some anti allergics to help me manage itching etc. Right now my mom's focus is on healing and I am sure it will not be much before it will turn towards erasing the scar......fact that I am still a 18 month old will surely help!

I have so much to write but then I would like to do that in my next post; I have to go and eat my breakfast........medicines are waiting!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Funny Moments and Burn Wounds!

6 days have elapsed since I logged-in my last post. And, those six days have been eventful by all means- I travelled 800 kms over the weekend, visited hills for the first time, rode a pony, deliberately allowed cool breeze to hit my face repeatedly after tasting the pleasure of looking out of windows of the moving car, walked the streets of a small bazaar at Gaja (place where my papa is setting up his camp), did lot of running around our lawns of our Dehradun home, played with my dada and dadee, splashed water all over after taking a dip inside our own kid-pool, visited my nana-nanee; in short I had lot of fun......... but everything turned into a distant memory minutes after we reached our Gurgaon home...........A freak accident involving Santoshi didi and a tea cup left me nursing my burn wounds when I should have been sharing about my trip with my Rudra bhai.

My papa, tired after driving non stop from Dehradun to Gurgaon in less than 5 hours, asked for tea......While he was waiting for his tea, I began playing with my Rudra bhai, who I was meeting after a gap of 3 got busy checking her work emails......Soon thereafter, Santoshi didi made an entry with two tea cups on a tray in her hand.......She bent downwards to adjust her slippers, fumbled and spilled over one cup filled with hot tea over my back.......Screaming and screeching, I bursted into tears....Papa came running, lifted me and took me straight to the bathroom to pour cold water over my burnt back......outer layer of my skin had already started to peel off by then and the diameter of the affected area was increasing with every passing moment......Crying incessantly, I was staring at my mom and papa hoping them to do some magic......Papa called for ice cubes and cold water and would put me inside the tub filled with cold water........But, burning sensation was not giving any signs of tapering off.........seeing the skin peel off rendered my mom motionless; she started competing with me in terms of crying .......Shikha chachee too joined in soon thereafter.......Santoshi didi, filled with guilt was no less different.........

My papa's patience had already given up by then and he shouted at everyone to keep quiet...... He then called our new landlord (Rohit uncle)for the directions to the nearby doctor......Rohit uncle told my papa to follow his car to Dr Yadav's clinic ......... I was lying inconsolably on my mom's lap who was pouring cold water on my burn wounds......Soon, we reached the clinic but my screaming cries would not stop until dressing was complete.......All along this, my worried dada and dadee kept calling as they had seen me off few hours back and I was all smiles then......

Later, my papa called up Vaishali aunty who suggested papa to consult Dr. Aditya as he had treated Tanvi didi in the past for burn wounds.......So we then went to Medanta Hospital to consult Dr. Aditya; who gave me some pain killers and vitamins.......I have to go to doctor again for next round of dressing........He will be able to suggest the next line of treatment only after examining my wounds today......As per him, burn wounds have a tendency to evolve after two-three days......Will keep you posted on the same!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gatecrashing Through Lenses

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Youngest Gatecrashers & A Wedding Anniversary

My parents added yet another 5 to their marriage date-05/05/05 after completing 5 years yesterday. Our earlier plan to head out to Nainital had to be shelved due to lack of time and my mom was certainly not happy about that.......Papa's promise to redeem it in some other form fell on deaf ears initially......but as the day progressed, my mom's mood began improving and in the evening we decided to go out for a family dinner. As my mom's phone isn't working anymore, my papa decided to buy her a new phone as her anniversary present. So, he took her to Chroma Store on the way; but too much of variety ended up confusing my mom......In the end, she decided to return after some online research on the currently available phones.......

Family dinners for us usually means dining at IKay's for their accommodating nature towards kids....Prying eyes don't follow kids every moment and we are good to be left alone to do our bit while elders eat their lunch/dinner......Yesterday, we found company in couple of other four of us were doing "round and round" with ocassional fights......And, who else but me was the one who would beat the other two as and when they tried to bully my Rudra bhai.......

While everyone was busy having their dinner, two of us sneaked out. My papa was vigilant enough to take note of sudden silence and ran out to find us standing outside the door of the adjacent pub- with me talking to the tall and big bodied bouncer.......The bouncer jokingly asked us- "do you want to go inside" ......... "YES" was the loud answer; he wasn't expecting us to be so prompt with our reply.......As he was busy trying to figure out his reply, somebody opened the door to come out.......And, that was all we were were waiting for; we barged in even before they could come out.......leaving the couple and the bouncer smiling.........

With my both hands raised over my shoulders and my Rudra bhai by my side, we quickly hit the dance floor......the bouncer uncle allowed my papa to follow us......Our entry on the dance floor didn't go unnoticed to the boisterous crowd; and the entire attention shifted to two of us, infact three of us, as by then the third kid inside the Ikay's too joined us.........The DJ changed the song to

to make it little soft on our ears......We were indifferent to the song, as all we were interested in was to tap our feet. By them my Ashu chacha, Shikha chachee and mom too came in........As my papa wasn't carrying a camera, one of the guests handed his camera to my papa allowing him to capture the moments; ......moments that had to be cut short as we were quite late............Gatecrashing ended soon thereafter and the bouncer was all at smiles-very unusual sight to see them smile!

My papa is now waiting for the pictures to arrive on email; but for that guy's thoughtfulness; he would have lost an opportunity to capture something this great!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Free For All!

Both, I and my Rudra bhai are relishing and making best use of our "free for all" days as we moved into our new house yesterday. With everyone busy doing something- firstly packing and now unpacking stuff/belongings; watchful eyes don't follow us like a shadow.......they peep in and out at fairly longish intervals; in between we get enough time to do stuff that we are good at- playing with mud-slush (after rain effect), run around everywhere, sneak out downstairs (new house is on first floor and they have not gotten used to bolting the door from inside), throw things around, eat anything that comes in our hands; the list just doesn't end; words do!.......

With such a huge list of available activities, a constant tussle is always on to outsmart the other and be on the driver seat. Net result is nothing but fights at regular intervals......few bites here and few there, one slap here and another there......And, despite my age, I am the one who gets to win most of these battles.......... with my Rudra bhai mostly at the receiving end.......However, after every such act, I have made it a habit to ask him- "Davayee (Hindi word for medicine used by me to ask him should I apply ointment?)........ But biting him on his hand and then asking him if he needs ointment are two separate and mutually exclusive acts ...It just happens that I am the one who is the doer of both!......

As my papa is writing this, I just did something that made him shout and laugh in quck succession......And, you know what I did?

Well, I just pulled my Rudra bhai's long hairs moving them in circles and singing "round and round-round and round".....until my Rudra bhai started shouting for help.......thus prompting my papa to shout at me........I quickly figured out that I am at fault so I went upto my papa and raising my right cheek, I said-"idhar maaro" meaning (slap me here) eyes were closed waiting for the imminent......Once, my left cheek's turn got over, I got down from the bed.....went upto our dressing table and started shouting again- "Davayee (meaning should I get you some ointment?)..........Although, all this was not meant to be a joke, but for some reason, it was good enough to make everyone burst into a laughter!

Now, what else would you expect from a eighteen month old......yes, turned eighteen months today!`



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